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That's why when I grew up I made up my mind that I'll go to Seoul.
I won't stay with them, I'll become a Sensei.
While my dad wanted me to take over his company but I didn't did that.
I took my own decision and came here.
My mom gifted me this dorm on my birthday so I'm staying here.
After alot of years, I'm going back to the home.
I don't know how should I feel? I don't wanna meet father.
I hate him for ruining my childhood, I badly wanted to say no.
But at the same time, I'm attached with Dohyun.
Dohyun have a elder brother but he's more attached to me.
As his father wents to America after growing up.
So that's why he wants me to come to his engagement.
But at the same time I don't wanna see dad, I don't know what I'll do.
Let's hope for the best Yoongi.
That was the reason behind me hating father.
I actually don't hate him but I don't like to meet him.
Because whenever I meet him, I remember my childhood.
The kid inside of me starts to cry again.
I hate going there, I hate facing them I have to go now.
End of pov.

After thinking a bit more Yoongi got up and said.
"You've to go Yoongi, you don't have any choice"Yoongi said
He got up and wents to his car.

Time skips.
Here Yoongi was driving.
He don't wanna go but he is forced.
"I wish I don't get to face father"Yoongi said
"But obviously I've to face him, agh, my bad"Yoongi said
He was driving slowly so that he wouldn't reach early.
He was driving when his phone starts to ring.
He saw the caller's I'd.
"Why mom is calling me now"Yoongi spoke
He picked the call and put it on speaker.
"Where are you Yoongi?"Mrs Min asked
"I'm coming mom"Yoongi replied
"Come fast, ceremony is about to start, Dohyun is waiting for you"Mrs Min said
"I'm coming, don't wait for me and start the ceremony"Yoongi said

"Are you mad? You think Dohyun will let us do anything without you?"Mrs Min said

"Maybe he'll"Yoongi said
"Shut up and come fast"Mrs Min said
"Where is father?"Yoongi asked
"He is here obviously"Mrs Min said
"I don't wanna face him mom"Yoongi said

"You've to come for Dohyun Yoongi and you just have to greet your father nothing else"Mrs Min said

"He'll force me to stay in mansion, I hate this"Yoongi said
"He won't"Mrs Min said
"Like I don't know him"Yoongi said
"Shut up and come fast brat"Mrs Min said
"Agh fine, I'm coming"Yoongi said
He cutted the call and starts to drive fastly.

Meanwhile at Kim's mansion.
"Why do we even have to go?"Jimin asked
"He is my new business partner Jimin, we have to go"Namjoon said
"You can go alone or take Jin hyung"Jimin said
"Why don't you wanna go?"Taehyung asked
"I don't like interacting"Jimin said
"Liar, you used to flirt with girls in Mexico"Taehyung said
"That's past Taehyungie hyung"Jimin said
"Yeah yeah whatever but we have to go now"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna go, can't you guys leave me at home?"Jimin said
"He told me to bring everyone Jimin"Namjoon said
"Agh fine, how far is his mansion?"Jimin asked
"10-15 minutes away from our house"Namjoon said
"Alright let's go but we will come back early"Jimin said
"Fine let's go"Namjoon said
They all wents to their cars.

Time skips.
Here Yoongi entered the mansion and Dohyun approached him.
"Hey hyung, finally you came"Dohyun said
"Ah yes, sorry for being late"Yoongi said
"That's alright, let's go and meet uncle"Dohyun said
He forcefully took Yoongi inside.

In the living room.
"Uncle aunt see Yoongi hyung came"Dohyun said

Seeing his father his face turned into cold one, eyes full of hatred and emotions.

"H-hi everyone"Yoongi said
His father wents to him and said.
"Did you forget your manners?"Mr Min said
"Mind it father, You never got the time to teach me manners"Yoongi said
"Yoongi"Mrs Min said

Yoongi controlled himself because he don't want to create a scene at his cousin's engagement.

He wents to her granny and said.
"Hi granny, how are you?"Yoongi asked while smiling
"Hi son, I'm fine, why don't you come?"Granny asked
"Ah, I've alot of works granny that's why"Yoongi said
"I know but you should visit us on weekends"Granny said
"I'll try granny"Yoongi said
"Good, let's start the ceremony now"Granny said
They were about to start ceremony when they heared.
"Welcome Mr Kim Namjoon"Mr Min said
"Thank you Mr Min"Namjoon said
Yoongi looked at their direction and saw Jimin.
"Jimin"Yoongi spoke
Everyone looked at Yoongi and then Jimin also looked at him and spoke.
"Sensei you"Jimin said
"Perhaps, do you guys know each other?"Mrs Min asked
"Yeah, he is my student"Yoongi said
"Yeah, he is my Sensei"Jimin said
"Oh that's great"Mrs Min said
"You're still working as Sensei?"Mr Min asked
Yoongi didn't spoke anything.
"Don't ask anything to him now, let's start the ceremony"Mrs Min said
Mr Min didn't said anything and they started the ceremony.

Time skips at lunch time.
Here everyone was sitting having lunch.
"Have you decided?"Mr Min asked while eating
"About what?"Yoongi asked
"About joining my company"Mr Min said
"I don't wanna talk about it"Yoongi said
"You've to reply me today"Mr Min said
"I don't wanna talk about it dad"Yoongi said
"I want answer Yoongi"Mr Min said
"Dad please, my student is also here"Yoongi said
"So what?"Mr Min said
"Please mom, stop him"Yoongi said
"Don't talk about it Jagi"Mrs Min said
"No let me just ask to him today"Mr Min said
Yoongi got up and said.
"I'm going to use washroom"Yoongi said
He got up and wents from there.

Meanwhile with Jimin.
"Hyung, I wanna use washroom"Jimin said
"Wait"Namjoon said
"Dohyun, listen"Namjoon said
"Yes hyung?"Dohyun asked
"Can you take Jimin to washroom?"Namjoon said
"Sure, let's go Jimin"Dohyun said
Jimin got up and wents with him.

"Here, this is hyung's room, you can come downstairs on your own right?"Dohyun said

"Yeah don't worry"Jimin said
"Ok then I'm going"Dohyun said
He wents from there and Jimin wents to the washroom.
Meanwhile Yoongi came inside his room and locked the door.
He sat on the bed.
"Agh, I freaking hate coming here"Yoongi said
He was sitting on the bed holding his head when Jimin came out.
"S-sensei"Jimin said

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now