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2 days later

Kuyili has been taking utmost care of me, and at this point, I would be so disheartened when I should have to get back to my regular routine. Nevertheless, I decided to relish this time as long as it lasts. We benefit nothing from burdening about the inevitable anyway.

The day was going as usual. Kuyili provided me with breakfast and then went to her flat to prepare the rice. I may be mistaken, but Kuyili stares at me so endearingly at times that I can't help but get some wrong ideas. However, the only thing holding me back from endorsing that speculation is her naturally friendly and cheerful personality. She might just be regarding me as her good friend but even If she did have the motives I doubt so, I wouldn't ever be able to figure it out, given her amiable nature.

Letting a breath out, I perch on the couch, thinking about Kuyili and whether or not, I could trust her. After my ex-wife's betrayal, I could hardly bring myself to believe people. I may look cool with my friends or anyone for that matter but...there has always been room for skeptical thoughts, which is unsettling but necessary. I can't stand any more heartbreaks or betrayal so I've to be cautious.

At the same time though, I wish I could trust someone again, blindly. It ensures a true bond and I've been lacking it for years now.

Halting my thoughts, the door to my flat bursts open, revealing four people. Three of my friends and Deepthi- the friend I'd been avoiding.

Because I've denied dating Kuyili, these guys must have manipulated Deepthi and brought her here to patch up with me. The girl is a kind and bold one. Though I don't speak to her as much as I used to, we still converse when it's professional work that demands the conversation.

My eyes glare up at the three guys who look so proud of themselves for convincing and bringing Deepthi here. Just cause I've been loosening myself a bit with Kuyili, these guys must have reckoned that I would have absolutely zero problem resuming my friendship with Deepthi and perhaps, even start a relationship.

They are desperate, trying to match me up with a girl. But I can understand that it's their concern and love for me which is prompting them to do such things.

"How are you doing? Are you alright?" Deepthi queries, stepping towards me. I stand on my foot and send another cold gaze to my friends before darting my view to Deepthi, who appears worried. She's tall--similar to my height, fair, and has dark curly hair that reaches her waist. She seems anxious most of the time but drastically changes into a courageous girl in certain important events. As far as I know her, she's a decent and good woman.

"I'm okay now," I reply, calmly. "Can we talk privately?" Before I can respond to her, my friends blurt out excitedly. "Of course, we'll be in the neighboring flat to give you privacy!"
These guys...!


"Hello!" I chirp with surprise as I notice my neighbor's friends in the living room. "Why are you here..." I trail off and bite my tongue, acknowledging how unwelcoming that sounded. But then again, why are they here instead of being in my neighbor's apartment?

Ignoring my comment, Kiran brother starts to speak casually. "So you see Kuyili, a girl friend of Vishwa is talking to him right now and she wanted to say something privately to him so we came here to give them privacy," he shrugs nonchalantly while I feel my heart skipping a beat upon heeding his words...

"Girlfriend!?" I boom, approaching Kiran brother who is reclined on the armrest of the couch. The other two are beside him, staring at me with terror. Of course, that's the reaction they would offer to a girl that looks as insane as me!!

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