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"Seeing him, it feels like he's in depression and he isn't happy from his heart, he's just pretending to be happy"Doctor said

Yoongi didn't know what to reply.
"I'll suggest you to make him happy and take proper care of him"Doctor said
"Ok doctor, I'll make sure of it"Yoongi said
"Alright, you can take your leave"Doctor said
"Thank you doctor"Yoongi said
"You're welcome"Doctor said while smiling
Yoongi was about to go outside when he stopped and said.
"Can I meet that kid?"Yoongi asked
"Yes, you can"Doctor said
"Ok doctor"Yoongi said
He wents from there.

Meanwhile at university.
Here Younghoon and Taehyung were sitting in their class when Taehyung said.
"Hyung"Taehyung said
"Yeah Tae?"Younghoon replied
"I don't feels right"Taehyung said
"Huh? What do you mean?"Younghoon said
"I don't know, I just don't feel alright"Taehyung said
"Are you having pain anywhere, should we go to infirmary?"Younghoon said
"No, I'm alright"Taehyung said
"Let's go to Jungkook hyung"Younghoon said
"Let's not disturb him"Taehyung said
"Shut up"Younghoon said
He got up and said.
"Mr Park"Younghoon said
"Yes Younghoon?"Mr Park replied
"Can I take Taehyung to infirmary, he isn't feeling well"Younghoon asked
"Sure, take him"Mr Park said
"Let's go"Younghoon said
"Let's not disturb Kookie"Taehyung said
"Shut up Taehyung and get up"Younghoon said
He held Taehyung's wrist and starts to drag him out of the class.

Outside the Jungkook's cabin.
"Hyung, let's go back to the class"Taehyung said
"No, we are going inside, that's it"Younghoon said
"I don't wanna make him worried"Taehyung said
"He won't be, let's go inside"Younghoon said

He was about to knock on the door when Taehyung held his hand and dragged him to the corner.

"What's wrong Tae?"Younghoon said
"Let's just go back to the class"Taehyung said
"Shut up Taehyung"Younghoon said
Taehyung was about to say something when a professor came.
"Taehyung and Younghoon, what are you doing here?"Professor Lee asked
Younghoon was about to say something when Professor Lee said.
"I got it, you guys bunked the class"Professor Lee said
"N-no sir"Younghoon said
"Shut up, let me take you to principal"Professor Lee said
"We are doomed"Taehyung thought
"Sorry sir but he haven't bunked the class believe us"Younghoon said
"Shut up and follow me"Professor Lee said
Younghoon and Taehyung didn't argued more and starts to follow him.

Soon they reach principal's cabin and wents inside.
"What's wrong Professor Lee?"Principal asked
"These boys bunked the class sir"Professor Lee said
"Is it true boys?"Professor asked calmly

"No sir, Taehyung wasn't feeling well so I asked Professor Park and I was taking him to infirmary"Younghoon said

"Stop lying"Professor Lee said
"You can ask Professor Park sir"Younghoon said to the principal
"Ok"Principal said
He told peon to call Mr Park and after sometimes Mr Park cames inside.
"You called me sir?"Professor Park asked
"Yes, these boys asked permission from you to go to infirmary?"Principal asked
"Yes, Taehyung wasn't feeling well so Younghoon asked me"Professor Park said
"Alright, you can go"Principal said
Professor Park wents from there.
"You guys can go to the infirmary, Taehyung doesn't seems well"Principal said
"Sir, if you don't mind, can I take him to Professor Jeon?"Younghoon asked
"Obviously Younghoon, he's his husband, take him"Principal said
"Thank you sir, let's go Tae"Younghoon said
They both bowed and wents from there.

"Professor Lee next time before bringing kids here, ask them properly"Principal said

Professor Lee looked down in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry sir"Professor Lee said
"It's alright, you can go"Principal said
Professor Lee bowed Infront of principal and wents from there.

Meanwhile Younghoon bring Taehyung to Jungkook's cabin.
"Hyung"Younghoon said
"What happened hoonie?"Jungkook asked
"Tae, isn't feeling well"Younghoon said
"What's wrong Tae baby, come here"Jungkook said
Taehyung wents to him and Jungkook made him sit on his lap.
"You can go Hoon"Jungkook said
"Ok hyung, take care of Tae"Younghoon said
He wents from there.
"Will you tell me what happened baby?"Jungkook asked
"I don't feels right Kookie"Taehyung replied
"What do you mean?"Jungkook asked
"Feels like something bad is going to happen"Taehyung replied
He placed his head on Jungkook's chest and closed his eyes.
"Everything will be alright bun"Jungkook said
He kissed Taehyung's forehead who hugged him tightly.
"Wanna go home?"Jungkook asked
"No, it's fine"Taehyung replied
"Are you sure baby?"Jungkook asked again
"I'm sure Kookie, I'm alright"Taehyung replied
"Alright, as you says, wanna have strawberry milk?"Jungkook asked
"Yes"Taehyung replied
"Alright, I'll buy for you in break"Jungkook said
"Ok"Taehyung said
He again put his head on Jungkook's chest again and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile with Jimin.
Here Jimin was laying in the room and his eyes were closed.
"When you'll wake up"Yoongi said
He held his hand in his own and begin to caress it.
After couple of minutes he didn't realised when he slept from tiredness.
Meanwhile Jimin woke up.
He opened his eyes and adjust the bright light coming from the tube light.
"Mhm, where am I?"Jimin spoke
He looked around just to see Yoongi sitting beside him.
"Huh? What am I doing here?"Jimin thought
He suddenly remembered how he fainted while crying.
"Did he bought me here"Jimin said
He put his hand on Yoongi's cheek and begin to caress it.

"I love you so much but I know you don't love me back, I wish you would love me maybe not now but in the future"Jimin said

He got up from the bed and wents outside.
Without anyone noticing him, he wents out of the hospital.
Meanwhile Yoongi woke up after a while and didn't found Jimin on the bed.
"Huh, Jimin? Where did he went?"Yoongi said
He got up and said.
"Maybe he wents to the washroom, let's check it"Yoongi said
He got up and wents to the washroom but he couldn't found Jimin.
Just then his phone received an notification.
He opened it and saw it was Jimin's text.
That naughty kid(my love).
That was Jimin's contact saved in Yoongi's phone.
Sensei, I've reached the home, thank you for helping me, bye.
Yoongi didn't know what to reply.
He was getting a sign that Jimin is mad at him.
He replied with an ok and turned off his phone.
After filling formalities he also wents to his home.

In Yoongi's dorm.
He was sitting in his room wondering what's wrong with Jimin.
"What's wrong with that kid"Yoongi said
"Why he is avoiding me?"Yoongi said
"Did I hurted him?"Yoongi said
"I don't remember but did I"Yoongi said
He starts to think when he hurted Jimin.
"Wait a second, is he hurt because I said I kissed him accidentally"Yoongi said
"No, he can't be hurt because of this"Yoongi said
"Does he likes me? No no it can't be, he's just my student"Yoongi said
"Agh, it's frustrating, I've to find out the reason"Yoongi said
He laid on the bed and starts to think again.

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now