Chapter 4

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Emily's POV:

When i walked into the changing room. My face had turned a few heads, the reason obviously being the cut along my cheekbone and bruise under my eye, I just told them I walked into a door last night as it was the only thing I could think to say. They seemed to believe me, which was reliving, I was not ready to tell everyone that my dad had done this to me.

During training my head was still killing me, But I tried to ignore it and carry on training. It worked for the first 30 minutes but I started to feel dizzy, then everything went black.

I woke up to a few of the girls and coaches kneeling around me asking if I was okay. I told them I was fine but I was brought to the medical room anyway. On the way I stared to feel really sick and had to run to the toilet to throw up.

When I finally made it into the medical room, I felt a bit better so I sat on one of the beds in front of Tom, one of the doctors. The coach that brought me in here told Tom that I passed out and then got sick and that I should be looked over. I told him he could go back to the other girls and that I would be fine. He agreed and left.

"That looks like it hurt" Tom said referring to the cut and bruise on my cheek.
"That's probably the reason for the fainting and vomiting" he said coming closer to inspect it.
"Yeah I was thinking that" I say letting out a nervous chuckle. I started picking the skin around my finger, something I do when I'm anxious. I didn't want him to know the reason this had happened, so I was trying to think of a plausible explanation.
"How did it happen" he says, writing a few notes into his laptop.
"Oh, I went into the kitchen last night for something to eat and a big glass bowl from the top shelf of the cupboard fell onto my face while i was getting a plate down" I say hoping that the reasoning doesn't sound too stupid and that he will believe me. He makes eye contact with me and i feel my heart rate pick up. 'He doesn't believe me. Shit' I think to myself. I'm waiting for him to call bullshit, but surprisingly he doesn't.
"Right, it looks like you have a mild concussion. Nothing too bad but you will have to miss training until Monday and try to avoid being in bright or loud spaces" he says after finishing typing into his laptop.
I just sigh not knowing how I'm going to keep myself occupied for 3 days without training.
"Do u want me to ring anyone to collect you, because you should try and rest" he says waiting for my answer. I don't want to ring Lucy and make her miss training because of me, and I'm not ringing my dad so I don't really have any options.
"Uhm i won't have a lift home until after training so could I just have a nap here or something?" I ask politely, anticipating his answer.
"It's not ideal, but it should be fine. Try and get some rest" he says sitting at his desk to do some work. I thank him and do what he says. I take out my airpods and put them in, pressing play on a calm playlist to help me fall asleep and pull my hoodie over my eyes to block out the bright lights. It doesn't take long for my eyes to get heavy and I fall asleep.

—let me know if you like this so far xxx

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