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"I asked for normal fries not for loaded fries"Jimin said
"You didn't mentioned so now eat them"Chanyeol said
"Fineeee"Jimin said
They all starts to eat.

Time skips.
Here Jimin was walking back to home while wondering something.
"I don't wanna attend school for somedays"Jimin said
"But Hyungs won't let me take leave, what should I do"Jimin said
"I have to do something, I can't face Sensei"Jimin said
He was walking when he came across a cafe.
"Let's go inside"Jimin said

He wents inside the cafe.
He sat on a table and starts to think when.
"Sir, your order?"Waiter said
"One cold coffee"Jimin said
"Anything else?"Waiter asked
"No"Jimin said
"Alright, your order will arrive soon"Waiter said
He wents from there while Jimin starts to think again.
He was thinking when someone pat his shoulder.
Jimin looked behind just to see a little boy who is around 5-6 years old.
"What's wrong baby?"Jimin asked
"Uncle, I lost my maam"That boy said
"Aigoo, don't cry, we will find her"Jimin said
"Help me uncle, I don't have shelter, I will with maam in orphanage"That boy said
Jimin felt sad listening to him when suddenly.
"Hey Seong-Min, where did you went?"His Maam asked
"He lost his way maam"Jimin said
"Oh thanks for looking after him"His Maam said
"It's alright"Jimin said
Jimin looked at that kid and patted his head.
"What's your name kiddo?"Jimin asked
"I'm Seong-Min, what's your name uncle?"Seong-Min asked
"I'm Kim Jimin"Jimin said
"Jimmy uncle"Seong-Min said while giggling
Jimin looked at him with adorable look and took out some candies from his pocket.
"Here take it Seong-Min"Jimin said
Seong-Min took the candies and said.
"Thank you uncle"Seong-Min said
Jimin patted his head while smiling and his ma'am took him.
"Ahhh, he was so cute, wish I could keep him"Jimin said
"So you like kids and you like this kid"Yoongi said
He was sitting on the next table seeing everything.
"I need to earn your apology and for that I'll do anything"Yoongi said
"Here's your order sir"Waiter said
"Thank you"Jimin said
He took his cold coffee and starts to drink it.
"Life is getting worse day by day"Jimin said
"I shouldn't have confessed to him"Jimin said
"If I haven't I would be happy today"Jimin said
He looked around and said.
"See everyone, they're all happy couples"Jimin said
"What about me? Don't I deserve happy life?"Jimin said
"I guess no or maybe I deserve but not this early"Jimin said
"Let's wait for my true love and don't be sad"Jimin said
He starts to drink his cold coffee again.
"I made him so much sad, I shouldn't have done that"Yoongi said
"Now I'll earn his apology and confess to him myself"Yoongi said
"I will do this, I can do this"Yoongi said
Jimin finished his cold coffee, he then paid his bill and wents back.
Yoongi also wents back to his home.

In Kim's mansion.
In the living room.
"I'm home"Jimin said
"Why are you late kiddo?"Jin asked
"I wents to a cafe on my way back to home"Jimin said
"Why? Everything's alright?"Jin asked
"Yes hyung, it's just I wanted to have cold coffee"Jin said
"Oh ok, take shower I'll arrange lunch"Jin said
"Ok hyung"Jimin said
He wents from there.
"What's wrong with him?"Jin asked
"I don't know"Taehyung said
"He is behaving weird now a days"Jin said
"He is tired maybe that's why"Taehyung said
"Maybe, leave it and come and help me to arrange lunch"Jin said
"Ok hyung"Taehyung said
They both got up and wents to the kitchen.

Meanwhile with Jimin.
Here Jimin was done taking shower and when he was about to go out.
His foot slipped and he fell on the floor.
"Oh damn, agh"Jimin said while hissing in pain
"I said I don't want to attend school I didn't meant to get injured"Jimin said
"Ahhhh, why god"Jimin said
He somehow got up and wents outside.

He came to his room and sat on the bed.
"I guess I cramped it badly"Jimin said
"HYUNG"Jimin yelled
Jungkook was passing by his room and listening to his screams Jungkook came inside.
"Jimin, what's wrong baby?"Jungkook asked
"Hyungie, ahhh, I fell"Jimin said
Jungkook rushed to him and said.
"What? Are you alright? Is it hurting somewhere?"Jungkook asked
"My leg hyungie"Jimin said
Tears starts to flow from his eyes because of unbearable pain.
"Baby don't cry, JIN HYUNG"Jungkook yelled
He hugged Jimin and starts to comfort him.
After sometimes everyone came to Jimin's room.
"What happened?"Jin asked
"He fell hyung, I guess he cramped his leg"Jungkook said
"Shit, I'll call the doctor"Namjoon said
He wents out to call the doctor and Jin wents to Jimin.
"Baby, my love, don't cry Minnie"Jin said
"H-hurting hyung"Jimin said
"It'll be alright"Jin said
Time skips.
Doctor came and checked Jimin.
Now Jimin was sleeping and everyone was in his room.
"Don't let him attend school for a week and don't let him walk"Doctor said
"Ok doctor, we won't"Jin said
"I'll take my leave then, take care of him"Doctor said
"Thanks for coming"Namjoon said
He wents to leave doctor to the door.

To be continue:)
Sorry for disappearing suddenly, I'm losing interest in everything that's why I disappear suddenly.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now