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"I'll take my leave then, take care of him"Doctor said
"Thanks for coming"Namjoon said
He wents to leave doctor to the door.
"Ahhh, he keep on hurting himself, I'm worried about him"Jin said
"It's alright hyung, he is just a kid"Younghoon said
"I know but he should take care of himself"Jin said
"Right but we can't do anything now"Younghoon said
"Hm, go out everyone, let him take rest"Jin said
"What about you?"Jungkook asked
"One of us have to stay with him, I'll stay"Jin said
"Ok hyung, let's go Tae"Jungkook said
He wents from their with Taehyung and Younghoon also wents.
"Go Hobi"Jin said
"I won't, I wanna stay with him"Hoseok said
He sat beside Jimin and starts to caress his hairs.

Jin didn't said anything because he knows Hoseok is close to Jimin and loves Jimin more than anything.

"Alright then I'll go and give lunch to everyone"Jin said
"Ok hyung"Hoseok said
"What about you?"Jin asked
"I'll eat with Jimin, he haven't eaten right?"Hoseok asked
"No but you should eat"Jin said
"No, I'll eat with him"Hoseok said
"Alright"Jin said
He got up and wents outside.

He came to the kitchen.
"Hyung"Taehyung said
"Yes Tae?"Jin asked
"Can I help with anything?"Taehyung asked
"No, there's nothing to help"Jin said
"But I wanna help, I'm bored"Taehyung said
"You can go and watch TV"Jin said
"No, I don't wanna"Taehyung said
"Then go and sit with Jungkook"Jin said
"No, I don't wanna"Taehyung said
Jin stopped cooking and looked at Taehyung and then said.
"Had fight with Jungkook?"Jin asked
"How do you know?"Taehyung asked
"I know, I can see your mood is off"Jin said
"Hm, a bit"Taehyung said
"Why you both fought?"Jin asked
"I accidentally burnt his shirt so he scold me"Taehyung said
"Aish this bunny, let me ask him"Jin said
"Leave it hyung, it was his fault, I'm sorry for being clumsy"Taehyung said
"Shut up Taehyung"Jin said
Taehyung didn't said anything.
"JUNGKOOK"Jin yelled
"YES HYUNG"Jungkook yelled from living room
"COMING"Jungkook yelled
After sometimes Jungkook came to the kitchen.
"What's wrong?"Jungkook asked
"You scolded Tae?"Jin asked
"Yes and you, why you told hyung?"Jungkook asked
Taehyung didn't said anything.
"Shut up Jungkook, you are being rude now"Jin said
"What about him? He burnt my favourite shirt"Jungkook said
"It was just a shirt"Jin said
"It was my favourite, I can't get that again"Jungkook said
"You can, I'll buy you new"Jin said
"You can't, I got it from Morocco, how am I suppose to get it again?"Jungkook asked
"You can find and order it again"Jin said
"I don't have this much time"Jungkook said
"I'll do it for you, now say sorry to Tae"Jin said
"Why should I? It's his fault"Jungkook said
"He already said sorry still you scolded him"Jin said
"It was his fault that's why I scolded him"Jungkook said while pouting
Taehyung wents out of the kitchen.
"Tae stop"Jin said
But Taehyung didn't listened.
"Now go and say sorry to him"Jin said
"But"Jungkook said
"I SAID GO"Jin yelled
"Fine fine going"Jungkook said
Jungkook rushed out of the kitchen.

"Tae stop, please listen to me"Jungkook said
But Taehyung didn't said anything.
Jungkook run to him and held his wrist.
"Leave me Jungkook"Taehyung said
"Tae, I'm sorry"Jungkook said
He hugged Taehyung who pushed him.
"DON'T TOUCH ME"Taehyung yelled
"T-Tae"Jungkook said
"N-no Tae, I'm sorry I was just sorry"Jungkook said
"I don't need your sorry, I hate you"Taehyung said
He sat on the floor and starts to cry while throwing his legs.
"Ahhh, he is being sulky now"Jungkook said in low voice
"Aish, I'm sorry my baby get up"Jungkook said
He sat beside Taehyung and hugged him.
"No leave me, you don't love me anymore"Taehyung said
"Are you on your periods?"Jungkook said
"Shut up, I'm guy"Taehyung said
"You have more mood swings then girls you know"Jungkook said
"Shut up before I told Jin hyung to beat your ass"Taehyung said
"Fine fine, I'm sorry"Jungkook said
"It was your fault"Taehyung said
"What was my fault?"Jungkook asked
"That shirt burnt because of your fault"Taehyung said
"And how Mister?"Jungkook asked
"Because you were flirting with me while I was ironing the shirt"Taehyung said
"Ahh fine fine, it's my fault happy?"Jungkook said
"No, I wanna go to a dinner date today"Taehyung said
"Fine, we will go today, happy now?"Jungkook said
"Yes happy"Taehyung said
"Now get up, it's winter, you'll catch cold"Junfkook said
"Pick me up"Taehyung said
"Fine fine"Jungkook said
He picked Taehyung in bridal style and wents to the living room.

Meanwhile with Jimin.
Here he was still sleeping and Hoseok was also sleeping.
Suddenly he opened his eyes slowly and saw Hoseok beside him.
"Ahh, what happened to me"Jimin said
Suddenly he remembered what happened.
"I got injured again"Jimin said while pouting
"Can't do anything about this but I can't even go to school now"Jimin said
"I wish Sensei said yes then this won't happen"Jimin thought
He can't say it, Hoseok might woke up at any moment.

"I'm not sad anymore, I don't know why, maybe because I still have hope, maybe he'll say sorry and confess to me"Jimin thought

"If he did so, I'll ask the reason and forgive him on the very next moment because I really love him"Jimin thought

Meanwhile with Yoongi.
Here Yoongi was cooking while thinking about Jimin.
"I also love him, I guess I should tell him everything"Yoongi said
"Maybe he'll forgive me and we can be in relationship"Yoongi said
"Let's think a little Yoongi"Yoongi said

To be continue:)
Whenever I try to make long story people stop supporting me, only 500 views on last part in 5 days, why?;)))

Aren't you guys liking the story? I'm not letting them get in relationship for now because I wanna make a long story but if guys won't support me then I've to give it a end

And obviously that end won't be proper because I still have so much in my mind to write, can you please support me?:(

My school started again, yeah they arranged summer camps and didn't have us vacations still I'm trying my best to upload more, please support me :(

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