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"Let's ask Baeksii"Jimin said
He took out his phone and dialed Baekhyun's number.
After some rings he picked the call.
"Hey Jimin"Baekhyun said
"Hey Baeksii, I need your help"Jimin said
"Yes tell me, how can I help you?"Baekhyun asked
"I'm thinking to confess to Sensei, should I?"Jimin asked

"Ask your heart Jimin not me, ask yourself if you're still prepared or not"Baekhyun said

"I don't know Baeksii"Jimin said
"Take a night and think about it Jimin"Baekhyun said
"Alright, I'll think about it then"Jimin said
"Good, I'm always by your side remember"Baekhyun said
"I know Baeksii"Jimin said
After talking for an hour, Baekhyun cutted the call.
Time skips at night.
Jimin was laying on his bed still wondering if he should confess or not.
"Ahhh, it's frustrating"Jimin said
He closed his eyes and starts to think.
He starts to imagine how he should confess to Yoongi.
While thinking he slept.

Time skips to the next morning.
Jimin was sleeping when his hyung came to wake him up.
"Rise and shine kiddo, get up"Hoseok said
Jimin didn't move at all.
"Hey kiddo, get up, you've to attend your school"Hoseok said while shaking him
"I don't wanna go hyungie, let me sleep"Jimin said in sleepy voice
"Get up kiddo"Hoseok said while shaking him
After sometimes Jimin got up and sit on the bed.
"I said I don't wanna go"Jimin said being all sulky and pouty
"Aish my baby kiddo, you've to go"Hoseok said
"Fineeee, I'm coming in a while after taking shower"Jimin said
"Alright"Hoseok said as he sat on the bed
"You can go hyung, I'll come"Jimin said
"Yeah so that you can sleep again"Hoseok said
"I won't sleep"Jimin said while pouting
"I'm not fool, go to the washroom right now"Hoseok said
"Ahhh cruel human"Jimin said as he got up and wents to the washroom while sulking
Hoseok chuckled at him and went downstairs.

In the dining room.
Everyone was sitting when Hoseok came.
"You beat my baby?"Jin asked
"No hyung, I simply woke him up"Hoseok said
"I can't believe you"Jin said
"Aish hyung, I swear I didn't said anything to your baby"Hoseok said
"Alright alright but where is he?"Jin asked
"He is taking shower, he'll be coming in a while"Hoseok said
"Alright, let's wait for him"Jin said
Everyone agreed.
After sometimes Jimin came wearing his uniform.
"Good morning hyungs"Jimin said
"Good morning"Everyone said
"Sit and start to eat you're getting late"Namjoon said
"Ok hyung"Jimin said
He sat beside Taehyung and starts to eat his breakfast.
"What did you thought?"Taehyung asked
"I'll confess today"Jimin said
"Really?"Taehyung said
Jimin was about to say something when Younghoon said.
"Don't speak while eating"Younghoon said
"Sorry hyung"Jimin said
"It's alright, now eat"Younghoon said
He starts to eat again.
Time skips.

Right now Jimin was in his class but Baekhyun didn't came yet.
"Where is Baeksii left"Jimin said
After sometimes Baekhyun and Chanyeol both came to the class.
"Huh? They're together"Jimin said
He was shocked because as much as he know Chanyeol don't like Baekhyun.
"Hi Jimin"Baekhyun said
"Hi Jimin"Chanyeol said
"Hi guys, you guys together? How?"Jimin asked
"We met in the way while coming to school so we came together"Baekhyun said
"Oh alright"Jimin said
"Yeah"Baekhyun said
"I'll be going to my seat now, I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria"Chanyeol said
"Ok"Jimin replied
Chanyeol wents to his seat and Baekhyun sat beside Jimin.
"What's going on?"Jimin asked
"What?"Baekhyun asked
"He confessed to you?"Jimin inquired curiously
"Are you mad? Why would he confess to me?"Baekhyun said
"I don't know, I just thought to ask"Jimin said
"What did you thought?"Baekhyun said
"About what?"Jimin asked
"About confessing to Sensei"Baekhyun replied
"I'll confess to him today"Jimin said
"Really?"Baekhyun said
"Yes, I'll confess to him today"Jimin said
"Best of luck, I hope he'll accept your proposal"Baekhyun said
"Hope so too"Jimin said
"He'll don't worry"Baekhyun said
"I am nervous"Jimin said
"Don't be, everything will be alright"Baekhyun said
"Hm"Jimin hummed
Time skips to the lunch break.

Here Yoongi was sitting in his cabin being all frustrated.
Let's first know the reason behind his frustration.

In Min's Mansion.
When everyone wents from there only Yoongi was left.
"I'll be going now mom"Yoongi said
He got up when his father said.
"You aren't going anywhere"His Father said
Yoongi turned about and raised his one eyebrow, he then spoke.
"What do you mean by I'm not going anywhere?"Yoongi asked
"I'll give resign letter in your school and you'll join my company"Mr Min said
"I won't"Yoongi said
"You've to"His Father said
"i don't wanna yell at you, don't force me father"Yoongi said
He was about to go when his father said.
"If you stepped out of this house, never ever dare to come back again"His Father said
Yoongi looked back and yelled.


He run from there leaving everything.
"Yoongi wait"Mrs Min said
But she was too late.
"What you did? How can you do this to your own son"Mrs Min said frustratingly
Without replying to her Mr Min wents to his room.
End of flashback.

"I really hate father for this"Yoongi thought while his tears while flowing
He was crying when he heared a knock.
He wipped his tears, cleared his throats and said.
"Come inside"Yoongi said
Door opened and Jimin came inside with some chocolates and Red tulips.
"What do you want?"Yoongi asked
"S-Sensei, I wanna say something"Jimin said
"Speak up kid"Yoongi said
"Mhm Sensei"Jimin said
Yoongi looked at him and said.
"Speak up Jimin"Yoongi said
Jimin wents to him and said.
"Take this"Jimin said while forwarding tulips
"Why?"Yoongi asked while raising an eyebrow
"Please Sensei"Jimin said
Yoongi frustratingly took tulips and Jimin took a deep breath and said.
"Sensei, I like you"Jimin said
"Huh? What?"Yoongi said
"I l-like you Sensei"Jimin said
"Are you mad? I'm your teacher"Yoongi said
Jimin looked at him and Yoongi spoke again.
"Stop wasting your time in this shitty things"Yoongi said
He throw flowers inside the dustbin and said.

"I want you to focus on your studies, have you seen your tests? You just failed your test yesterday and here you're confessing to me, it's not your age to do these things"Yoongi said

"Your brothers earn so that you can confess to teachers? Kid I'm telling you, if you won't improve yourself I'll beat you so bad Infront of the whole class"Yoongi said

"And stop being interested in me, I don't like anyone and you guys are just my students nothing else, SO BETTER STOP WASTING YOUR TIME"Yoongi said

"Get out now"Yoongi said
He didn't realised what he did in anger but he did when Jimin ran out before saying.
"I h-hate you S-Sensei"Jimin said
He run out of the office while crying.

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now