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(Reuploaded and edited {the last line})

Taehyung also laid on the bed and hugged him, Jimin put his head on Taehyung's chest and hugged him tightly.

They both slept while hugging each other getting each other's warthm.

Time skips to 3 am.
Taehyung was sleeping peacefully while Jimin was still struggling to sleep.
He wasn't able to sleep because of his uncontrollable thoughts.
Someone said truth it's hard to sleep while your mind is at fight with your heart.
His heart was on a fight with his mind.
"Should I really talk to him?"Jimin thought
"But it feels wrong, I'm just his student"Jimin thought
"Ahhh, I hate this"Jimin thought
"I hate it, why he even have to kiss me"Jimin thought
"If he had never done that then I won't be crying by now"Jimin thought
He was crying his heart out without making any noise.

"You gave me the pain my comfort place couldn't even take away"Jimin thought while looking at Taehyung who was sleeping peacefully

He wipped his tears when he felt door being opened.
He closed his eyes and pretend to sleep.
After sometimes he felt someone setting blanket upon him.
It was none other than Jungkook.
"Sleep well my babies"Jungkook said
He pecked Taehyung's lips who was sleeping and kissed Jimin's forehead.

After staying for there couple of minutes while staring at Taehyung, he went out.

Jimin opened his eyes and thought.
"Aish, I should've let Taetae sleep with Jungkook hyung"Jimin thought
"In this cold he came from his room just to see Taetae hyung"Jimin thought
He sighed and closed his eyes.
"Let's sleep, we will decide tomorrow, we've to confess or not"Jimin thought
He closed his eyes and fell in deep slumber.
Time skips to the morning.
Jimin was the first one to wake up.
He sit on the bed and opened his eyes just to see Jungkook hugging Taehyung.
"Aish, he couldn't stay away from Taetae"Jimin spoke while chuckling
He covered both of them with a thick blanket.
After covering them he wents to get freshed.

In the washroom.
Jimin came to the washroom and stood Infront of the mirror.
"Such a beauty infront of me"Jimin said while looking at his reflection
"No one can be more handsome then me, that's a fact"Jimin said

"Aish, I shouldn't praise myself this much, there are so much evil eyes"Jimin said

He laughed at his silly behaviour and starts to take off his clothes.
Time skips after shower.
He took shower and came out and then went downstairs.

He came to the garden and saw someone sitting there.
He wents to him.
It was Namjoon.
"Hyungie"Jimin said
He sat beside Namjoon and hugged him.
"You woke up this early baby"Namjoon said
"Yes"Jimin said while snuggling in Namjoon's chest
"Is anything wrong kiddo?"Namjoon asked
Jimin looked at him for a moment and then spoke.
"Nothing hyung"Jimin said while hugging him
"You can't lie baby, tell hyungie what's wrong?"Namjoon asked again
Jimin broked the hug, he looked at the sky and then spoke.
"It's just I miss Eomma Appa"Jimin said
"You have all of us baby"Namjoon said
"You're right but no one can fulfil space of parents"Jimin said

"I know baby but hyungies are trying their best, if you'll feels like this then hyungies will feel bad"Namjoon said

"They'll think they that all failed to give you parents love, you want them to be sad?"Namjoon questioned

"No hyungie never, I'm sorry"Jimin replied
"Missing them isn't wrong baby but remember you've hyungies"Namjoon said
"I know hyungie, I'm sorry I won't say it again"Jimin said
"It's alright baby, now be happy"Namjoon said
"I'm happy as long as you guys are with me"Jimin said
"That's great, are you going to school today?"Namjoon asked
"Yes"Jimin said
"What are you guys doing here?"Jin said from the behind
"Just talking, when did you woke up?"Namjoon asked
"Sometimes ago, here's your coffee and here for you Minnie"Jin said
He handed them mugs.
"Thank you hyungie"Jimin said as he starts to drink the coffee
Jin also sit beside them.
Time skips.
One by one everyone woke up and gathered in the dining room.

In the dining room.
Everyone was sitting in the dining room when Taehyung came.
"Good morning guys"Taehyung said
"Good morning"Everyone spoke together while smiling
"Are you alright now Minnie?"Taehyung asked
Everyone looked at Jimin who gulped.
"What happened to him?"Younghoon asked
Taehyung mentally faced palm himself for saying this.
"He was just having stomach ache last night"Taehyung said
"Huh? Why? Are you alright now Minnie?"Hoseok asked
"Yes hyungie, I'm fine now"Jimin replied
"Why you had stomach ache?"Jungkook asked
"It's just we ate from a restaurant that was new so maybe that's why"Jimin said
"Alright but it's ok as you're fine now"Jungkook said
"Yeah"Jimin said
"Wanna take a leave today?"Hoseok asked
"No hyung, I'd like to go"Jimin said
"Alright but if you felt unwell then come back soon"Hoseok said
"Alright I'll come back if I felt any pain"Jimin said
"Good"Hoseok said

After breakfast Jimin wents to the school and everyone else wents to their respective works.

In the school.

Jimin came and as usual Yoongi was standing there and every student was greeting him.

Yoongi saw Jimin and thought that Jimin would greet him but Jimin passed by him.

"Huh? What's wrong with this kid"Yoongi thought
He thought maybe Jimin is upset because of something.
That's why he didn't said anything.
Meanwhile with Jimin.

He came to the class and sat beside Baekhyun.
"Yo bro, what's wrong?"Baekhyun asked
"Nothing, I'm just tired Baeksii"Jimin replied
"Hey Jimin"Chanyeol said
Jimin looked at him with annoyed face.
He was about to insult Chanyeol when he remembered something.
"Chanyeol, I wanna meet you today after class"Jimin said
Chanyeol felt happy as he thought Jimin is going to confess to him.
"Where?"Chanyeol asked
"Nearby park"Jimin said
"Alright"Chanyeol said
Chanyeol wents from there as Yoongi came to the class.
"Good morning Sensei"Everyone greeted him
"Good morning class"Yoongi said
He put his belongings on dice and starts to teach.
While Jimin was thinking he should confess to Yoongi or not.
"Kim Jimin"Yoongi called him as he saw Jimin was zoning out
But Jimin didn't listened.
"MR KIM JIMIN"Yoongi yelled
Jimin came out of his thoughts and stood up.
"Y-yes Sensei"Jimin replied
"What's wrong with you? Now a days you aren't focusing"Yoongi said
"Sorry Sensei"Jimin replied while looking down
"Come here and kneel down"Yoongi said
Jimin didn't argue.
He wents to the dice and kneeled near it.
Yoongi sighed and starts to teach again.
Time skips after class.
"Baeksii, go to the cafeteria, I'm coming in a while"Jimin said
"Alright, what should I buy for us?"Baekhyun asked
"Chinese platter"Jimin said
(I know it's high school but I can't think of anything else😅😭)
"Alright, come back soon"Baekhyun said
"Yeah, I'll be coming back soon"Jimin said
He wents from there while Baekhyun wents to the cafeteria.

Jimin was going to Yoongi's cabin, Yoongi's room was just beside library.

Jimin was passing from outside the library when he saw something when make him hella shocked.

Jimin saw Yoongi holding a girl's collar, basically her chest was exposed and she was crying.

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now