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"Maybe he'll forgive me and we can be in relationship"Yoongi said
"Let's think a little Yoongi"Yoongi said

Time skips after few days.
In these few days Yoongi missed Jimin alot because he wasn't attending school.
He got severally sick after getting injured that's why he wasn't attending the school.
Now he is a bit fine but he still feels like he isn't ready yet to face Yoongi.
Meanwhile Yoongi who is yearning to see Jimin.
He wanna ask for forgiveness and he is sure that Jimin will give him a chance.
That's why he is yearning to see Jimin and he also miss Jimin.
Meanwhile Jimin also misses Yoongi but he isn't ready to face him.
He feels like he should forgive Yoongi but he is afraid to be broken again.
Both are missing each other and wanna see each other but time isn't right.
Maybe it's right people and wrong time that's why.

Here with Jimin.
Jimin was sitting in his room watching TV.
"Jiminie"Taehyung said as he entered the room
Taehyung already know about Jimin confessed to Yoongi.
"Yes hyungie?"Jimin said
"From when are you attending school?"Taehyung asked
"I guess from tomorrow, why you asked?"Jimin said
"Are you ready?"Taehyung asked
"Ready for what?"Jimin asked
Taehyung sat beside him and held his hands.
"Are you ready to face your Sensei?"Taehyung asked
"I'm ready hyung, don't worry about me"Jimin said
He gave an assuring smile to Taehyung who was worried.
"Are you sure Jimin? I don't wanna see you crying again"Taehyung said
"I won't cry and I'll move on hyung"Jimin said
"You'll move on?"Taehyung said
"Hm, I'll try unless he asked for forgiveness"Jimin said
"If he did and he have true reasons from behaving like this, will you forgive him?"Taehyung said
"I'll hyung because you know how much I love him"Jimin said
"What if he hurt you again?"Taehyung asked
"Let's not think negative hyung"Jimin said
"Hm do whatever you want just be happy chim"Taehyung said
"I'll be, don't worry hyung"Jimin said
Time skips to the next morning.
Here Jimin was getting ready for his school.
"Am I really ready to face Sensei?"Jimin said
"What if he asked for forgiveness, I'll forgive him"Jimin said
"Ahhh, stop daydreaming Jimin"Jimin said
He packed his stuff and picked his bag.
"Let's go"Jimin said
He went downstairs to do his breakfast.

Time skips to the school.
Here Jimin was sitting in his class with Baekhyun.
"Are you feeling good now?"Baekhyun asked
"Yes, I'm all fine"Jimin said
"That's great, I wanna tell you something"Baekhyun said
"Hm tell me"Jimin said
"Um actually me and........"Baekhyun said
"You and?"Jimin asked
"Me and Chanyeol.."Baekhyun said
"You and Chanyeol what?"Jimin asked
"We are dating"Baekhyun said
"I knew it"Jimin said
"What? How?"Chanyeol asked from behind
"Somedays ago I saw you guys kissing in the washroom"Jimin said
"What? Really?"Baekhyun said
"Yeah, do these nasty things in private you bloody idiots"Jimin said
Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked down in embarrassment.
"Don't be embarrassed now, you guys didn't felt embarrass doing that"Jimin said
"It's our right"Chanyeol said
"Yeah yeah right, nasty fools"Jimin said
"Hey shut up"Baekhyun said as he slapped him
Jimin laughed and said.
"I was just kidding, I'm happy for you guys"Jimin said
"Thank you Jiminie"Baekhyun said
Jimin just passed a smile.
"So you guys are giving me treat today right?"Jimin asked
"Obviously, treat is on me"Chanyeol said
"I'll have burger and fries then"Jimin said
"Ok mister"Chanyeol said
Time skips to Yoongi's lecture.
Here Yoongi came to the class and his heart skipped a beat seeing Jimin.
Yoongi's pov.
I entered the class just to see Jimin sitting inside the class.
It's been a lot of time since I saw him, I really missed him.
My heart skipped a beat seeing him but I can ask for forgiveness now.
I hope he'll forgive me.
End of pov.
"Class, I'm not feeling well today, class dismiss"Yoongi said
"Are you ok Sensei?"Class President asked
"Yes I'm ok Mingyu don't worry"Yoongi said
"Ok Sensei"Mingyu said
"Jimin come to my office in the last lecture"Yoongi said
"Ok Sensei"Jimin said
Yoongi left from there.
"Why did he called you?"Baekhyun asked
"I don't know Baeksii"Jimin replied
"Maybe he'll ask for forgiveness"Baekhyun said
"Stop daydreaming"Jimin said
"Nobody knows the truth"Baekhyun said
"Hm right"Jimin said
"Then will you go?"Baekhyun asked
"Obviously I have to go"Jimin said
"Ok"Baekhyun said
Time skips to the last lecture.

Here Jimin was standing outside Yoongi's office.
"Should I go inside, should I knock"Jimin said
"Agh, what the hell is wrong with me, let's just go inside"Jimin said
He opened the door but his eyes windened seeing Yoongi with his pants down.
"Fuck, what the hell did I just saw"Jimin said
He cursed himself badly and regret opening the door.

Meanwhile with Yoongi.
I was walking in my cabin waiting for Jimin.
"Ahhhh, this pant is too loose"Yoongi said
That's when his pants slipped and Jimin came inside.
"Fuck, did he saw junior Yoongi"Yoongi said
"What should I do now"Yoongi said
He opened the door and said.
"C-come inside"Yoongi said
Jimin nervously came inside.
"S-sensei you c-called me?"Jimin said
"Um yeah actually Jimin"Yoongi said
Jimin looked at him and Yoongi spoke.
"I'm sorry"Yoongi said
"Sorry for what?"Jimin said

"I'm sorry for insulting you, I didn't meant it Jimin, I promise, I had fight with father that's why I was in a bad mood please forgive me Jimin"Yoongi said

"It's alright Sensei"Jimin said
"Really?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jimin said
"Um so will you give me a second chance?"Yoongi said
"Second chance for what?"Jimin said
Yoongi kneeled Infront of Jimin and said.

"Jimin I realised that I love you so much, will you give me a chance? Will you be my boyfriend?"Yoongi said

Jimin smirked naughty and said.
"Nah, not this easily, make efforts on me"Jimin said
He said and was about to go outside when Yoongi said.
"But you already saw junior Yoongi, now take responsibility of it"Yoongi said
"Shut up Prevert Sensei"Jimin said as he wents outside
"Wait, ahhh thank god he forgive me"Yoongi said
"Now I'll make high efforts and make him agree to be my boyfriend"Yoongi said

To be continue:)
Guess it'll take one more ep to end this series, hopefully I'll end this series in ep 25:)

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now