Chapter 6

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Emily's POV:

As the car pulled up outside my house I felt my anxiety increasing, so I started playing with the rings on my fingers to try and calm myself down. I knew my dad wasn't home because his car wasn't in front of the house but it brought me little comfort knowing her could return at any moment. I think Lucy could sense that I was anxious
" we don't have to go in, we can come back another day" she says comfortingly, placing her hand on top of mine. If I'm being honest I didn't want to go in but I didn't want Lucy to think I was being dramatic or weak. I knew she wouldn't but I couldn't help the thought.

After a few moments of me telling myself to stop being stupid, I got out of the car and began the walk towards the front door. I turned my head when I heard Lucy's car door close
"You don't have to come in, I'll only be a few minutes" I say trying to prevent her from seeing the state I knew the house would be in
"Don't be silly" she said walking behind me and waiting for me to unlock the front door.

As I walk through the door I'm hit with the smell of stale beer, which isn't out of the ordinary. I continue walking, Lucy still close behind me. I stop moving as I see the glass still scattered across the living room floor surrounded by drops of blood, the same glass that was thrown at my face. I must've been staring at that spot on the floor for longer then I thought because I feel Lucy's gentle hands on my shoulders guiding me towards the stairs and up to my room. It doesn't feel like I'm in control of my body anymore, my mind is just replaying the events that unfolded in this house.

As we enter my room, im surprised it's clean, i grab a bag and start putting some clothes into it. Since I don't know how long  I'm staying at Lucy's for I don't want to overpack so I only grab a few bits. I notice Lucy looking around my room  as I chuck the lasts few things into the bag.
"Im ready to go" i tell Lucy quietly, as i zip up the now full bag.

As we walk downstairs I can't help my eyes being drawn back to the spot on the living room floor. Lucy noticed this and opened the front door, snapping me out of my trance. I can't get the look of rage in my dads eyes out of my head and as I get into the car I feel myself starting to panic and the longer we're parked outside the house it's getting worse. When Lucy gets into the car she looks over at me and notices the look of panic on my face but before she could say anything I asked if we can just leave, wanting to get away from here asap.

For the rest of the drive I stay quiet and looked out the window taking deep breaths, trying to prevent the panic attack and tears that are trying to escape. I think Lucy realized what was happening but didn't say anything, choosing instead to take glances at me every now and again.

Lucy's POV:

On the drive home I could tell Emily was really shaken, I don't blame her I was even shaken seeing the glass on the floor and it wasn't thrown at me. I knew it was too soon for her to go in there but she's too stubborn to admit she's scared. I can't help but feel guilty that she had to live in that house for so long and it took her getting hurt for me to realize that she wasn't safe. I wish I'd done something sooner.

We pulled up outside my house and Emily grabbed her bag and followed me to the door. She had calmed down now, she just looked exhausted, the concussion probably not helping.
"I'm going to try and sleep for a bit, my head is killing me" she said, sliding her trainers off after we got inside.
"Okay hun, call me if you need anything" I replied giving her a small smile, which she returned before disappearing upstairs. I went into the kitchen to start dinner for both of us, hopefully Emily would feel better by the time it's ready.

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