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Don't forget to check out chapter 11 guys and do comment❤


Ear-bleeding thunder wakes me up from my deep slumber and I get perturbed by the darkness that I was met with. What in the world!? Have I been dozing off till night? I vaguely remember putting on the music channel and sluggishly laying on the couch...

How did I fall so into sleep? Must be my depression's doing. I crave human interaction, especially my neighbor's. It's not that I'm interested in him or something, but the fact is that I've never had such issues with anyone and as far I recollect from my memories, I've never hurt people and made them not speak to me. This feels new and I despise myself for I have behaved insensitively with my neighbor.

If I could, I would apologize to him. However, he doesn't even mind my existence and whenever we cross paths, fear wraps around my tongue, preventing me from conversing with him. And in the end, I became depressed.

Besides all that, now I should find a way to my room and grab the emergency light. The murky environment was scary but as I carefully rose from the couch by rectifying my bizarre sleeping position, I felt the presence of a person other than me. With the blurry view that I could make out of him, I'm sure he isn't my father. My father is bulky and apart from that, he would have awakened me as soon as he was here.

Hence this is certainly a thief!!

With a low gasp and palpitating heart, I cautiously get myself down to the floor and crawl in the direction of the kitchen. If I could get my hands on the pan, then I'm definite that I could handle the thief...unless he bears a gun and shoots me.

No, that shouldn't happen. I'm still young, I'm yet to live the most of life. My hands start to shake as I heed the thief's footsteps fading away. Where is he going? Although he seemed to exit the flat, I still maintained my pace to execute my plan. Another horrifying thunder along with lightning struck the world and the flash that stayed for seconds helped me figure out the location of the pan.

Keeping the path in mind, I stalked the same and somehow got hold of the pan. Just as I did so, it caused a sound to rise within the kitchen and I pulled my breath in as simultaneously I heard the footsteps being re-established in our flat and then marching towards the kitchen! God, help me.

With the pan held tightly in my hand, I hurriedly concealed myself behind the kitchen door so that I could catch him off guard and smash his head properly. The head injury will cause him to go unconscious quicker and If I had to save myself, I would have to whack his head harshly. I haven't harmed anyone physically before, but If I hold back now, he could rob our money and might even kill or assault me.

You got it, Kuyili. Be brave. Take a deep breath.

He is here!

My grip on the handle becomes stronger as the person approaches the kitchen. Two more steps...

I made out the hazy image of the person and instantly got into action, swinging the pan straight at the back of his head. He shrieks and turns around but I act swiftly as my survival instinct kicks in causing me to land another shot on his head. That one was a bit aggressive. Even so, If I leave him injured and mobile, he will charge at me more brutally. Thus I ought to have him fainted.

I throw another strike and he finally plummets to the floor. My shivering self stood there like a statue for a few minutes and when I overcame my fear and calmed down a bit, I put the pan away.

I felt proud of myself as I watched the unclear image of the man lying on the floor. Damn you! I'm the daughter of an IPS officer!

Releasing a relieved breath, I made my way out of the kitchen and was stunned at the placement of an emergency light in the living room. Did he bring it? What kind of thief brings emergency light with them?

Gulping, I grasp the emergency light and saunter back to the kitchen to see the face of the thief. The moment the light flashes across his bleeding head, the realization of what I had done bursts within me, rendering my body to shake violently.

I made a huge mistake!!

Kneeling beside his body, I call out his name repeatedly but he doesn't open his eyes. There's no movement. Feeling horrendous, I check his breathing, and only after the breath hit my skin did I ease a bit.

But still, I've to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. Running to grab my mobile with the assistance of the emergency light, I pick my mobile from the room and dial the ambulance service.

After stating the address and the flat number, I rush back to my neighbor and wail as I see the blood oozing out of the side of his head endlessly. He's losing a lot of blood! What should I do...should I tie a cloth around his head? Is it okay??

I again hurry to my room and grab a white towel. Returning to him, I encircle the towel around his head quite rigidly. The bleeding doesn't seem to halt but after a while, it did...

Minutes later, he was placed inside the ambulance and I sat alongside him, cursing myself internally for acting so recklessly. He should be fine...please god.

I weep harder and call my dad along the way to the hospital. He didn't pick up and I gave up trying to call him as dread fills me due to the delay in reaching the hospital as a result of the heavy downpour...

Somehow, after a long time, we arrived at the hospital and he was escorted to the ward while I stood outside, crying my heart out for injuring my neighbor.

Please be alright...


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