Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV:

I've been trying to text Emily all morning but she hasn't even seen my messages which is worrying me. I'm annoyed at myself and making her feel like I don't want her to stay with me. she hung up the phone before I could explain to her.

After training today Keira came over for dinner.
"Luce, I'm sure she will call you if anything happens" Keira told me as we were cutting up veg for dinner
"I know kei, I'm just worried, what if she feels like I don't care about her anymore" I say sighing
"She knows you care Lucy,  she probably just needs some space. Now let's just enjoys this evening, yeah?" she says pulling me into a hug to stop me from spiraling. I'm sure she's fine but it doesn't stop me from worrying.

Emily's POV:

It's now 6pm, I've spent the last few hours cleaning the house. I didn't actually mind, I find cleaning quite therapeutic. Once I finished I put the Hoover away and go into the kitchen, turning the kettle on. I make myself a cup of tea, not feeling hungry. I sit on the sofa, waiting for my dad to come home as he should be back any minute. I can't help but feel anxious, memories the last time I saw him circling my brain. I try and calm myself down, telling myself he didnt mean it. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the lock turn on the front door, indicating my dad is home. I take a deep breath, preparing for the conversation about to happen.

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