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"Obviously sweety, it's compulsory"Jimin replied
That girl's heart fluttered listening to the word sweety.
Yoongi glared at Jimin feeling jealous.
He also don't know why but he felt jealous.
Jimin looked at Yoongi and saw him glaring.
He smirked seeing Yoongi being jealous.
"I'm going Sensei and everyone have to come it's compulsory"That student said
He wents from there.
"So students as you've listened it's compulsory"Yoongi said
"Yes Sensei"Everyone replied
"So you've to come"Yoongi said
"Ok Sensei"Everyone spoke together
"So do come on day after tomorrow"Yoongi said
"At what time we have to leave Sensei?"Class President asked
"I'll ask principal and then I'll tell you guys"Yoongi replied
"Ok Sensei"Class's President said
"Let's focus now"Yoongi uttered
He turn towards the board and starts to teach.
Note: Yoongi teach Korean and Maths.
He was teaching maths while Jimin was busy in his own thoughts.
He turned around and saw Jimin busy in thinking something.
"Kim Jimin"Yoongi called him out
But as Jimin was busy thinking he didn't listened to Yoongi.
"Kim Jimin, I'm talking to you"Yoongi uttered
Jimin again didn't spoke anything.
"MR KIM JIMIN"Yoongi yelled
Jimin flinched badly and came out of his thought.
He stood up and said.
"M-me Sensei?"Jimin asked while pointing at himself
"Yes you, where are you lost?"Yoongi asked
"Nowhere Sensei"Jimin uttered
"Alright, then tell me the general form of Rolle's thereom"Yoongi questioned

"The square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of individual squares of base and height"Jimin replied

Yoongi raised his eyebrow while whole class was trying to control their laugh.
"Come Infront"Yoongi said sternly
Maybe he is chill with Jimin but not in the case of study.
Jimin scaredly got up and wents infront.
"Repeat the general form of Rolle's thereom"Yoongi said coldly
Jimin gulped listening to Yoongi's cold voice and said.

"The square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of individual squares of base and height"Jimin spoke scaredly

"Mingyu(Class's President)"Yoongi called out Mingyu
Mingyu stood up from his seat and said.
"Yes Sensei"Mingyu spoke
"Tell me the general form of Rolle's thereom"Yoongi ordered

"Let f : [a, b] → R be continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), such that f(a) = f(b), where a and b are some real numbers"Mingyu replied

"Exactly, Let f : [a, b] → R be continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), such that f(a) = f(b), where a and b are some real numbers"Yoongi spoke

"And what did Mr Kim Jimin said Mingyu?"Yoongi asked

"The square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of individual squares of base and height"Mingyu replied

"This is the definition of which thereom?"Yoongi asked
"Pythagoras theorem SenseiMingyu replied
"And in which class you guys studied it?"Yoongi again asked
"In 9th Sensei"Mingyu replied

"Exactly and Mr Jimin remember 9th class books but don't remember what I taught just now a minute ago"Yoongi uttered coldly

Jimin looked down feeling ashamed of himself.
"Mingyu, go to my cabin and bring cane from my drawer"Yoongi said coldly
"But Sensei"Mingyu said
"I SAID GO AND BRING CANE"Yoongi yelled furiously
Everyone flinched badly and Mingyu wents to Yoongi's cabin.
Till now Jimin have only seen chill Yoongi but today he saw furious one.
So he is a little scared, he also knows it's his fault.
"Sensei, I'm sorry"Jimin said in a low voice
Yoongi didn't replied.

Maybe he is chill and sweet with Jimin but he won't bear anything in the case of studies.

After sometimes Mingyu came back and handed cane to Yoongi.
"Why you didn't concentrate?"Yoongi asked coldly
"I'm sorry Sensei"Jimin spoke
"This is not the answer of my question Mr Kim Jimin"Yoongi spoke coldly
Jimin didn't replied.
"Go to the board and stand their face everyone's back"Yoongi said coldly
Jimin didn't argue and wents to the board while his back was facing everyone.
"Hands should be in air"Yoongi uttered coldly
Jimin put his hands up and starts to cry silently.
He understands it's his fault but he never got punished before.
Even his brothers never punished him that's why he is crying.
Yoongi stood beside Jimin near his dice and said.
"Class, I'm telling you, I want you all to student properly"Yoongi uttered coldly
"I won't bear if anyone won't study"Yoongi spoke again
Suddenly he hear Jimin's sniff.
He picked his cane and smacked Jimin on his back.
"Ahhhh"Jimin yelled from the pain
"Stop crying"Yoongi uttered coldly
Jimin didn't said anything.
"Wipe your tears kid, you know it's your fault"Yoongi said coldly
Jimin harshly wiped his tears but it replaced with new ones.
Yoongi sighed seeing Jimin isn't calming.
"Kim Jimin, I said stop crying"Yoongi spoke but this time a little softly
But situation wasn't helping Jimin, he can't stop himself.
Yoongi sighed and held his wrist.
"Whatever I taught, I'll ask tomorrow"Yoongi said
He wents out of the class while dragging Jimin with himself.

He came to his cabin and made Jimin sit on the chair.
But Jimin hissed and got up.
Yoongi felt guilty for hitting Jimin this hardly.
"Kid stop crying"Yoongi spoke sweetly
Jimin didn't said anything.
"Atleast try to sit"Yoongi said
"H-hurt"Jimin spoke while crying
Yoongi sighed and pour water in glass and gave it to Jimin.
"Here, drink it"Yoongi said
He made Jimin drink some water.
"Now stop crying, you also know it was your fault right?"Yoongi asked
Jimin slowly nodded his head.
He wasn't crying much by now.

"I would never get angry Jimin but you know I teach you after school as well, I also have a life, I also have other works but still I take out time and teach you"Yoongi retorted

Jimin was feeling so much guilty by now.
It was true and Yoongi is making efforts on him.

"I teach you after school so I expect good result from you but you don't even remember what I taught you a minute ago, it's really disappointing for me kid"Yoongi said

"I'm sorry Sensei, I promise to study properly"Jimin said
"I know you'll from now onwards and don't mind me getting angry"Yoongi said

"No Sensei, it's your right to get angry, you teach me extra and I still disappoint you, I'm at fault, I'm sorry"Jimin said

"It's alright kid, did it hurt much?"Yoongi asked
"What?"Jimin spoke
"I hitted you with cane, does it still hurts?"Yoongi asked
"It's alright Sensei it's just no one ever beat me before that's why I was crying"Jimin said
"Your brothers never punished you?"Yoongi inquired
"No because I used to study in Mexico and my brothers live in Korea"Jimin stated
"Oh okk, should I apply ointment?"Yoongi asked while smirking
"Yah Sensei, I'm your student feel a little shame"Jimin spoke
Jimin wents out of the cabin while pouting angry.
Yoongi laughed out and said.
"Atleast he laughed"Yoongi spoke

Meanwhile with Jimin.
He wents to his class, took his back and wents back to his home.
He don't wanna face anyone right now that's why he went.
Time skips at home.

Jimin came to the home.
"I'm home hyungs"Jimin uttered
"You came back this early Minnie?"Jungkook asked
They(Jk, Tae and Hoon) have off from university.
"Yes hyung actually"Jimin said
He told the whole incident to them.
"Does it still hurts Minnie?"Younghoon asked
"It's alright now hyung"Jimin spoke softly
"Jimin you know it's too bad"Jungkook spoke sternly
"I know hyungie but I promise to study properly now"Jimin said while pouting
"Fine just this time I'm letting this slide, next time I'll tell Hoseok hyung"Jungkook said
"No no, please don't tell him"Jimin said
"I won't but if you did this again, I'll tell him"Jungkook said
"I promise, I won't do it again"Jimin said
Note: Hoseok is the one who is strict with Jimin and behave like his dad.
"Alright, now go and take rest"Jungkook said
"Ok hyungie"Jimin said
He got up and wents to his room.

Meanwhile in School.
Yoongi came to the class for Korean class but he didn't saw Jimin.
"Where is Jimin class?"Yoongi asked
"He wents back to the home Sensei"President said
"He must be embarrassed of what happened earlier"Yoongi thought

"Alright and class no one will discuss about what happened today, I don't want you all to say that I punished Jimin and he cried when he will come yesterday, am I clear?"Yoongi said

"Ok Sensei"Everyone spoke together
"Good, now let's study"Yoongi said
He then starts to teach everyone.

To be continue:)
I'm out of ideas, if you have any then share.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now