Chapter 15

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Emily's POV:

I wake up to Lucy lighting shaking my arm.

"Morning, I've left you a towel and some clothes in the bathroom if you want a shower" she says smiling. I thank her before heading to the bathroom.

As I'm getting in the shower I notice the bruising on my neck had gone down a lot. I let out a sigh of relief as I won't have to worry about people seeing it at training today. I'm still waiting for Lucy to bring up what happened last night as she hasn't mentioned anything yet, she will probably ask me after training I think to myself.

Once I'm showered I get dressed and put my hair into a high ponytail. When I'm ready I head downstairs, the smell of food filling my nose. I walk into the kitchen and see Lucy and Keira dancing and laughing together to the quiet music coming from the speaker on the counter. It warms my heart seeing them like this and I can't stop a smile forming on my face as i watch them. I wish I grew up with parents like them, they are so in love and you can just tell by the way they look at each other.

I make my way over to them, giggling at their terrible dance moves and take a seat at the kitchen island. I feel myself getting used to this, to them. Everything feels so easy when I'm with them and it didn't before but I know nothing good ever lasts, not for me anyway, so I shouldn't get attached because in the end it will hurt more when it's over.

"Morning sleepy head" Keira smiles as she passes me a glass of orange juice. I thank her and return the smile.

"You excited to go back to training Em?" Lucy asks passing me a bowl of cereal and i take it happily

"Yeah, I am actually" i say smiling at the thought. I'm looking forward to training because it feels so routine, so normal to me and my life has been missing some normality over the past few days, It's felt like it's been falling apart.

We leave for training after we finish eating breakfast. Having a little song along in the car on the way.

We pull up outside the training ground and walk in together. When we get inside I'm told by the receptionist that I need to have a check up before I can start training just to make sure everything is okay. I really hope it is because I'm desperate to get back on that pitch. Football helps me forget about everything and that's all I want to do right now.

Had to write this twice because the first one deleted lol. Hope you like it xx

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