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"Agh, I freaking hate coming here"Yoongi said
He was sitting on the bed holding his head when Jimin came out.
"S-sensei"Jimin said
Yoongi looked up and saw Jimin.
"W-what are you doing here?"Yoongi asked
"M-me?"Jimin asked
Yoongi nodded his head and said.
"Yes you? Lost the way?"Yoongi asked
"N-no, I came to use washroom, Dohyun bought me here"Jimin said
"Oh alright, should I take you back?"Yoongi asked
Jimin came near him and sit beside him.
"What's wrong Sensei?"Jimin asked
"Nothing"Yoongi said
Jimin looked at him but Yoongi avoided the eye contact.
"Aren't you happy?"Jimin asked
"Happy? Why should I be happy?"Yoongi asked
"You're getting married, you should be happy"Jimin said

"Huh? What? When am I getting married? No one told me about this"Yoongi said

"I mean engage"Jimin said
"Are you mad Jimin? Dohyun is getting engaged not me"Yoongi said
"You're also getting engage right?"Jimin asked
"No, I've to focus on my carrier, who told you?"Yoongi said
"It means you aren't getting married or engage?"Jimin asked
"No, who told you this?"Yoongi said
"Ahh, no one Sensei"Jimin said
"Really?"Yoongi asked
"Yes"Jimin replied
"Then why you suddenly asked about engagement?"Yoongi inquired
"I got to dare to ask this from you from my friend"Jimin said
"Ahhh, you kids are so naughty"Yoongi said
Jimin giggled listening to Yoongi.
"By the way Sensei"Jimin said
"Yeah?"Yoongi said
"Are you tensed because of something?"Jimin asked
"No"Yoongi replied
"I heared you saying you hate coming here, why?"Jimin asked
"Leave it Jimin, you should go down, your hyungs must be worried"Yoongi said

Jimin thought not to ask again because he don't know if Yoongi is comfortable with him or not.

"Ok Sensei"Jimin said
He was about to go when Yoongi held his wrist and said.
"Wait"Yoongi said
Jimin turned back and Yoongi took out something from his pocket.
"Here take this"Yoongi said while forwarding a chocolate bar
"Why are you giving me this?"Jimin asked
"Because you're a kid and kid love chocolates"Yoongi said
"I'm not a kid"Jimin said with an angry pout
"Haha, fine you're not, take it"Yoongi said
Jimin took the chocolate and unwrapped it.
He divided the chocolate in two pieces and said.
"Let's eat half half"Jimin said
Yoongi smiled and took the half chocolate bar.
They both starts to eat when Jimin said.
"Sensei"Jimin said
"Yes kid?"Yoongi answered
"You live alone in your dorm right?"Jimin asked
"Yes"Yoongi replied
"Don't you miss your parents"Jimin asked
Yoongi stopped eating and thought for a minute and then he spoke again.
"No, I'm habitual, I don't miss them"Yoongi replied
"It's not possible, every kid miss their parents"Jimin said

"Just look at me, I miss my parents so much, sometimes I wish I could go back to the past and meet them again"Jimin said

Yoongi looked at Jimin and saw his teary eyes.
"Don't cry kid, they're in a good place now"Yoongi said
"Maybe they're but no kid can stop missing their parents"Jimin said
"I know but you have your hyungs"Yoongi said
"You're right but"Jimin said
"Let's drop this topic, tell me are you coming to school tomorrow?"Yoongi asked
"Obviously, I'll come"Jimin said
"Learnt your lesson? I don't wanna punish you Infront of everyone"Yoongi said
"Don't worry, I've already learnt everything Sensei"Jimin said
"That's great, shall we go downstairs?"Yoongi asked
"Yes, let's go"Jimin said
"Alright"Yoongi said
They both got up and wents out of the room.

They came back to downstairs and Jimin wents to his hyungs.
"Where were you left?"Taehyung asked
"No where, I was using washroom"Jimin replied
"Mister you can't lie Infront of me"Taehyung said
"Fine, I'll tell you at home"Jimin said
"Alright alright"Taehyung said
"What are you two talking about?"Jungkook asked
"Nothing"Taehyung replied
Time skips at home.

After coming back to the home Jimin directly wents to his room with Taehyung following him.

In Jimin's room.
They both entered the room and Taehyung locked the door behind.
"Now tell me what happened?"Taehyung asked
"Aish hyung, atleast let me take shower"Jimin said
"No first tell me, then you can smile like crazy while taking shower"Taehyung said
"Ew, that's cringe bro"Jimin said
"Shut up and just tell me already"Taehyung said
"Alright so"Jimin said
"So?"Taehyung said curiously
"So so so"Jimin said
"I'll beat you right here Jimin"Taehyung said frustratingly
"Alright alright angry bear so I went to the washroom..........."
He stated the whole story.
"You're lucky Jimin"Taehyung said
"I feels the same"Jimin said
"You should confess to him now Jimin"Taehyung said
"Are you mad? I don't want to confess but if he regrets me"Jimin said
"Then would you like to someone else taking your love away"Taehyung said
"No, Hell nah"Jimin said
"Then it's the time Jimin, confess to him tomorrow"Taehyung said
"I'm afraid Taetae hyung"Jimin said
"Don't be afraid chim, no one can regret you"Taehyung said
"But what if he have high standards"Jimin said
"You're not less then a model, he can't regret you"Taehyung said
"I'm afraid hyung"Jimin said
"Take your time Jimin but you've to confess as soon as possible"Taehyung said
"I'll try hyung"Jimin said
"Alright but don't make it too late or else you'll regret"Taehyung said
"Alright"Jimin said
"I'm going to take shower now"Taehyung said
He got up and wents to his room to take shower.
Jimin laid there itself while thinking if he should confess or not.
"I guess Taehyungie hyung is right"Jimin said
"I should confess to him now before it gets too late"Jimin said
"Ahhh, what should I do"Jimin said

To be continue:)
What do you think, Jimin will confess or not?

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now