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In the class.
They both came and sit on their seats.
"Tell me truly, what happened yesterday"Baekhyun asked
"You can believe me Jimin"Baekhyun assured him
Jimin took a deep breathe and stated the whole incident.
He also told him that he fell for Yoongi.
"Jimin, you saw one side, what about other?"Baekhyun said
"I know I did wrong, I'll ask from him today in the break"Jimin said
"Alright, that's great"Baekhyun said
Time skips after the class.

Here Jimin was going to Yoongi's cabin when someone pulled him inside the girl's washroom.

"Hey, that's girl's washroom"Jimin said
"Shut up stupid and listen to me, do you remember me?"That girl asked
"You're that girl who was with Sensei yesterday"Jimin said

"Yes, actually I've to tell you the whole situation before you misunderstand"That girl said

That girl stated the whole incident and Jimin was shocked.
"Please don't think anything bad about Sensei or me"That girl said
"I won't, I've to go now"Jimin said
He rushed out of the washroom.

He reached Yoongi's cabin, he was about to knock the door but he heared.
He heard something which broke his heart again.

"I'm ready mom, when's the marriage?"Yoongi spoke.
"W-what?"Jimin said
He was shocked after hearing this all.
Before hearing more he run away.
Meanwhile inside Yoongi's cabin.

"Fine, I'll come but I won't meet dad"Yoongi said
"What does that means Yoongi? He is your father"Mrs Min said
"Mom please, I'm not attending Dohyun's wedding then"Yoongi said
"You just have to greet him"Mrs Min said
"Don't force me mom"Yoongi said
"Can't you do this for your mom?"Mrs Min asked
"Stop blackmailing me"Yoongi said
"Just do it then"Mrs Min said
"Fine, I'll come and greet your husband, happy?"Yoongi said
"He's your dad also, not only my husband"Mrs Min said
"The one who ruined my childhood"Yoongi said
"Forget it Yoongi"Mrs Min said
"It's not easy mom"Yoongi said
"I know baby but he's your father"Mrs Min said
"I don't need a father like him"Yoongi said
"Don't say this, people crave for father's love baby"Mrs Min said
"Count me in because he never gave me father's love"Yoongi said
"Maybe he have some problems"Mrs Min said
"Stop defending him"Yoongi said
"Aish, I'm not defending him"Mrs Min said
"You're"Yoongi said
"Fine fine, don't ruin your mood now"Mrs Min said
"Fineeeee"Yoongi said
"Yeah"Mrs Min said
"So when's the marriage?"Yoongi asked
"On this Wednesday"Mrs Min said
"Day after tomorrow?"Yoongi asked
"Yes"Mrs Min said
"Alright, I'll try to come"Yoongi said
"Not try, you've to come, you know Dohyun loves you so much"Mrs Min said
"I know"Yoongi said
"Then come for him, he said he want his hyung"Mrs Min said
"I'll come, don't worry"Yoongi said
"Ok"Mrs Min said
"Just make sure your husband won't taunt me"Yoongi said
"He won't, don't worry"Mrs Min said
"Alright, I've to go now, it's my lecture time, bye"Yoongi said
"Bye baby, take care"Mrs Min said
Yoongi hummed and cutted the call.
"Agh, I hate to go there"Yoongi said
He kept his phone inside the pocket and starts to take round in the cabin.
Still 10 minutes were left for his lecture.

Meanwhile with Jimin.
He came to the cafeteria and he was behaving all normal.
"Hey Baeksii"Jimin said
"Hey, where did you went?"Baekhyun asked
"Just went to the washroom"Jimin said
"Stupid did you forgot you told me that you're going to Sensei"Baekhyun said
"Oh yes"Jimin said
"Tell me what happened? What he said?"Baekhyun said
"Um he said it's alright, he isn't angry"Jimin lied
"Oh really? Did you confessed?"Baekhyun asked
"Not yet, I guess I need sometime"Jimin said
"Alright take your time but don't be to late"Baekhyun said
"Yes, what did you bought?"Jimin asked
"Mom gave me bento"Baekhyun said
"Baeksii"Jimin said
"Yeah?"Baekhyun replied
"How does it feels to have a mother?"Jimin said
"How does it feels to hug her and get her warthm?"Jimin asked
"It feels so great"Baekhyun replied
"Really? I wish I had a mom"Jimin said
"Don't be sad Jiminie, my mom is also your mom"Baekhyun said
"Really?"Jimin said
"Yes, you can meet her, come to my home someday"Baekhyun said
"Really Baeksii?"Jimin said
His eyes welled up with tears.
"Aish Dumbo, obviously, aren't you my brother?"Baekhyun asked
"I am, I'm your brother"Jimin said
"Then my mom is also your mom"Baekhyun said
Jimin hug Baekhyun and said.
"Agh, I'm so excited to meet mom"Jimin said while crying
"Stop crying Dumbo, before I beat you right here"Baekhyun said
Jimin laughed and broke the hug.
"Fine fine"Jimin said
"Let's have our lunch, what did you bought?"Baekhyun asked
"Hyung also gave me bento"Jimin said
"Today I'll eat yours and you'll eat mine"Baekhyun said
"Alright, I've no problem"Jimin said
They both changed their bento and starts to eat them.
Even though Jimin was sad but he thought to not show it.
This time he thought that he'll before strong.
He won't care because this time Yoongi didn't hurt him.
He thinks that Yoongi wasn't written in his fate.
He's already getting married it's not his fault.
Maybe he is sad but he isn't mad at Yoongi.
Maybe he is hurt but this isn't Yoongi's fault as well.
Time skips after school.

Here Jimin was sitting on the bench in the park.
As per planned he have to meet Chanyeol.
After sometimes Chanyeol came.
"Did I make you wait for too long?"Chanyeol asked
"No"Jimin said
Chanyeol sit beside Jimin and gave him chocolate milk.
"Thanks, can I ask you something?"Jimin said
"Yeah sure"Chanyeol said
"Do you like me?"Jimin asked
Chanyeol who was drinking chocolate milk suddenly stopped and said.
"Why are you asking this so suddenly?"Chanyeol said
"Because I can see this all from your behaviour"Jimin said
"Jimin don't take me wrong, I used to love you but not now"Chanyeol said
It was shocking for Jimin but he said.

To be continue:)

Can we get 50 votes on this part?😃💕

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