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"Oh okk, I'll give you extra lunch box from tomorrow"Jin said
"Okkkk hyung"Jimin said
"Go and fresh up, I'll make your lunch"Jin said
"Okkkk hyung"Jimin said
He got up and wents from there.
After sometimes he came back.
"Jiminahhh, should I tell you something?"Jungkook said
"What is it hyung?"Jimin said
"You've to beat someone"Jungkook whispered
"But who?"Jimin whispered back

I'm changing Taehyung's and Younghoon's profession, they both are now university's student, I'm sorry for changing.

"Taehyung told me someone bullied Younghoon, you know I can't beat that guy, University's authority will suspend me"Jungkook whispered

"What are you guys whispering about?"Younghoon said
"Nothing hyung"Jimin said
"When are we going?"Jimin said
Jungkook looked at him and gluped.
Jimin's eyes were burning with anger, he was looking so angry.
He can never let anyone live in peace who hurts his brothers.
"Tomorrow"Jungkook said
"Alright, I won't be attending school then"Jimin said
"Alright, inform your homeroom teacher"Jungkook said
"I'll inform him"Jimin said

Time skips at night.
Jimin was laying in his room when he text Yoongi.
He have his number as he is his homeroom teacher.


Yes kid?

I ain't be attending school tomorrow.

Why kid?

I've some work.

Your syllabus is already left, you've to come.

I can't.

Atleast come after school and attend your extra classes.

Alright, I'll come.


Jimin just hummed and turned off his phone.
Time skips to the next morning.

In dining room.
Jimin came to the dining room when Namjoon said.
"Kiddo"Namjoon said
"Yes hyung?"Jimin said
"Why are you in your home clothes, where's your uniform?"Namjoon said
"I ain't be attending school today, I'll attend only extra classes"Jimin said
"And why?"Hoseok said
"Jungkook hyung said he'll take me somewhere"Jimin said
Everyone looked at Jungkook who gulped.
"Where are you taking him Jungkook?"Jin said
"Um hyung, I've some work with him"Jungkook said

What work?"Jin said
"Um that, I've to take him to the doctor"Jungkook said
"Why? What happened Minnie?"Jin said worriedly
"He was having pain in his stomach yesterday"Jungkook said
"Why Minnie? You ate Junk?"Namjoon said
"Ahhh no hyung, idk why but my stomach hurts"Jimin said
"Should I go with you?"Jin said
"No hyung, Jungkook hyung will take me there"Jimin said

"Fine but you hybrid bunny don't let doctor inject him, I don't wanna see my baby crying"Jin said

"I won't hyung"Jungkook said
"Hyung come on, I'm not scared of it"Jimin said
"Says who"Hoseok said while laughing
"Hyungieeeeeeee"Jimin said while whining
"Don't tease my baby you moron"Jin said
"Fine fine"Hoseok said
"I'm done Jungkookie hyung, let's go"Jimin said
"Alright, let's go"Jungkook said

Taehyung and Younghoon go in other car cause no one knows Jungkook is Taehyung's husband and Younghoon's brother-in-law.

They both wents to the university.
Right now in the ground.
"Hey bro"Jimin said
"Kid? What is an kid doing here?"Someone said
"You're Jack right?"Jimin said
"Yes so what?"Jack said
Jimin showed him picture of Younghoon and said.
"Do you know this guy?"Jimin said
"This guy? This slut, I know him"Jack said
"Why are you calling him slut?"Jimin said
"Because when I proposed him he said no to me"Jack said
"Oh really"Jimin said
"Yes and now I bully him"Jack said
"Do you know me?"Jimin said
"No, who are you kid?"Jack said
"Kim, I'm Kim Jimin, brother of Kim Younghoon"Jimin said
"Oh so you're brother of this slut"Jack said
"You're death also"Jimin said
"What can you even do kid"Jack said while smirking
"Challenging me? I'll beat the hell outta you"Jimin said
"Count me in"Hoseok said from behind
"Hyung? When did you came?"Jimin said

"I already listened your and Jungkook's talks and I'm here to take my boyfriend's revenge"Hoseok said

"Boyfriend? So that slut is your boyfriend"Jack said
"You"Hoseok said
He was about to attack Jack when Jimin said.
"Wait hyung"Jimin said
"Hey you, call your helpers, let's have fun today"Jimin said while smirking
"As you says kid"Jack said
He took out his phone and called his helpers.
After sometimes some people came while holding weapons.
"Let's have fun"Jimin said
He grabbed his hockey.
After 45 minutes, Jack and his helpers was seen on the ground all injured.
"Kid? I was kid right, you got beaten by a kid"Jimin said
He put his foot on Jack's face and pressed it hardly.

"Younghoon Younghoon"Someone came to him
He was walking with Taehyung.
Taehyung smirked knowing what is that guy about to say.
"What happened?"Younghoon said
"Kim Hoseok? He is your boyfriend right?"That guy said
"Yes? What about him?"Younghoon said
"He is in the ground"That guy said
Younghoon run to the ground.
"Here's your money, thanks for telling him"Taehyung said
He handed that boy his money and left from there.

Younghoon came to the ground and gulped seeing Jack and his helpers lying on the ground, Jack's hand wad broken while one of his helper's leg was broken.

Younghoon saw Jimin and Hoseok, Jimin's head was bleeding and Hoseok's hand was bleeding, he rushed to them and said.

"Hobi"Younghoon said
"Hey babe, see they bullied you, I took your revenge"Hoseok said
Later that evening, after getting treat Jimin directly wents to the school.

He came to Yoongi's cabin and entered after knocking.
"Sensei, I'm here"Jimin said
Yoongi looked up and saw Jimin.
There was a bandage on his head, Yoongi wents to him worriedly and said.
"What happened to you kid?"Yoongi said
"Nothing Sensei leave it and teach me"Jimin said
"I can't teach you in this state go to home and take rest"Yoongi said
Jimin was about to say something when Yoongi's phone starts to ring.
He picked the call and after sometimes he cutted the call and said.
"Go to your home, I've to go to the hospital"Yoongi said
"Why Sensei?"Jimin said
"My friend got into a fight, I've to go to see him"Yoongi said
"Okk Sensei then I'm going"Jimin said
"Come, I'll drop you"Yoongi said
"No need Sensei, I can go"Jimin said
"Look at your state kid, you can't go"Yoongi said
He forcefully took Jimin to his car and dropped him.

As soon as Jimin entered the home, he saw Jungkook, Hobi and Taehyung kneeling Infront of Jimin.

"Here comes another king, come mister and kneel beside them"Jin said
Jimin didn't argued and kneeled beside them.
"You took him for checkup Jungkook"Jin said
"Sorry hyung"Jungkook said
"You bunny head human you saw his head and Hobi's hand"Jin said
"I didn't knew they'll get injured while fighting"Jungkook said while pouting
"And you guys, do you know why I'm punishing you?"Jin said
"Because we fought"Jimin and Hoseok said
"And I knew this all and didn't told you"Taehyung said
"Stupids, I'm punishing you because you didn't killed that bastard"Jin said
They all immediately looked at him and Jin said.
"You should've killed him for bullying my kid"Jin said
Jimin smirked and said.
"We will next time"Jimin said
"Now stand up, go and take rest"Jin said
"Okkk hyung"Hoseok and Jimin said
"Minnie is your head hurting?"Jin said worriedly
"No hyung, it's alright"Jimin said
"Ok, tell me if I hurts, now go and take rest"Jin said
"Ok hyung"Jimin said
He wents from there.

Meanwhile with Yoongi.
Here he was with his so called friend.
"Jack, who broke your hand?"Yoongi said
"A kid, a kid and a boy's boyfriend"Jack said
"And what you did?"Yoongi said coldly
"I didn't did anything"Jack said
"Really? You didn't did anything and they beated you for nothing"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jack said
"Such a liar you're and who are they?"Yoongi said
"Kims"Jack said
"Kims?"Yoongi said
"Yes, Kim Jimin and Kim Hoseok"Jack said
"Jimin"Yoongi uttered in shock

To be continue:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now