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"Ok Sensei"Everyone spoke together
"Good, now let's study"Yoongi said
He then starts to teach everyone.
"Sensei"A student called out Yoongi
Yoongi turned toward students and said.
"Yes kid?"Yoongi asked
"I didn't answer this, can you tell again"That kid said
"Sure but now pay attention"Yoongi replied
"Ok Sensei"That kid said
Yoongi starts to teach again.

Meanwhile in home.
Jimin was sitting in living room when Jin entered.
"You came back early again?"Jin asked
"Yeah hyung actually I was having headache"Jimin replied
"How are you feeling now?"Namjoon asked who just now came
"It's alright now hyung"Jimin replied
"That's great, had lunch?"Namjoon asked
"No, Jinnie hyung just now came back"Jimin replied
"I'll make lunch after getting fresh, till then Joonie go and fresh up"Jin said
"Ok babe"Namjoon replied
They both wents to their room.
"What should I do now"Jimin said to himself
"What's wrong kid?"Hoseok asked who also just came back from his work
"Nothing hyung, when did you came?"Jimin asked
"Just now, you are looking sad, something happened?"Hoseok asked
"Nothing happened hyung, I'm just bored"Jimin said
"Then go and study"Hoseok said
"Oh come on, study will make me more bored"Jimin said
Hoseok chuckled and said.
"But aren't your exams near?"Hoseok said

Jimin was about to say something when Younghoon who just now came out of his room said.

"Go and fresh up Hobi, he'll study later"Younghoon said
"Fine fine"Hoseok said
Hoseok wents from there after kissing Jimin's forehead.
"Ahhh, thank you hyung for saving me"Jimin said
"No need but brat study or else I won't save you more"Younghoon said
Jimin pouts and uttered.
"I'll study after lunch"Jimin said
"Good"Younghoon said
"By the way, our camping is going on day after tomorrow"Jimin said
"You'll go?"Younghoon asked
"It's compulsory but I'm not sure"Jimin replied
"But why?"Younghoon asked
"I don't think hyungs will let me go"Jimin replied
"And why won't they let you go?"Younghoon inquired
"Because I always end up hurting myself somehow"Jimin retorted
"Aish you're so silly Minnie"Younghoon said
Jimin pouts and said.
"I wanna go this time"Jimin said while pouting
"Then ask hyung, maybe they'll let you go"Younghoon said
"I'll ask during lunch"Jimin said
"Ok"Younghoon said
Time skips to the lunch time.

In the dining room.
Everyone was eating lunch when Jimin said.
"Hyung"Jimin said
Everyone diverted their attention to Jimin and Jungkook said.
"Yes Minnie?"Jungkook said
"Actually my school is going for camping on day after tomorrow"Jimin said
"So?"Jin said
"Can I also go?"Jimin asked
"You'll hurt yourself Minnie"Hoseok said
"I won't hyung, please let me go this time"Jimin said
"Fine but promise us that you'll take care of yourself"Hoseok said

Everyone was shocked because Hoseok is overprotective towards Jimin and letting Jimin go somehow and that too alone is so shocking for everyone.

"You're letting him?"Taehyung asked
"Yeah, he should enjoy, it's his right"Hoseok said
"Wow, that's shocking"Taehyung said
"Brat, you can go Minnie but take care of yourself"Hoseok said
"Ok hyung, I'll take care of myself"Jimin said
"Good, if something happened to you I won't let you go again"Hoseok said
"I'll be alright"Jimin said while pouting
"Hm you should be"Hoseok said
Time skips to the next day.

In the school.
As always Yoongi was standing here and student were wishing him morning.
He was waiting for Jimin when Jimin came with a small smile on his face.
"Good morning Sensei"Jimin spoke while smiling
"Morning kid"Yoongi replied while smiling
"Sensei, do I have to study today after school time?"Jimin asked
"Yes but maybe for sometime only"Yoongi replied
"But why for sometime only?"Jimin asked
"Because I've to go somewhere today"Yoongi said
"Ok Sensei, I'm going to class now"Jimin said
He wents from there.

He came to the class and saw Baekhyun sitting.
"Finally you came"Jimin said
He hugged Baekhyun who hugged him back.
They broke the hug and Baekhyun spoke.
"I was absent for one day only"Baekhyun said
"I got bored yesterday you know"Jimin said
"I know"Baekhyun replied
"Well, day after tomorrow it's out camping day"Jimin said
"Really?"Baekhyun asked
"Yes, are you coming?"Jimin asked
"Well I never went before but if you're going then I'm also"Baekhyun said
"I'm going, let's go together"Jimin said
"Ok, I'll also go with you"Baekhyun said
Time skips after school time.
Jimin was sitting in the class and Yoongi was teaching him.
"Sensei"Jimin called Yoongi
"Yes kid?"Yoongi replied
"Are you going for camping tomorrow?"Jimin asked
"Not sure but I'll try to come"Yoongi said
Jimin suddenly felt sad and said.
"Why Sensei?"Jimin asked
"You want me to come?"Yoongi said while smirking
Jimin cleared his throats and said.
"N-no, when did I said I want you to come"Jimin said
"Alright then I won't come"Yoongi said

"But you should, I mean it's not like that I want you to come but your students excluding me will be sad if you won't come"Jimin said

Yoongi chuckled and said.
"Then I'll try to come"Yoongi replied
"Why are you telling me? Do I care?"Jimin asked
"Yeah yeah, you don't care, let's continue studying"Yoongi said
He again starts to teach Jimin.
Time skips to the next day.

Here everyone was sitting inside the bus except one person.
How's he? Obviously it's Jimin, he's always late one.
"This kid told me to come and he himself didn't came"Yoongi mumbled
"Baekhyun"Yoongi called Baekhyun
"Yes Sensei?"Baekhyun replied
"Isn't Jimin coming? We've to go now"Yoongi asked
"He isn't picking my call Sensei, I tried calling him"Baekhyun replied
"Ok"Yoongi replied
The driver was about to start the bus when they heared.
"WAIT FOR ME"Jimin yelled
Jimin rush inside the bus while breathing heavily.
The first thing everyone notice was Jimin's clothes.
"Hey see, Sensei and Jimin is wearing same clothes"A girl said
"What? They're twining"Other girl said
Yoongi also noticed Jimin's clothes.
Unintentionally their clothes matched.
Jimin was breathing heavily but he looked up and saw Yoongi's clothes.
"What the hell, why are we wearing same clothes?"Jimin said
"How am I suppose to know"Yoongi said
"You copied me"Jimin said
"Like you show me your clothes before"Yoongi said
"Whatever"Jimin said
He wents to Baekhyun and sit beside him.
"Is something going on between you and Sensei?"Baekhyun asked
"Nothing, it's just unintentionally our clothes matched"Jimin said
"Oh alright"Baekhyun said
"Wanna listen music?"Jimin offered his one earpod
"Sure"Baekhyun said
He took his one earpod and they both starts to listen to music.
After one hour they reach the place and Jimin was sleeping by now.
Everyone starts to go outside.
"Baekhyun you go, I'll wake him up"Yoongi said
"Ok Sensei"Baekhyun replied
He wents out and Yoongi starts to wake Jimin.
"Jimin, kid wake up"Yoongi said
"Let me sleep hyungie"Jimin said
"Is he trying to make junior Min hard"Yoongi thought
"Agh, what the hell I'm thinking but I'm really hard"Yoongi thought again
"Hey kid, wake up"Yoongi said while shaking him
Jimin woke up and said.
"Where am I?"Jimin asked
"You're my husband, we just got married"Yoongi said
"Huh? What?"Jimin said
"Kid, we came for camping"Yoongi said
"Oh yeah, I remember, where's everyone?"Jimin asked
"They'll went out, let's go out now"Yoongi said
"Ok"Jimin said
They both wents out.

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now