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"First meet our new friend"Jungwoo said
"Who's he?"Jimin said
"Hey Chanyeol, meet him, he is Jimin"Jake said
Chanyeol looked at Jimin and got lost in his beauty.
Niki shook him and said.
"Bro, greet him atleast"Niki said
"Hey Jimin, myself Chanyeol"Chanyeol said while smiling
"Hi myself Kim Jimin"Jimin said
"You're brother of Kims?"Chanyeol said

Kims are famous due to Kim's corporation all over the world that's why Chanyeol know.

"Yes, I'm one of the kims, the youngest one"Jimin said
"Oh, it's nice to meet you"Chanyeol said
"Likewise"Jimin said
"So what we gonna do today?"Jake said
"We will drink and have fun"Niki said
"Stupid Jin hyung will kill me"Jimin said
"Aish, I forgot we've a sensitive baby with us"Niki said
"I'm going"Jimin said while getting up
Chanyeol held his hand and said.
"He was just kidding"Chanyeol said
Jimin released his hand from Chanyeol's and said.
"Kindly don't touch me, I don't like it"Jimin said
"Ahhh, I'm sorry"Chanyeol said
"Hm it's fine"Jimin said
"Let's have fun Jimin"Jungwoo said
"Alright but order juice for me"Jimin said
"Alright as you says"Jungwoo said
Then Jimin sit and they starts to talk.
Jimin didn't like Chanyeol cause he was continuously staring at him.
After some hours Jimin's phone starts to ring.
He took out his phone and received the call.
"Hello Hyung"Jimin said
"Hello Minnie, where are you left?"Jin said
"I'm at club with Jungwoo, Jake and Niki hyung"Jimin said
"Come home baby, it's getting late"Jin said
"Alright, I'm coming"Jimin said
He cutted the call and said.
"I'm going guys"Jimin said
"Alright"Jake said
"Should I give you lift?"Chanyeol said
"No need, I like to walk"Jimin said
"Then I'll walk with you"Chanyeol said
"I like being alone, I'm going, bye"Jimin said
He got up and wents from there without waiting for anyone's reply.

Time skips.
Jimin came home and as soon as he came to the living room Taehyung jumped on him.
"Aish Take"Jimin said while holding you
"Where were you left you meanie Minnie"Taehyung said
"I didn't realised the time"Jimin said
Taehyung got down from him and said.
"I missed my soulmate"Taehyung said
Jimin chuckled and said.
"I missed you too"Jimin said
"Jimin, you're back"Jin said
"Yes hyung"Jimin said
"Go and fresh up, I'll set table for dinner"Jin said
"Alright"Jimin said
He wents from there.

Time skips at dinner time
Everyone was sitting when Jimin came and sit beside Younghoon.
"Minnie"Jin said
"Yes hyung?"Jimin said while eating his food
"You haven't drink alcohol right?"Jin said
"I haven't because you know I can't bear alcohol's tolerance"Jimin said
"Good, you've school tomorrow so sleep early today"Jin said
"Okkk hyung"Jimin said
They all had their dinner and wents to their rooms.

In Jimin's room.
"I've my school tomorrow, it's first day"Jimin said
"I hope I'll get good homeroom teacher"Jimin said
"I hope I'll find new friends"Jimin said
"Obviously I'll but I don't want strict homeroom teacher"Jimin said
"Hope, I'll get a good one"Jimin said
He didn't realised when he slept while thinking.
Time skips to the next morning.

In dining room.
"My baby is looking so beautiful"Jin said
"I am beautiful hyung"Jimin said
Everyone chuckled and Namjoon said.
"Take care of yourself in school Minnie"Namjoon said
"And tell us if someone bullied you"Jungkook said
"No one can bully Kim Jimin"Jimin aaid
"Yeah, if someone try then punch him directly"Jin said
"Hehe, I'll hyung"Jimin said
They all start to eat their breakfast.
"Jimin, here's your lunch, you won't eat from cafteria"Jin said
He gave Jimin his lunch.
"Okkkk hyung, I'm going now, bye"Jimin said
He got up and wents from there.

Time skips.
He came to his class with the help of someone.
As soon as he came to the class everyone got shocked to see a handsome guy.
"Woah, he is so handsome"A girl said
"Indeed he is"Other one said
"Hi sweeties"Jimin said in a flirty way
"Awww he said hiii"A girl said
Jimin starts to go to his seat.
"Sit with me"A guy said
"Some other day handsome"Jimin said
He sit on the chair beside a boy who was sleeping.
"Hey, get up"Jimin said
That guy open his eyes and saw Jimin.
"Someone sit beside you?"Jimin asked
"No"That guy said
"Alright, I'll sit here"Jimin said
He sit beside that guy.
"What's your name?"Jimin said
"Myself Baekhyun, wbu?"Baekhyun said
"I'm Kim Jimin"Jimin said
"Oh so you're one of the kims"Baekhyun said
"Yes, I am"Jimin said
"Great"Baekhyun said
"From today, you're my friend"Jimin said
"But why me? Why not others?"Baekhyun said
"Because I like you"Jimin said
Baekhyun roll his eyes.
"Jimin you"Someone said
Jimin looked up and saw Chanyeol, he made a fist because he don't like him.
"You know him?"A boy said
"Yeah, he is my friend"Chanyeol said
"When did I said you're my friend"Jimin said
"Ahh I'm sorry then"Chanyeol said
"Whatever"Jimin said
"You can sit with me because you don't know anyone here"Chanyeol said
"I know him, Baekhyun, he is my friend"Jimin said
"This guy? He is your friend?"Chanyeol said
"Yeah he is, do you have any problem?"Jimin said
"No, why would I have any"Chanyeol said
"Then go from here"Jimin said
Chanyeol didn't said anything, he went from there.
"Hey, why are these girls applying make up?"Jimin said
"Because our homeroom teacher is about to come"Baekhyun said
"What's the pint of applying make up?"Jimin said
"They want our homeroom teacher to like them"Baekhyun said
"How's our homeroom teacher?"Jimin said
"He is a young guy, he is beautiful"Baekhyun said
"Oh let's see then"Jimin said
That's when their homeroom teacher came.
"Good morning Sensei Min"Everyone said
Jimin got shocked to see him.
"Thi-this guy"Jimin said shockingly
He kept his expression normal thinking Yoongi forgot him.
"Sit down everyone"Yoongi said
Everyone sat on their seats when Yoongi said.
"I've heard, we've a new trasfer student today, come and introduce yourself"Yoongi said
Jimin got up and wents Infront.

"Hi everyone, myself Kim Jimin, I recently came back from Mexico, hope you'll take care of me"Jimin said

At the end he blowed a kiss making everyone's heart flutter.
"Go to your seat"Yoongi said coldly
Jimin sighed in relief thinking Yoongi forgot him already.
He wents to his seat and sit beside Baekhyun.
Time skips after the class.
"Mr Jimin, meet me in my cabin"Yoongi said
Jimin looked at him confusingly.
"As you are a transfer student you've to fulfil some documents"Yoongi said
"Okkk Sensei"Jimin said
He got up and followed Yoongi to his cabin.

In Yoongi's cabin.
"Sensei, which documents I've to fulfil"Jimin said
"No documents"Yoongi said
"Huh?"Jimin said
"But I've to take my revenge"Yoongi said
"Whi-which revenge"Jimin said
"You pushed me yesterday Kim Jimin"Yoongi said
Jimin got shocked to know Yoongi remember everything.

To be continue:)
What Yoongi will do with Jimin? Do comments down please.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now