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"Yes, Kim Jimin and Kim Hoseok"Jack said
"Jimin"Yoongi uttered in shock
"Do you know him?"Jack asked
Yoongi thought a little and then uttered.
"No, I don't"Yoongi replied
"Then why were you shocked?"Jack inquired curiously
"Leave it Dumbo and get well soon"Yoongi said
"Yeah yeah, I'll"Jack replied
"And don't fight with Kims again"Yoongi ordered
"After seeing my own state, I will never fight with Kims"Jack replied
"Good, I'm going now"Yoongi said
"Where are you going?"Jack questioned
"To my dorm"Yoongi replied
"Aren't you living in your home?"Jack asked
"No, I can't live there"Yoongi replied
"Why?"Jack inquired
"Because I've to work here as Sensei, I can't go back"Yoongi replied
"Don't you miss your family?"Jack inquired curiously
"Obviously I do but right now I can't go back"Yoongi replied
"Well, your father built corporation and he wants you to be CEO"Jack said
"I know but I don't wanna be"Yoongi uttered
"Why bro?"Jack asked

"Because it's not my own hardwork, I wanna build corporation from my own hardwork"Yoongi stated

"I hope you'll achieve your dreams"Jack said
"I already did"Yoongi said
"How?"Jack asked
"It was my dream to be Sensei"Yoongi replied proudly
"Then why you wanna build corporation now?"Jack asked

"Because one day I've to marry and I can't let my husband/wife live poor life"Yoongi said

"You've great thinking, by the way, do you like someone?"Jack asked
Suddenly Jimin's face came in Yoongi's mind.
"Nuh-no, I don't have any right now"Yoongi replied
"You can get anyone, you've a great face"Jack said
"Face doesn't matter, heart needs to be great"Yoongi said
"Philosopher Yoongi"Jack said being amazed
"Dramatic ass"Yoongi said with so done face

Meanwhile in Kim's mansion.
"Minnie, what's wrong with you?"Younghoon asked
"Nothing hyung"Jimin replied
"Stop lying Minnie"Hoseok said
"Nothing's wrong hyung"Jimin said
Taehyung made a done face and said.

"You are crying from past half hour Minnie and saying nothing's wrong"Taehyung said

"Who is crying?"Namjoon said while entering the living room
He just came back from his work.
"You're back honey"Jin said
"Yeah and who is crying?"Namjoon asked
"Minnie"Jin stated
"Minnie? Minnie, why are you crying?"Namjoon inquired worriedly
"Nothing hyung"Jimin replied
"Tell us baby"Namjoon asked worriedly
"Hyungie"Jimin said
He hugged Namjoon while crying.
Everyone got worried seeing his this state.
"Minnie, stop crying baby"Jungkook said
"Atleast tell us what's wrong Minnie?"Jin asked
"Hyungie, he dead"Jimin replued while crying
"Who died?"Hoseok asked worriedly
"M-my favourite character"Jimin replied while crying
Suddenly there was a pin drop silence in the room.
Jimin looked at everyone and asked.
"What happened hyungies?"Jimin asked innocently
"Seriously? You are asking what happened"Jungkook replied
"Yeah, I asked what happened"Jimin said
"Stupid, you made us all worried like hell"Jin said
"Did I?"Jimin asked
Everyone nodded their heads.
"Minnie is sorry hyungies"Jimin said
No one could resist his cuteness.
"Fine but don't do it again dork"Jin said
"I won't hyungie"Jimin replied while flashing his eye smile
"Your head hurts kiddo?"Namjoon asked
"A little bit hyungie"Jimin replied
"It's because you cried, what about your hand Hobi?"Namjoon asked
"It's alright hyung, it doesn't hurts"Hoseok said
"Great, take care of yourselves kiddos"Namjoon said
They all sat their and starts to talk.
Time skips to the next day.

Let me introduce all characters again first.

Kim seokjin, 30 years old, owns a cafe, husband of Kim Namjoon, the bottom one.

Kim Namjoon, 29 years old, CEO of Kim industries, husband of Kim Seokjin, the top one.

Kim Younghoon, 23 years old, study in K-university, husband of Kim Hoseok, the bottom one.

Kim Hoseok, 29 years old (twin of Namjoon), a singer, husband of Kim Younghoon, the top one.

Kim Taehyung, 23 years old, study in K-university, husband of Kim Jungkook, the bottom one.

Kim Jungkook, 27 years old, University's professor, husband of Kim Taehyung, the top one.

Kim Jimin, 20 years old, student of high school, baby for his hyungs but cold and scary for outsiders, sometimes flirty.

Min Yoongi, 25 years old, teacher at High school where Jimin studies, lives in his dorm alone.

Let's continue.

In the school.

As usual Yoongi was standing in the hallway checking the students and everyone was wishing him good morning.

"Good morning Sensei"Jimin said while smiling
"Good morning kid"Yoongi replied while smiling
He suddenly remember Jack's words.
"Kim Hoseok and Kim Jimin beat me"These words repeat in his mind
"Sensei? Are you alright?"Jimin asked
"Yes kid"Yoongi replied
"Why are you zoning out?"Jimin asked
"I couldn't sleep at night maybe that's why"Yoongi replied
"Aish Sensei, you're old now, you should take rest"Jimin suggested
"Old?"Yoongi asked while raising his one eyebrow
"Yeah, an old man, you looks like a grandpa"Jimin said innocently
"I'm not that old, I'm still young"Yoongi said
"Old man will never believe he is old"Jimin said
"Will you believe if I'll say you're so damn pretty"Yoongi uttered in his deep voice
Jimin got shivered listening to it.
"What-what are you saying Sensei, don't flirt with your students"Jimin said
Without waiting for Yoongi's reply he rushed from there.
Yoongi chuckled seeing Jimin run away.

Meanwhile Jimin came to his class.
"Hey Jimin"Chanyeol said while approaching him
Jimin cursed under his breath seeing Chanyeol.
"I've to bear this moron again"Jimin mumbled
"What?"Jimin asked
"Baekhyun is absent today, can I sit with you?"Chanyeol said
Jimin was about to reply when Yoongi came inside.
Everyone greeted him and sit back, Chanyeol also took chance and sit beside Jimin.
Yoongi noticed Jimin's annoyed face and Chanyeol sitting beside him.
He said.
"Kim Jimin"Yoongi said
"Yes Sensei?"Jimin replied
"Where's Baekhyun?"Yoongi asked
"He is absent today Sensei, he have fever"Jimin replied
"Alright sit"Yoongi said
Jimin sit back on his seat when Yoongi said.
"Mister Chanyeol"Yoongi said
Chanyeol got up and said.
"Yes Sensei?"Chanyeol uttered
"Why are you sitting here?"Yoongi asked
"Jimin was alone so I thought to accompany him"Chanyeol replied
"Your sits are fixed right?"Yoongi asked to class president
"Yes Sensei, we can't change our seat without your permission"President said
"Mister Chanyeol, why you change your seat?"Yoongi asked coldly
Chanyeol couldn't reply cause he don't have any answer now.
"Mister Chanyeol go back to your seat"Yoongi ordered coldly
"Sorry Sensei"Chanyeol said
He took his bag and wents back to his seat.
While Jimin smirked in satisfaction.
Yoongi starts to teach the class, that's when someone knocked.
It was student who make announcement, I forget what we call them.
"Sensei, can I come in?"That student ask
"Yes"Yoongi said
"Hello students, I'm here to make an announcement"That student said
"Our school is going for camping"That student announced
Everyone makes noise in excitement.
"We will go on day after tomorrow and come back in the morning"That student said
"Everyone have to go, it's compulsory"That student said
"You'll go?"Someone asked from Jimin
"Obviously sweety, it's compulsory"Jimin replied
That girl's heart fluttered listening to the word sweety.

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now