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Jimin got shocked to know Yoongi remember everything.
"Shock? Right"Yoongi said while smirking
"S-sensei, I don't remember you"Jimin said
"Then why are you shock?"Yoongi said
"I was just pretending"Jimin said
Yoongi starts to go closer to him.
"S-stay away"Jimin said while backing off
Yoongi didn't stopped and Jimin's back touched the door.
"Hey, stay away Sensei"Jimin said
Yoongi grab his hands and pinned them on the door and said.
"You're so bad at pretending you know"Yoongi said in his deep voice
"L-leave me"Jimin said scaredly
"Baby boy is scared"Yoongi said while smirking
"Leave me Sensei"Jimin said as his eyes welled up with tears
Yoongi leaned closer to him.
Jimin closed his eyes but he didn't felt anything.
He slowly opened his eyes and saw Yoongi laughing.
"W-what?"Jimin said
"Such a scaredly cat you're"Yoongi said
"Shut up"Jimin said
He wipped his tears and said.
"I hate you Sensei"Jimin said
"I love you too kid"Yoongi said
"Shu-shut up"Jimin said while blushing
He rushed outside leaving a laughing Yoongi.
"Aish kid nowadays"Yoongi said
He again starts to do his work.

Taehyung came back to the class.
"Where were you left?"Baekhyun said
"No where, let's go to the cafeteria"Jimin said
"Yeah, let's go"Baekhyun said
They both got up and wents to the cafeteria.

They came to the cafeteria and Baekhyun said.
"Won't you take food?"Baekhyun said
"No, I've my lunch box"Jimin said
"Alright, I'll come back after taking my food"Baekhyun said
"Okkkk"Jimin said
He got up and wents from there.
Jimin was sitting there when Chanyeol came and sit beside him.
"Hey Jimin"Chanyeol said while placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder
Jimin looked at him and said
"How many times I've to told you not to touch me"Jimin said
Chanyeol put his hand down and said.
"I'm sorry, I forgot"Chanyeol said
"What do you want?"Jimin said
"Nothing, just wanna sit beside you"Chanyeol said
"Am I your husband or what?"Jimin said
Chanyeol didn't said anything.
"Look Chanyeol I don't like you"Jimin said
"Give me a chance Jimin"Chanyeol said
"I don't wanna nor you are my type"Jimin said
"I'll try my best to make you happy"Chanyeol said
"You wanna make me happy?"Jimin said
"Yes"Chanyeol said
"Then go from my life"Jimin said
"Huh?"Chanyeol said
"I'm happy without you, just get the hell outta my life"Jimin said
"I promise to make you fell for me"Chanyeol said
"And I promise to not fell for you"Jimin said
"How can you say this?"Chanyeol said
"Because I don't like you, not even 1%"Jimin said
"I'll make you fell"Chanyeol said
He got up and wents from there.
"This fucker, he always ruin my mood"Jimin said
"What's wrong, why are you cursing?"Baekhyun said
"That Chanyeol ruin my mood"Jimin said
"Chanyeol? What he did?"Baekhyun said
"He likes me and wants me to like him back"Jimin said
"Oh"Baekhyun said with a sad look on his face
"What's wrong with you?"Jimin said
"Nuh-nothing"Baekhyun said
"Why it feels like you suddenly become sad?"Jimin said
"I'm not sad"Baekhyun said
He passed a fake smile to Jimin.
"Fine, let's eat"Jimin said
"Yeah, let's eat"Baekhyun said
They all starts to eat.

Time skips at home.
"Hyungie, I'm home"Jimin said
He run to Jin and hugged him.
"Hyungie"Jimin said
Jin smiled, kissed his forehead and said.
"How's your first day at school baby?"Jin said
Jimin suddenly remembered Yoongi but he said.
"It went well"Jimin said
"That's good, you made friends?"Jin said
"Yes I did, Baekhyun he is my friend"Jimin said
"That's great, go and fresh up, I'll make your lunch"Jin said
"Okkk hyungie"Jimin said
He broke the hug and run to his room.

Time skips at night.
Jimin was laying in his room thinking something.
"How should I take my revenge from that Sensei"Jimin said
"Wait, I saw a frame in his office, how about breaking it"Jimin said
His smirk and said.
"Yeah, I'll break his frame how dare he scare me"Jimin said
He made his mind to break Yoongi's frame and slept.

Next morning after school.
After everyone was left except him and Yoongi, he wents to Yoongi's office.
Yoongi wasn't there because he was at staff's room doing some work.
He entered his office and saw that frame.
"Oh Sensei's picture"Jimin said
He left the hold and that picture and it fell on the floor.
Jimin was about to go but his foot slipped and he fell on glass pieces.
That's when Yoongi entered his office and saw Jimin on floor.
"Jimin"Yoongi said
He rushed to him and saw his left leg bleeding.
"Agh, it hurts"Jimin said
"What you did stupid"Yoongi said
He picked him up in bridal style and starts to go out.
"Leave me Sensei"Jimin said
"For god sake shut your mouth"Yoongi said
He was Hella worried for Jimin.

Soon he reached infirmary and wents inside.
"Sensei Min"Nurse said
"Give me necessary things to clean a wound and plucker"Yoongi said
He made Jimin sit on the bed.
"Okkk sensei"Nurse said
She immediately gave all things to Yoongi and Yoongi said.
"Thank you, you can go"Yoongi said
"Okkk Sensei"Nurse said
She left from there.
Yoongi saw Jimin's leg, he sit beside him.
He took the plucker and said.
"It'll hurt a little"Yoongi said
"I'm not a kid"Jimin said
Yoongi chuckled and took out the piece from his leg.
"AHHHHHHH"Jimin yelled in pain
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"Yoongi said
He then started cleaning his wound when Jimin said.
"I broke your frame still you care about me"Jimin said
Yoongi was done bandaging, he said.
"You're my student it's my duty"Yoongi said
Jimin felt an ache in his heart and he said.
"If someone would do the same you'll treat them like this"Jimin said
"Of course you all are my students"Yoongi said
Jimin angrily got up when Yoongi said.
"Sit down, I'll drop you at your home"Yoongi said
"I don't need your pity"Jimin said
He angrily wents from there after taking his bag.
"I wonder what's wrong with this kid"Yoongi said while sighing

Meanwhile Jimin was walking on road.
"I'm nothing to him but a student"Jimin said
"Wait, why do I even care"Jimin said
"It's not like that I like him"Jimin said
"Agh, why should I care if he treats everyone same"Jimin said
While talking to himself he reached his home.

He entered the home and wents to the living room.
"Jimin, why are you limping?"Taehyung said with a smirk
"Don't think dirty I hurted myself"Jimin said
"WHAT? HOW KID?"Younghoon yelled
"Calm down hyung, I just fell and piece of glass wents inside my skin"Jimin said
"You should take care Minnie"Namjoon said
"I'm sorry hyung"Jimin said
Hoseok held him and made him sit on the couch.
"I'm fine hyung"Jimin said
"You're not"Jin said
"Ahhh fine but I wanna say something"Jimin said
"What baby?"Jungkook said
"I ain't be attending school for some days"Jimin said

"Like we will let you go, you've got hurt you won't go, by the way did something happened?"Jin said

"Nothing hyung, just having pain in leg so don't wanna go"Jimin said
"Alright, first eat your lunch then you can sleep"Jin said
"Okkk hyung"Jimin said
He wents to make lunch for everyone while Jimin rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder.
"Are you tired?"Taehyung said
"Hella, just wanna sleep while cuddling"Jimin said
"Alright, I'll cuddle with you but first eat something"Taehyung said
"Okkkk"Jimin said

To be continue:)
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