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"Karumegam mattum thanae boomiyila mazha thoovum, azhagu mazha thoovum..."

Only dark clouds could drizzle the beautiful rain on this world...

"Karupaana raathiriya thedi nila varum pogum, thinam varum pogum..."

To meet the dark night, the moon comes by, it comes by every day...

Singing one of my favorite songs, I pluck my clothes one by one from the shelf and throw them inside the splayed-open luggage laying on the bed. I'm not particularly gloomy about leaving my hometown. If any, I'm very excited to explore the new city where we will be shifting to within a few hours.

Being an IPS officer, father sometimes would be gone for a long period of time to different places, to investigate and deal with the crimes committed by the fellow citizens. I would be sulking without his presence till he returns safely.

This time, he has been issued a transfer to Chennai and father isn't spilling the true motive behind this abrupt transfer even to his own daughter! But I didn't pester him more as I understood it was something very confidential and disturbing him would only give him headaches which I'm absolutely not interested in causing to my dear father.

He is an extremely good man who is strict when necessary and evenly caring as well. He is my universe and I would do anything he wants me to for I possess immense love and great respect for him.

Father could've easily remarried someone as soon as he lost Mother after merely two years of togetherness. Yet he strongly declined that idea even after all of his family had urged him to. Instead, he chose to be loyal to his wife out of the love he had for her and took care of me on his own.

When my father wasn't around, my paternal grandmother would be looking after me along with my father's elder brother's wife, my periyamma.

(Father's elder brother is referred to as periyappa, and his wife is referred to as periyamma)

She has two sons named Aravind and Arun. The former is 26, an architect, currently fishing for a girlfriend while the latter is 23, an engineering graduate who is hunting for a job.

They are some of the sweetest people born on this earth. They literally treat me like a princess and have spoiled me with their act of purchasing me anything and everything even before I could ask for it. It's how they showcase their affection for me and sometimes I feel so guilty because neither could I deny nor I could accept it wholeheartedly. If I refute receiving the things they obtain for me, they would insert this sympathy-inducing dialogue that goes like,

'So you don't see us as your brothers? Are we just another stranger to you? We are disappointed Kuyil. For us, you are our little sister and it's hurtful to realize that you haven't yet recognized us as your elder brothers...' and they would not speak with me unless I accepted what they had brought for me.

Aravind anna(elder brother) had presented me with a scooter a year back on my 19th birthday and everyone was too shocked by his act of love. The vehicle cost 1lakh+ and it was the first ever time when I saw a little disapproving frown on my periyamma's face.

I don't blame her. Because no matter how much love my brothers pour on me, I'm not their literal sibling and it would surely incite irritation to their mother when her sons spend all their hard-earned money on me rather than their mom...

Apart from that, Periyamma is also a loving woman. Then there's my Periyappa who is quite a silent man, an ayurvedic doctor, and has established his own clinic nearby.

"Thank god, I won't have to listen to this donkey's crying from tomorrow," my thoughts disappear and I abruptly halt singing, heeding my grandmother's mocking words.

With a pout, I gaze at her and she smiles as she enters and pinches both of my cheeks. "I was just kidding," I beam upon listening to her and soon, she has me engulfed in a warm embrace.

"Do you really have to go Kuyil?" She asks in a dull tone once she pulls away. "I want to paati,(Grandma) He would have to stay alone there and I can't allow that," she nods her head understandingly.

Grandma's husband had perished due to his heart ailment when I was 7 months old and I was considered an unlucky child as post my birth, two of my family members had exited this world...

It took a toll on me when I was a child but grandma and father played an important role in helping me turn a deaf ear to the derogatory remarks of the people and put up a positive attitude always. And as for that reason, most of the time I would have a smile painted on my lips.

As I resume packing, Grandma perches on the bed next to my luggage and smiles to herself. I quirk my eyebrows at her, questioningly. "I'm just wondering about your state after marriage. How would you manage being away from your father?" I sigh at her query.

"I know there will come a time when I will have to stray away from him. Thus grandma, at least until then, I want to spend as much time as I could with my father," I offer a small smile to her as I respond.

Even though I don't want to get married anytime soon, my father will definitely pick a groom for me eventually. And I could never disobey or go against his decision, even If it costs my happiness.

"Seri seri (okay, okay) pack the things quickly and come out, the breakfast is ready," I nod at her and fasten the process of stuffing the clothes inside the luggage.

Once in the dining place, I'd to face two grumpy males who were extremely disheartened by my transfer to Chennai along with my father. My grandma and even Periyappa were also a little gloomy at our departure but Periyamma seemed to not care much about my soon-to-be absence which actually hurts...

However, I maintained the glow on my face and poked my brothers' legs beneath the table, and pouted at them to speak to me. They dramatically turned their heads in different directions while Periyappa shook his head at his sons' childish actions.

Post the breakfast, Father and I were ready to go to the airport. I hugged my periyamma and kissed her cheeks. She just patted my head in return.

Then I embraced my grandma who pecked my forehead and asked me to take care of myself and my father.

And finally, when I stood before my brothers with my eyes drowning in tears, they gave up their facade and wrapped me in a bear hug.

"Call us If you face any issues there okay?" Aravind anna says and Arun anna nods at me, assuringly.

With a grin on my tear-stained cheeks, I reply to them, "Who would dare to cause problems to the Inspector's daughter!?"


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