Chapter 34

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Emily's POV:

I woke up, rolling over to check the time on my phone. It was 10am, usually I don't sleep in this late but we didn't have training or a match today so it was acceptable. But I was surprised Lucy hadn't woken me up yet. Just as I was about to put my phone down and get out of bed, I noticed the missed calls and voicemails that had increased since yesterday and I felt my whole mood shift. I had forgotten about it but now I was reminded. My dad must have something important to say to me because he won't stop calling. I didn't know how to feel so I decided to avoid it for now and talk to Lucy about it later hoping she would tell me what to do.

I got out of bed, heading into the bathroom and getting into the shower. After I got changed into some leggings and a hoodie, just wanting to be comfy. I left my room, heading downstairs where I could her talking indicating Lucy and kei were already awake which wasn't surprising. When I walked into the living room I was met by the pair sat on the sofa, each with a mug of coffee in their hand. I flopped myself down beside them

"Morning hun" kei said patting my head that was buried in the pillows beside her

"Morning em" Lucy then said after, me just mumbling in response.

I just felt confused, I had tried to block my dad out of my life, which felt like it was working recently but now he had popped up again, ringing me constantly and it brought back all the emotions I had tried to suppress.

I peeled myself off of the sofa, walking into the kitchen to make a coffee and some breakfast, catching Lucy's concerned eye on the way. I could tell she knew something was up but before I could talk about anything to anyone I needed some coffee in my system.

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