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Jimin was going to Yoongi's cabin, Yoongi's room was just beside library.

Jimin was passing from outside the library when he saw something when make him hella shocked.

Jimin saw Yoongi holding a girl's collar, basically her chest was exposed and she was crying.

Jimin got shocked to see this.
"W-what"Jimin spoke while being all shocked
Running away from situation wasn't right.
He wents inside the library.

He realised that girl from Yoongi's grip and spoke.
"You alright?"Jimin asked from that girl
She didn't replied and run away from there.
Yoongi was looking at Jimin with shocked and nervous look.
"I didn't expected this from you"Jimin said with a disappointed look
"Jimin, listen to me"Yoongi said
"There's nothing left to listen Sensei"Jimin said
"You're misunderstanding Jimin"Yoongi said
"I'm not misunderstanding anything"Jimin said
"No Jimin, reality is not what it looks like"Yoongi said
"Yeah right because I thought you're a good man"Jimin said
Yoongi was about to say something when Jimin said.
"But I was wrong, you're a freaking---"Jimin stopped
"I can't disrespect you Sensei"Jimin said
Jimin was about to go when Yoongi held his wrist.
"Please Jimin listen to me"Yoongi said
Jimin yanked his hand and said.
"Don't you ever dare to touch me"Jimin said
"Jimin please"Yoongi said as he again held Jimin's wrist
"I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME"Jimin yelled on the top of his lungs
"Don't make noise here"A teacher said
"Sorry"Jimin said
He bowed and wents from there.
Yoongi's pov.
I was in the library because I wanted to fresh my mind.
I was sad from the morning because I had fight with mom.
I guess I misbehave with her, I need to apology.
Aish, I'm frustrated on myself.
End of pov.
He was standing in the library when a girl came there.
"Sensei can you help me with this?"That girl said
"Sure Ryunjin"Yoongi said
He starts to help her when Ryunjin noticed a cockroach there.
"Ahhhhhh"Ryunjin yelled
Yoongi noticed that cockroach.
That cockroach wents inside Ryunjin's shirt.
"AHHHHHHH"Ryunjin yelled
And that's when just to save her Yoongi did all this and Jimin miss understood him.
End of Flashback.
"Aish, what the hell, he misunderstood me again"Yoongi said
He frustratingly wents to his office.

Meanwhile Jimin came to the rooftop.
"What's written in my fate God?"Jimin said
"I'm tired of bearing this pain"Jimin said
"I'm not happy, not even from single person"Jimin said
"This, this world is hurting me"Jimin said
Tear starts to flow from his beautiful eyes.
"I wanna go to mom & dad"Jimin said
"Mom & Dad, please call me up there"Jimin said
He sit on the floor and starts to cry hard.
His hands were covering his face.
"I don't wanna live"Jimin said
"I wanna die, I can't bear this anymore"Jimin said
"Everyone's hurting me mom, please come back"Jimin said
"I hate this, I hate myself"Jimin said
"I wanna die, I wanna die"Jimin said
He starts to mumbled 'I wanna die' but sooner he got tired.

Meanwhile with Baekhyun.
Here Baekhyun was sitting in the cafeteria.
"Where's Jimin left"Baekhyun said
"Let's go and see him"Baekhyun said
He got up and wents from there.

He firstly wents to the washroom but didn't found Jimin.
He then thought to go to Yoongi's cabin.
"Let's go to Sensei's cabin"Baekhyun said
He wents to Yoongi's cabin.
After knocking and getting permission, he came inside.

"Sensei"Baekhyun said
"Yes Baekhyun?"Yoongi said
"Do you know where's Jimin?"Baekhyun asked
"Huh? What do you mean?"Yoongi asked

"After class he told me to go to cafeteria, he said he'll come in sometimes but till now he didn't came back"Baekhyun said

"What? Where did he went?"Yoongi asked
"How am I suppose to know Sensei"Baekhyun said
"It's time for class, Baekhyun go to the class, I'll find Jimin"Yoongi said
"But"Baekhyun said
"No but, go to the class, I promise to find him"Yoongi said
"Alright Sensei"Baekhyun said
He wents from there meanwhile Yoongi wents to find him.
After searching for almost whole school he went to rooftop.

He was about to go downstairs again after searching rooftop when he saw someone laying on the floor.

He wents there just to see Jimin laying on the floor.
"J-Jimin"Yoongi said
He took his Jimin's head on his lap and starts to shake him.
"Jimin, are you alright baby?"Yoongi said
He picked Jimin up and rushed downstairs.

He directly wents to to hospital.
He didn't care about the people who were staring at him.
Soon he reached the hospital.
Jimin was still faint.

Right now he was standing outside and doctors were checking Jimin.
"I hope you're alright Jimin"Yoongi said
He was Hella worried for Jimin.
"Agh, it's frustrating"Yoongi said
"Why do I feel so exhausted"Yoongi said
"He's just my student, nothing else"Yoongi said
"Do I have feelings for him"Yoongi said

"What the hell am I even thinking, I can't gain feelings for him after all he's just my student and I'm just his Sensei"Yoongi said

He was frustratingly walking in the hospital.
"Should I call his parents? I mean his things"Yoongi said
"They must be worried"Yoongi said
"Well it's still school time, I'll call them later"Yoongi said
He starts to pray for Jimin's health and starts to take round.
After half hour doctor came outside.
After seeing doctor, Yoongi hurriedly rushed to him.
"How's he doctor?"Yoongi asked
"He's all fine now"Doctor said
"What happened to him? Why he fainted earlier?"Yoongi asked
"He took stress that's why"Doctor said
"Oh ok"Yoongi said
"Don't let him take any kind of stress"Doctor said
"I won't, I'll take care of him"Yoongi said
"Great, now come with me, I've to ask something"Doctor said
"Yes, let's go"Yoongi said
He wents behind doctor.

In doctor's cabin.
"What's the name of the patient?"Doctor asked
"Kim Jimin"Yoongi replied
"What is he to you?"Doctor asked
"He, he's my friend's brother"Yoongi replied
"Alright"Doctor said
He pay the amount and doctor said.
"Is this kid in depression?"Doctor asked
"Huh? Why you asked?"Yoongi questioned

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now