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"Jimin don't take me wrong, I used to love you but not now"Chanyeol said
It was shocking for Jimin but he said.
"Really? How did you fell out of love?"Jimin asked
"I'm sorry but I listened yours and Baekhyun's talks today"Chanyeol said
"Which one?"Jimin asked

"That Sensei one, I don't hate Sensei Jimin and I don't hate you I understand that you love someone else"Chanyeol said

"I used to love you but I felt like I'm forcing you, this isn't love, I found someone who really loves me"Chanyeol said

"Really? Who's he?"Jimin asked
"I'll tell you at the right time just pray that I'll get him now"Chanyeol said

"Obviously you'll get him, you've everything a girl/boy could ever wish for"Jimin said

"That's true but let's see"Chanyeol said
"Yeah, well I've to go now, we will meet in class tomorrow"Jimin said
"Ok, I also have to go, bye"Chanyeol said
After bidding goodbye to each other they wents to their home.

At Jimin's place.
Jimin reached home and saw someone sitting in the living room.
He wents to Taehyung and said.
"Who's he hyung?"Jimin whispered to Taehyung
"He is Namjoon hyung's client"Taehyung whispered back
"Oh ok, should I greet him?"Jimin asked
"Obviously Dumbo"Taehyung said
"Hi uncle, I'm Jimin, little brother of Namjoon hyung"Jimin said
That man smiled and said.
"Hi kid, I'm Min Youngjay, owner of Min's company"Mr Min said
Jimin smiled but he felt a little suspicious like he knows him.
"Hyung, I'm going to get freshed"Jimin said
"Go"Jin said
He got up and wents to his room.

Jimin came to his room and throw his bag on the bed.
He laid on the bed and said.
"Agh, I'm Hella tired, my body aches badly"Jimin said
"But I've to get freshed"Jimin said
"Let's get up Jimin, you've to do it"Jimin said
He got up and wents to the washroom to get freshed.

Meanwhile in the living room.
"So should we work on this deal?"Mr Min asked
"Obviously Mr Min"Namjoon replied
They got up and did handshake.
"Mr Kim, I'd like to invite you on my brother's son's engagement"Mr Min said
"I'll surely come, if I have time"Namjoon said
"I'll wait for you, bring your family there as well"Mr Min said
"Sure, when is it?"Namjoon asked
"This Wednesday"Mr Min said
"Not sure but I'll try to come"Namjoon said
"I'll be looking forward to your arrival"Mr Min said
Namjoon smiler hearing this.
"Where is Jimin left?"Jin thought
"Taehyung, go and check on Jimin"Jin said
"Ok hyung"Taehyung said
He got up and wents to Jimin's room.

He came to Jimin's room and opened the room.
He saw Jimin sleeping.
"This kid is sleeping and we are waiting for him"Taehyung said
"Let's go and tell hyung"Taehyung said
He again went downstairs.

He directly came to the kitchen.
"Hyung"Taehyung said
"Yes Tae? Where's Jimin?"Jin asked
"He is sleeping, what should I do?"Taehyung asked
"Wake him up, we will have lunch together"Jin said
"Alright, I'll wake him up"Taehyung said
"Yeah, he can sleep after lunch"Jin said
"Ok hyung"Taehyung said
He again wents to Jimin's room.

In Jimin's room.
"Jiminah, get up"Taehyung said while shaking him
"Mhm, let me sleep hyungie"Jimin said
"Get up for now, you can sleep after lunch"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna eat, let me sleep"Jimin said
"You've to get up Jimin"Taehyung said
"Agh fine, you can go, I'm coming in a while"Jimin said
"I won't go, I know you'll sleep again"Taehyung said
"You're so bad"Jimin said
He got up and sit on the bed while pouting.
"I'm up now"Jimin said while pouting
"Stop pouting beat"Taehyung said
He kissed Jimin's cheek and he felt like he is burning.
"You are having fever Jimin"Taehyung said
"I don't know how I caught it"Jimin said
"You never took care of yourself"Taehyung said
"I do"Jimin said while pouting
"It's useless to argue with you, get fresh fast"Taehyung said
"Fine, you can go"Jimin said
"Alright"Taehyung said
He wents from there and Jimin wents to get freshed.
After washing his face and hands he went downstairs.

In the dining room.
"Finally you came"Jungkook said
"Sorry for being late Hyungs and uncle"Jimin said
"It's alright kid, don't scold this kid"Mr Min said
"Haha, we won't don't worry"Namjoon said
Jimin didn't said anything.
"Are you alright kid?"Mr Min asked
"Nah, he's having fever uncle"Taehyung said
"Really? When did he caught fever?"Jin asked
"I don't know hyung, I got to know when I went to wake him up"Taehyung replied

"Should I call my son? He isn't doctor but he knows all doctor stuff, he lives nearby"Mr Min said

"No uncle, it's alright, we will call our family doctor"Hoseok said while smiling
"Ok no problem"Mr Min replied while smiling
"Eat something Jimin"Younghoon said
"I'm eating hyung"Jimin said
"Good"Namjoon said
Time skips after 2 days.

It was Yoongi's cousin's engagement day.
Here Yoongi was sitting in his dorm's living room.
"I really don't wanna go there"Yoongi said
He don't want to face his father because he don't like his father.
You must be wondering why he hate his father so let's see it from Yoongi's pov.

Yoongi's pov.
When I was a child, I saw all kids having fun with their father.
While I crave for father's love, he was always busy.
He never attended my school functions or Ptms.
That's why I used to get bullied as well.
Kids thought I'm orphan, they used to make fun of me.
One day a kid beat me and said you're lying that you've father.
I said I'll bring my father, I told dad to come with me.
First he agreed, I was happy but later the next day, he didn't came to the school.
That boy beat me again calling me orphan.
Being an introvert and shy kid, I didn't told my parents.
I hide this all, I start to hate my father for ruining my whole childhood.
He never had time for me, he was always busy.
I always feels like I'm unwanted.

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now