Chapter 40

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Emily's POV:

Waking up it took me a while to realize I was in Lucy's room. I was glad I slept in here last night because I knew I wouldn't have been able to sleep otherwise and I needed to. I had to be well rested for this game today.The bed was empty beside me meaning Lucy was already awake. I got up, heading to the bathroom to shower. I tried to push all of the thoughts of my dad out of my head. I wasn't going to let him affect me today he had already done enough. This match was important.

Checking my phone, after stepping out of the shower I noticed it was only 8am. I had to leave at 11am so I had a few hours. I made my way downstairs and as I got into the kitchen I was greeted with Lucy plating up some eggs. When she noticed my presence she looked up, sending me a soft smile.

"Morning hun, did u sleep okay?" She asked, her voice calm but i could sense the undercurrent of nerves she was trying to mask. I knew she was worried about me having a game today after what had happened last night

"I'm okay Lucy. I don't want to think about anything other than this game. I need to focus" I told her, my voice determined. My feelings would not get in the way of me playing my best today. I wouldn't let them.

Lucy watched me warily from the other side of the table as we both ate our breakfast. She was trying to gauge my feelings and it was starting to annoy me. I knew she was just worried but I didn't need her to be. I let out a sigh of frustration. I was fine. Maybe I wasn't, but I needed to be. So I silently told myself I was, repeatedly saying the words over and over again in my head hoping they would somehow become true.

Lucy obviously noticing my irritation, excused herself once she finished eating. Telling me she was going to get ready.

I struggled to finish the food in front of me but I knew I had to. I needed the energy if I wanted to play today. Once my plate was empty I made my way upstairs and into my room. I started getting ready. I knew once I was on the pitch everything else would fall away and i craved that feeling, now more than ever.

Sorry for not updating sooner, I've been so busy lately with work. Hopefully will get more chapter out soon x

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