Chapter 27

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Emily's POV:

Once training had finished we all headed back into the changing room. I thought the anxious feeling I had before training would be gone but as soon as I walked through the doors to the changing room it returned. I didn't know why I was so anxious but I felt Natalie's eyes burning holes in the back of my head and guessed that was part of the reason. I hated confrontation, and since seeing that side of my dad, I hate it even more.

I tried to ignore the giggling and the whispers I could hear behind me while I was getting changed but it was getting increasingly difficult. Natalie seemed to only pick on me when Ava wasn't here, probably because she knew I found it hard to stick up for myself when I was alone.

The final straw was when I heard Natalie talking to one of her friends saying that I'm only on the team because Lucy had done a favor for me. This really pissed me off because I had worked my ass off to get into this team and her making rumors up about me getting special treatment was so far from the truth.

I had enough. I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the changing room, slamming the door behind me. Not able to listen to the bullshit coming out of that girls mouth anymore.

As I walked to the car I saw Lucy waiting for me in the drivers seat. I could feel a lump in my throat forming and I was trying my best to keep my tears at bay but it was proving difficult.

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