Chapter 38

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Emily's POV:

I moved my shaky hands up to the screen again, pressing play.

'You can't hide from me forever, Emily. I will find you. I'm done with this. That Lucy will soon realize you're not worth it, just like your mother did. You're a waste of space and when you have no where else to go you will come crawling back to me. I raised you and you're making me look like an idiot and I won't have it. I will not tolerate you disrespecting me like this. If you're not home by friday I will find you and trust me I mean it. You're not going to like what happens if you make me come and find you, Emily so do what Is best for you and listen to me'
I could hear the alcohol in his voice. I didn't realize how much I was shaking but hearing his words brought back memories I had tried to bury deep down. I have tried so hard not to blame myself for my mother leaving but when your own father tells you it was your fault it was hard not to believe it. He meant  what he said and that's what made me so terrified. He was capable of anything and he had proven that time and time again.

I felt completely trapped like there was no way of escaping him. His words replayed in my head. How they were laced with venom. Maybe he was right and Lucy would realize I'm not worth the trouble, if my own mother couldn't stay why should she. I am a waste of space, the amount of time those words have left his lips must mean there is some truth behind them.

I was so stuck in my head that I couldn't feel the hot tears streaming down my face. I was only snapped back into reality when Lucy gently took the phone out of my shaky hands. I felt like I was suffocating, like the walls were closing in on me and there was no way out of this hell. It felt like there was a clock above my head, counting down the seconds until the world around me exploded. If he found me there would be no way of ever leaving again, he would make sure of that and I think that's what scared me the most.

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