Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV:

I couldn't sleep after going back to bed, I was worried about Emily and just had a lot on my mind. The night passed excruciatingly slowly, me changing positions every 20 minutes trying to fall asleep but it wasn't working. When I don't get enough sleep I'm in a horrible mood for the rest of the day so I'm already dreading it. Finally giving in to the fact I won't be falling asleep any time soon I get up and head towards the shower.

It was now around 6am so I went downstairs and started making breakfast. Keira rang me while I was making my coffee.
"Hey kei" I sighed into the phone
"Morning Luce, what's up?" She asked obviously noticing something was bothering me
"I just didn't sleep last night and now I'm in a shit mood" I told her, slamming the cupboard for after I put the coffee back

I told Keira what happened with Emily last night and now I'm overthinking everything
"I just don't know if I can do it kei, of course I want to be here for her, I don't want her to live in a place where she isn't safe, but I don't know if I'm cut out to look after another person, especially a teenager" I say, venting to her
"Luce, don't be silly. I know how much you love that girl, we all do. She trust you and I think you're the best person to do it. You're just overthinking it. It will take time for both of you to get used to the situation but I think she should stay with you for a while, at least until everything cools down" Keira told me, understanding how I felt but knowing I was just overthinking and not being rational due to my lack of sleep.

As I was agreeing with Keira, my head snapped towards the front door after I heard it slam.
"Shit, I think Emily heard what I said. I'll call you later later" I told Keira before hanging up. I felt terrible, I didn't intend for Emily to hear that. After what Keira said, I realized she was right and I wasn't thinking. Emily probably thinks that I don't want her here anymore, but of course I do.
I curse at myself for being so stupid and pick up my phone again to call Emily, not knowing where she was going and starting to get worried.

This one's quite short but thoughts?? Xx

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