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"Nuh-nothing"Jimin replied

He laid on his place and cover himself with duvet.

"Tell me kid why are your crying?"Yoongi asked worriedly

Jimin didn't replied.

Yoongi sighed and spoke again.

"Jimin kiddo, tell me"Yoongi spoke softly

Jimin looked at him and said.

"Let me please sleep Sensei"Jimin said in a pleading tone

"Alright sleep"Yoongi said

Jimin hummed and took blanket upon himself and closed his eyes...

But his tears were continuously falling.

"Maybe he's sad because he was thinking about his parents"Yoongi thought

He also his close his eye and tries to sleep.

Meanwhile Jimin was crying his heart out while putting his hand on his mouth.

He was feeling bad, he don't know why but he was feeling sad.

He want someone beside him who can hug him.

Not someone but Taehyung, he is close to Taehyung.

Taehyung is the one who mostly comfort him.

Now he was missing Taehyung to the core, he wanted him beside.

But unfortunately now he can't do anything except of calming himself.

"It's not like that I love Sensei"Jimin thought

"Why the hell am I even crying?"Jimin thought

"I don't love him, he don't love me, why am I crying?"Jimin thought

He harshly wipped his tears but no use, it replaces with new ones.

"Why the hell it's affecting me?"Jimin thought

"Why the hell I even care when he said it was accident"Jimin thought

"You need to calm down Jimin, you fucking don't love him"Jimin thought

"Jimin, are you sleeping kid?"Yoongi asked

Indeed he was worried for Jimin.

He was thinking why Jimin was crying without evening knowing the fact that Jimin is crying because of him and his so called word 'mistake'.

"Jiminahhh baby, listen"Yoongi said

He didn't replied when he called Jimin as baby.

"Sensei, let me sleep"Jimin spoke

Listening to his voice anyone can say he is crying.

"You're crying continuously kiddo"Yoongi said worriedly

"I'm not"Jimin said

"What's wrong atleast tell me, do you miss your parents?"Yoongi asked

Even thought he was hesitate to ask this but he have to ask.

"Let me sleep Sensei"Jimin said

Yoongi didn't knew what to do know.

"Jimin, just for once, turn to my side and look at me"Yoongi said

Jimin sighed knowing Yoongi won't stop until he'll listen to him.

He turned towards Yoongi and his heart skipped a beat when Yoongi pulled him in his arms.

"S-sensei"Jimin spoke

"Shhhh don't speak, I know you're missing your parents, you can cry"Yoongi said

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now