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"Alright, I'll cuddle with you but first eat something"Taehyung said
"Okkkk"Jimin said
After sometime they had their lunch and Jimin slept while cuddling Taehyung.

Next day.
In the school.
Yoongi entered the class and saw everyone sitting except Jimin.
"Good morning Sensei"Everyone said
"Good morning class"Yoongi said coldly
Everyone sat back when Yoongi said.
"Baekhyun"Yoongi said
Baekhyun stood from his seat and said.
"Yes Sensei?"Baekhyun said
"Where's Jimin?"Yoongi said
"He didn't came today Sensei"Baekhyun said
"You know the reason?"Yoongi said
"No Sensei"Baekhyun said
"Alright, you can sit"Yoongi said
Baekhyun sit back on his seat.
"I guess he hurted his leg that's why he didn't came"Yoongi thought
He starts to teach.
After he was done and was about to go when a girl said.
"Sensei"A girl said
"Yes?"Yoongi said coldly
"Take this"That girl said while forwarding a box
"What's this?"Yoongi said coldly
"A gift Sensei"That girl said while blushing
"I don't accept gifts from my students"Yoongi said coldly
He wents out of the class without waiting for that girl's reply.

Meanwhile with Jimin.
"How's your leg now baby?"Jin said
"Better than before hyung but still hurts"Jimin said
"It'll be alright soon"Jin said
"Hm"Jimin hummed in response
Time skips after 1 week.
In this one week Jimin didn't went to school.
He was hurt by Yoongi's words and his leg hurts as well.

In dining room.
"You're going to school from tomorrow right?"Jungkook asked
"Yes hyung"Jimin replied
"Great then, have fun"Jungkook said
"Yeah"Jimin said
Time skips to the next day.

Here Yoongi was standing in hallway.
Every student was coming and greeting him but his eyes was searching for particular one.
"I think he won't come today"Yoongi mumbled
He was about to go when he heared.
"Good morning Sensei"Jimin said in his cheerful voice
Yoongi turned around and saw Jimin.
"Good morning kid"Yoongi said while smiling
"Hey Jimin"Chanyeol said while coming from the behind
Jimin's face turned into poker one.
"What?"Jimin said
"Where were you from one week?"Chanyeol said
Jimin was about to reply him rudely but he realised Yoongi was Infront of him.
He smirked and said.
"Oh babe, I was hurt after rejecting your proposal"Jimin said
"What?"Chanyeol said
"You still loves me right?"Jimin said
Here a particular person was being jealous listening to this.
"Yes, I do"Chanyeol said while smiling
"Let's be boyfriends then"Jimin said while smirking
Yoongi cleared his throats and said.
"Go to your class kids"Yoongi said coldly
He wents from there when Chanyeol said.
"Yes, let's be boyfriends"Chanyeol said
"Fuck off, I don't like you at all"Jimin said
He wents from there as if nothing happened.
While Chanyeol make a fist in anger.
"Oh so trying to make me jealous kid"Yoongi said
He was standing there listening everything.
"Now see what I'll do"Yoongi said
He smirked and wents to the class.

He came inside the class and saw Jimin talking to Baekhyun.
He cleared his throats to gain everyone's attention.
"Good morning Sensei"Everyone said together
"Hm, sit down"Yoongi said coldly
Everyone sit back on their seats and Yoongi starts to teach.
After he was done teaching a boy said.
"Sensei"A boy said
"Yes kid?"Yoongi said
He took out a chocolate and said.
"Sensei please don't reject it, it's my birthday please"That boy said
Yoongi smirked looking towards Jimin.
"He won't accept"Jimin said to Baekhyun
But his mouth got wide open when Yoongi took that chocolate.
"Thank you and happy birthday kid"Yoongi said
Jimin made a fist in anger and looked way.
Yoongi smirked and wents out of the class.

"Plan successful"Yoongi said while smirking
A kid was passing by when Yoongi said.
"Hey kid"Yoongi said
"Me Sensei?"That boy said
"Yes you, here take it"Yoongi said
"Really? I can take it"That boy said
"Yes"Yoongi said
He gave that chocolate to that boy.
"Thank you Sensei"That boy said
Yoongi smiled and wents from there.

Meanwhile in class.
"What's wrong with your facial expressions?"Baekhyun said
"Nothing, let's go and have our lunch"Jimin said
"Alright, let's go"Baekhyun said
They got up and wents from there.

They were eating when a boy approached Jimin and said.
"Are you Kim Jimin?"That boy said
"Yes, how can I help you?"Jimin said
"Sensei Min is calling you in his cabin"That boy said
"Okkk thank you"Jimin said
That boy left from there when Jimin said.
"Why he called me"Jimin said
"Maybe he have some work"Baekhyun said
Jimin hummed and said.
"I'll go, you eat"Jimin said
"Okkk"Baekhyun said
He wents from there while Baekhyun keep on eating his food.

He came to Yoongi's office and knocked.
"Come inside"Yoongi said from inside
Jimin opened the door and wents inside.
"Why you called me Sensei?"Jimin said
"As you know your examinations are near"Yoongi said
"Yes Sensei"Jimin said
"And your syllabus is not covered so"Yoongi said
"So?"Jimin said
"You've to take extra classes after school"Yoongi said
"And who'll teach me?"Jimin said
"Of course me, I'll teach you"Yoongi said
"Fuck"Jimin mumbled
"What did you said?"Yoongi said
"Nothing"Jimin said
Yoongi hummed and said.
"Call your brothers and tell them, your classes will start from today"Yoongi said
Jimin took out his phone and called Jin.
"Hello Hyung"Jimin said
"Hello Minnie"Jin said
"Hyungie, I'll be late today and from now onwards daily"Jimin said
"Why baby?"Jin said
"I've to take extra classes after school from my homeroom teacher"Jimin said
"Why?"Jin said
"Because I came late and syllabus is already covered"Jimin said
"Alright, take care, bye"Jin said
"Okk hyung, bye"Jimin said
He cutted the call and Yoongi said.
"Stay in your class after off time"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Jimin said
He wents from there.

He came back to his class.
"I really hate this fucking Sensei"Jimin said
"What's wrong now?"Baekhyun said
"I've to take extra classes after school"Jimin said
"Why?"Baekhyun said
"Because syllabus is already covered"Jimin said
"Oh okk, best of luck"Baekhyun said
"My foot, I hate it"Jimin said
Baekhyun just laughed at his frustrated face.
Time skips after school time.
Jimin was sitting in class while Yoongi was teaching him.
"Did you got it?"Yoongi said
Jimin wasn't paying attention at all.
"Where are you lost kid?"Yoongi said
"No where Sensei"Jimin said
"Is something wrong?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jimin said
"What?"Yoongi said worriedly
"I'm hungry"Jimin said while pouting
Yoongi looked at him with so done face and said.
"You made me worried kid"Yoongi said
"Whatever but now I'm hungry, let me go now"Jimin said while whining

"Fine you can go for today but bring extra lunch box for you from tomorrow"Yoongi said

"Yeah yeah, I'll, bye Sensei"Jimin said
"Bye"Yoongi said
Jimin grabbed his bag and run from there.
"This kid is really something"Yoongi said
He smiled and he also wents back to his home.

Jimin came back to the home.
"I'M HOME HYUNGIE"Jimin yelled
"You had classes? You came back early"Jin said
"I told Sensei I'm hungry, he let me go"Jimin said
"Oh okk, I'll give you extra lunch box from tomorrow"Jin said
"Okkkk hyung"Jimin said

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now