Chapter 1

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(Tw mentions of abuse)

Emily's POV:

I run out the front door of my house and keep running until I reach a small dimly lit shop. Me and my dad just had a massive fight over me not cleaning the house and it just escalated due to him being extremely drunk. He ended up throwing one of his empty beer bottles at my face. When it hit the floor after connecting with my cheekbone it shattered causing a few start shards to cut my stomach and legs. I didn't wait for anything else to happen I just grabbed my phone and ran.
I'm standing outside the dimly lit shop and I pull out my phone. I dial the number of the only person I trust enough to see me like this. Lucy. It's 2:30 am, later than I thought so I'm praying she answers otherwise I'm screwed. After a few rings I hear a groggy voice on the other side.
"Emily are you okay?, it's late" Lucy asks in a hushed voice. As soon as she says this I breakdown.
"I don't know what to do, I can't go back there" I say through sobs.
"Where are you?" Lucy says her voice now sounding stern. I can hear her moving around her house and her car keys jangling.
" uh...uhm I'm outside the shop that's close to my house" I say trying to calm my breathing down to answer her question.
"Stay there okay. I'm coming" she says while unlocking her car.

—-5 minutes later——

I'm sat on a bench outside the shop, trying to calm my breathing and wiping the stream of blood coming from my cheek with my sleeve.I look up and see a pair of headlights enter the empty car park and pray it's Lucy. As the car gets closer I realize it's her and let out a sigh of relief. I stand up and wait for her to get out the car. When she gets out she runs over to me frantically, when she gets close and sees the cut on my face her hands go either side of my head so she can get a better look, which is hard to do in this lighting.
"Oh my god, Em what happened? "she asked her voice now laced with concern.I didn't reply, I couldn't. I just started to cry again. This whole night had shaken me so much. I know my dad has a crazy temper but I didn't think he would ever hurt me. It really scared me.

Lucy just sighed and pulled me into her. Once I calmed down a bit due to her hand rubbing my back in small circles and her comforting scent, she led me to the car and we both got in.

I assumed we were going back to Lucy's but didn't ask. I just let the silent tears roll down my cheeks. Lucy noticed this and and just put a reassuring hand on my knee. As we were driving I felt my eyes getting heavier, the exhaustion of the overwhelming night and the pain in my head now hitting me.

An- first chapter done, let me know what you think xx

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