Chapter 22

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Lucy's POV:

"I think you should give her and yourself some space, something is obviously going on with her, you just need to make it clear that you care about her and that you're there if she wants to talk about it and hopefully she will in her own time. She's been through a lot Luce, she's dealing with it all in her own way so just give her some time to do that. I'm here for you as well, if it's gets too much, okay, you need to talk as well, it's not good to bottle up everything" she tells me softly

Before I answer her, I wipe away the few tears that slipped from my eye as I listened to Keira talk.
"Thank you Keira, I really appreciate you, I hope you know that. You always know what to say. I'll try and talk to her tomorrow. I'll let you go now, sleep well  and I'll see you tomorrow" i tell her, not wanting to keep her any longer as it was getting late

"Always. night luce" she says before hanging up. I smile lightly. It's always felt so easy talking to Keira, even before we started dating she was always such a big part of my life. We know how each other work, she knows what I need to hear in moments like this and I'll forever be grateful for her.

I head upstairs, after locking the door and turning the lights off. As I'm about to go to my room, i stop outside Emily's. Not hearing any movement inside, i slowly open the door and see her curled up in bed, her eyes looking red and puffy, clearly meaning she's been crying which breaks my heart. I turn off her lamp before leaving and heading into my room to get ready for bed.

I'm going to show Emily that I care about her and I'm here and not going anywhere. I want her to be able to talk to me and I'm going to try and make her feel like she can.

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