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"Get out now"Yoongi said
He didn't realised what he did in anger but he did when Jimin ran out before saying.
"I h-hate you S-Sensei"Jimin said
He run out of the office while crying.
"Wait, Jimin"Yoongi said
But he was too late.
"AGH, WHAT THE HELL, what the hell I always hurt him"Yoongi said
He took his belongings and throw them on the floor in anger.
"AGHHHHHHHH, I hate myself"Yoongi said

He sat on the floor while hidding his face in his arms and his knees close to his chest and starts to cry badly.

"I h-hate m-myself"Yoongi said
"I w-wanna d-die"Yoongi said

Meanwhile with Jimin.
Jimin came to the rooftop while crying badly.
"I h-hate S-Sensei, he a-always h-hurts me"Jimin said
He sat on the floor and starts to cry.
"I d-don't wanna l-live anymore"Jimin said
He got up and looked down.
The high building made him scared but he stood there and said.
"L-let's just e-end this l-life"Jimin said
He was about to jump when.
"Jimin, always come to hyungs if something bad happened"His mind spoke
Remembering this voice he stepped back and said.
"N-no, I c-can't do this"Jimin said
He sat on the floor again and said.
"Why a-am I e-even crying? W-why do I e-even care"Jimin said
He harshly wipped his tears and said.
"Yeah, why am I even crying? I should become heartless, it's better"Jimin said
"Enough Sensei you hurted me alot already"Jimin said
"I won't give you chance again"Jimin said

He thought to be heartless but his corner of heart spoke he should listen to Yoongi.

His heart was saying something is wrong with Yoongi, his heart is saying Yoongi is hurt because of something.

He himself is hurt because of Yoongi but he want to clear this misunderstanding but right now he can't.

Because Yoongi is already angry, he can't go to Yoongi and ask anything that's why he is thinking to become heartless.

But he can't, he is saying he can but he can't, he is literally the most softie boy and he can't become heartless this easily.

"What should I do, I'm losing my mind"Jimin said
"I wanna listen to his side but I also wanna hurt him"Jimin said
"But I can't hurt him, I don't want him to feel the thing I felt"Jimin said
"Agh, what the hell should I do"Jimin said
"Let's take somedays and till then I ain't be attending school"Jimin said
"If I did I won't be able to face him"Jimin said
He again stood up and looked at the sky.
"Why am I getting so much pain god"Jimin said
"Why? Just why? I just wanna be happier"Jimin said
"Is that a big greed?"Jimin said
"If yes then I won't ask for it again"Jimin said
"But just for once I wanna feel like I'm the poem not the poet"Jimin said
His tears starts to flow again.
"I don't wanna live"Jimin spoke while crying
"I can't bear this pain anymore"Jimin said
"Someone take this pain away, I can't bear it anymore"Jimin said
"Mom dad, please call me up there"Jimin said
"Everyone is hurting your chim"Jimin said
"Everyone is hurting your little chimmy, please call me"Jimin said
"I don't wanna stay here anymore"Jimin said
He was crying so bad that his breath starts to get uneven.
"Ahhh, I c-can't b-breath"Jimin said
He somehow held his water bottle and starts to drink water.

After drinking some water and taking some deep breaths, his breath got normal.

"I guess I should go down now"Jimin said
He held his water bottle and went down.

In the cafeteria.
"Where were you left?"Baekhyun asked
"Ahh that, I was in the washroom"Jimin said
"Why are you lying?"Baekhyun asked
"Huh? What?"Jimin said
"You went to confess to Sensei right"Baekhyun said

"Ahh that, I was going but then Sensei Jeon called me so I had to help him so I didn't confessed"Jimin said

"Ahh, you again loss the chance, when are you thinking to confess again?"Baekhyun asked

"I guess I ain't be confessing"Jimin said
"Huh? Why?"Baekhyun asked
"He is just my Sensei Baeksii, I don't wanna make him uncomfortable"Jimin said
"But loving isn't a sin Jimin"Baekhyun said
"I know Baeksii but I can't do this"Jimin said
"What about your feelings then?"Baekhyun asked
"I will forget him, don't worry"Jimin said
"It's not that easy Jimin"Baekhyun said
"I know but I have to, I'll just throw him out of my mind"Jimin said
"But"Baekhyun said
"No buts, maybe I won't come to school for somedays"Jimin said
"Why?"Baekhyun said
"I don't know"Jimin said while looking down
"It's alright Jimin, I'm always by your side"Baekhyun said
"Thank you Baeksii"Jimin said
"Don't say thanks just show your eye smile"Baekhyun said
Jimin smiled but it was obviously fake.
"What you wanna eat? I'll treat you today"Baekhyun said
"No, I'll"Chanyeol said from behind
"I'm not hungry guys"Jimin said
"We can't let you stay hungry little chick"Chanyeol said
Baekhyun laughed listening to him.
"He is absolutely right, we can't let you stay hungry"Baekhyun said
"Fine then just buy some fries"Jimin said
"Alright, I'll buy it for all of us"Chanyeol said
He wents from there.
"I don't feels like you are alright"Baekhyun said
"I'm alright Baeksii, don't worry"Jimin said
"But I don't feels like"Baekhyun said
"You are overthinking Baeksii"Jimin said
"Fine fine"Baekhyun said
After sometimes Chanyeol came back.
"Here you go guys"Chanyeol said
He sat beside Baekhyun and Jimin said.
"What is this?"Jimin asked
"Fries"Chanyeol said
"I asked for normal fries not for loaded fries"Jimin said
"You didn't mentioned so now eat them"Chanyeol said
"Fineeee"Jimin said
They all starts to eat.

To be continue:)
Don't have any idea left so I wrote whatever came to my mind😅

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now