Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV:

After training I go out to the front of the building to wait for Emily to meet me. I say bye to a few of the girls on the way out including Keira, giving her a quick hug. When the academy girls start leaving and there is no sign of Emily I get worried. I ask her friend Ava where she is and she tells me she went to the med room at the start of training. I thank her and basically run there thinking the worst. I get into the room and and see her asleep on one of the beds. Tom must see the panicked look on my face and tells me she's okay but she does have a mild concussion and that she passed out during training. I sigh and tell Tom that she was supposed to get me if she didn't feel well or something happened, slightly annoyed that I was only informed now by one of the doctors.

I go over to the side of her bed and shake her leg gently, waking her up. She slowly wakes up and turns to me.
"Oh hi Lucy, is training over" she says in a groggy voice sitting up on the bed.
"Yes it's over but why didn't you come and get me after you passed out Emily. I told you to come and get me if something happened" I ask, trying to understand her reasoning sounding a bit frustrated.
"I didn't want to pull you out of training for no reason. I was fine I just needed a nap" she says pulling her jumper over her head and standing up.
"You weren't fine, you literally passed out Emily" I say slightly baffled that she is just dismissing this so quickly. I go to say something else but I see her body language change indicating she is getting uncomfortable so I choose to drop the subject but I'm still worried about her.

Tom informs me on how I can help her get over this concussion for the next few days until she can go back to training and I listen carefully wanting to do as much as I can to help.

After I'm all clued up, we make our way to the nearly empty car park after thanking Tom and collecting Emily's bag from the changing room.

We had been driving for around 5 minutes, neither of us really talking until Emily asks me a question
"Can we stop at mine on the way back, I should probably grab some clothes and stuff and my dads working late today so he won't be there" she says keeping her eyes fixed on the slow moving traffic ahead of us.
"Yeah we can do but are you sure you'll be okay going back there, you don't have to rush it" I say looking at her trying to gauge how she's feeling which is pretty difficult.
"I'll be fine Lucy" she says Turing to me and giving me a small smile. There it is again, that phrase she seems to use too often. I just nod, not wanting to push any further and we continue the short drive to her house.

—Lucy's pov, hope your like the story so far xx

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