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Someone's pov.

Beautiful morning, beautiful me and my beautiful family was having dinner while sitting in dining room.

Hi, it's me, myself and Kim Jimin, I was born in Kim's family, I have three brothers, Kim Namjoon, Kim Jungkook and Kim Hoseok.

My brothers are married, Kim Namjoon is married to Kim Seokjin, Kim Jungkook is married to Kim Taehyung and Kim Hoseok is married to Kim Younghoon.

Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung was brothers while Kim Younghoon was a random dilevery boy, my brother Hoseok fell hard for him.

He used to call him daily to deliver pizza, at first we weren't suspicious but then we saw him teasing that dilevery guy.

Well love isn't a crime so we never had any problem, he liked the boy and he married him simple, well my brother Kim Namjoon is CEO.

Kim Jungkook is University's professor while Kim Hoseok is a singer and about my brother-in-laws so Kim Seokjin owns a restaurant.

Kim Taehyung is University's student and Kim Younghoon was dilevery guy as I told you before but now he is continuing his studies, he is University's student.

It was his dream to become an artist to Hoseok hyung fulfil his love's dream, we'll about me so........

I'm 19 years old, I study in high school, I used to study in Mexico, I used to live with my grandparents but now I thought to shift here.

I don't wanna burden them anyone that's why I shifted here, I'll be joining my high school from tomorrow, well talking about my love life so..........

I never loved anyone, I feels like no one deserves me, I'm sassy and flirty as well, I can flirt but I can't like someone, that's how my personality is.

I think I can never fell in love, maybe someone will prove my words wrong, I don't know but till now I don't like anyone.

End of pov.

Let's start the story.

"Minnie, where are you lost?"Jin said
"No where hyung"Jimin said
"Then eat your breakfast"Jin said
Jimin starts to eat his breakfast.
"Hyung"Jimin said
"Yes baby?"Jin said
"I'll be going for shopping today as I have to go to school tomorrow"Jimin said
"Alright you can go but take someone with you"Jin said
"No hyung, I'll go alone, I won't get lost"Jin said
"Minnie take me with you"Taehyung said

Kim Taehyung, maybe he is a model but is completely a baby for his husband and hyungs, he is soulmate of Jimin.

"Alright I'll take you Taetae"Jimin said
"Thank you Minnie"Taehyung squealed in happiness
"Now finish your breakfast kids"Namjoon said
They all starts to eat when Jin said.
"Joon"Jin said
"Yes honey?"Namjoon
"Ohooo Honey"Jimin said while smirking
"Yah shut up"Jin said while blushing
"Hehe, sorry honey"Jimin said with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face
"Namjoon don't call me with these names Infront of kids"Jin said
"Fine now tell me what happened"Namjoon said
"Are you free today?"Jin said
"No, I've meeting with Mr Lee today, why are you asking?"Namjoon said
"I wanted to visit my friend"Jin said
"You can go on your own Jin"Namjoon said
"I can't yesterday a moron bumped into my car, I hate him"Jin said
"What? Are you alright?"Namjoon said
"I'm alright but HECALLEDMEOLDUNCLE"Jin said
"Woah, calm down hyung"Jimin said
Jin took a deep breathe and said.

"When I told him to drive carefully he said you shouldn't drive, I asked why, you know what he said?"Jin said

"What?"Jungkook asked curiously
"He called me an old uncle"Jin said furiously
"What how dare he called worldwide handsome old uncle"Jimin said
Hoseok was trying so hard to control his laughing when Jin said.
"I'll chop your balls Hobi if you laughed"Jin said
Hoseok gulped and said.
"I-I'm not laughing h-Hyung"Hoseok said
"Yeah hyung, he wasn't laughing"Younghoon said
"Stop defending your moron husband"Jin said
"Hehe, sorry"Younghoon said
"Calm down hyung, he must be a blind, you're beautiful"Taehyung said
"Yes hyung"Jimin said
"Yes, I believe my Taetae and Chim"Jin said
"So how you'll go now?"Jungkook said
"You'll drop me Mr bunny"Jin said
"Why me?"Jungkook said while whining
"You wanna get beaten by me"Jin said
Jungkook gulped and said.
"N-no hyung, I'll drop you"Jungkook said
"Better for you"Jin said
After sometimes they were done with breakfast.
Everyone wents to their perspective works while Vmin wents to the shopping mall.

After they was done doing shopping they were walking on road when someone bumped into Jimin making him fell.

"Ahhh, you fucking moron"Jimin said
"I'm sorry kid"Someone said
"The hell sorry, I'll kill you"Jimin said
He was ready to attack that person but Taehyung held him from the behind.
"Hey hey hey, calm down Jimin"Taehyung said
"Leave me, let me kill this bitch"Jimin said
"It was an accident kid"Someone said
"Accident my foot"Jimin said
He hit that guy on his stomach and wents from there as if nothing has happened.
"I'm sorry Mr for his misbehaver"Taehyung said
"It's alright"That Someone said
Taehyung bowed to him and wents behind Jimin.

"Ahhh Jimin, nice name, Min Yoongi will take his revenge for sure"Yoongi said

Min Yoongi, the only hiers of Mins, lives alone in his flat, his mother an father lives in Daegue, his father wants him to be next CEO.

But he didn't wanted to be, he wanted to do something on his own so he become a teacher, a Sensei, he teach him Seoul's biggest school.

He is 25 years old, in school each and every student loves him but he don't care about anyone he is cold from outside but soft from inside.

"I'll surely take my revenge"Yoongi said
He wents from there.

Meanwhile with Vmin.
"What was that Jimin?"Taehyung said
"He is blind, he bumped into me"Jimin said
"Aish he just bumped he did nothing"Taehyung said
"I don't care, let's go back to the home now"Jimin said
"You got hurt anywhere?"Taehyung said
"I guess my knee, it's paining"Jimin said
"Let's go to the hospital first then"Taehyung said
"No way, I ain't going to the hospital"Jimin said
"You've to go"Taehyung said
"No"Jimin said
"Then I'll tell Jin hyung"Taehyung said
"Tae, please don't"Jimin said
"Then let's go to the hospital"Taehyung said
"Alright let's go"Jimin said
Then they wents to the hospital.
After getting treated they were going home when Jimin's phone starts to ring.
He took out his phone and saw his friend were calling him.
"Hey bro"Jimin said
"Hey dude"Niki said
"What you want?"Jimin said
"Come to the night club, me, Jake and Jungwo are here"Niki said
"Alright, I'm coming"Jimin said
He hung the phone said.
"Taetae, I'm going to night club"Jimin said
"But you're injured"Taehyung said
"I'm alright, please tell Jin hyung, I'm with my friends"Jimin said
"Alright go, I'll go to the home"Taehyung said
"Alright bye"Jimin said
Taehyung wents to the home while Jimin wents to the club.

He came to the club and saw his friends sitting there.
"Hey guys"Jimin said
"Hey Jimin"Three of them said
"Why you called me here?"Jimin said
"It's been a long time since we all meet"Jake said
"True though, well what we are doing today?"Jimin said
"First come , I'll introduce you to our new friend"Jungwoo said

To be continue:)
Who is that new friend? Do comments please, I like reading your comments so please do comments.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now