o4.) When the Storm is Raging

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Juvia is stand completely in awe. She begins to get nervous for what is about to occur. She is looking at the love of her life in her doorway while she just finished sleeping with her new flame. She loves him so much but she knows he is going to ridicule her for what she's done. She braces for impact but Gray says nothing.She grabs a robe and puts it on to try to kill extra awkwardness. After a few moments of awkward silence she gains the courage to speak even though that's last thing that she wants to do. 

"Gray . . . please try to understand Juvia was feeling alo-" Juvia mumbles embarrassed. 

"You don't need to say anything Juvia; I was coming back to apologize for how I spoke to you. Today is the day that Deliora attacked my village and killed my parents. After hearing you talk about how today was a great day I just snapped. I started walking home and starting thinking and you really didn't deserve my attitude. After thinking about how I treated you I decided that I needed to come back and apologize to you" says Gray. 

Juvia feels horrible for what she's done. She has betrayed her beloved Gray-sama and she never knew today meant that to Gray-sama. Lyon walks up and and puts his arm around Juvia's waist. He gives Gray a smug look and kisses Juvia's hair.

"If your done with your irrelevant apology you can leave now; Me and Juvia are tired from our various activities. Watching you pour your heart out is boring; and at your sob story is no excuse to take it out on this beautiful woman right here" Lyon rants. 

Before Juvia could even blink Gray had used his ice make magic and made sword colder than anything she had even felt in her life. He charges directly at him with the full intent of ending his life. Lyon doesn't flinch as Gray holds his sword to Lyon's neck.

"DO IT GRAY" Lyon yells.

Juvia screams; "Gray please don't do this! It's not worth it" Juvia says trying to lower his arm.

"No, this bastard has the nerve to make some claim to what is always been mine; I don't fucking think so" Gray growls. 

"Gray please; lets just go talk please . . . come on please! Just talk to me Gray" Juvia pleads. 

Gray releases the magic that was creating the sword and it fades away and he begins walking away. Juvia moves Lyon's arm from around her waist and follows behind Gray. Gray stops and turns and holds his hand halting her from moving. 

"You know what Juvia we don't have to say a word to each other. I messed up and now I've lost you! Be happy okay . . . it is completely fine" Gray mumbles.

 Gray walks out Juvia's home and she feels like a part of her has left. She looks at Lyons neck and his neck is bleeding from the sword. Juvia runs to the bathroom to grab the anesthetics and bandages to dress his wound. After she patches him up she feels bad for putting him in this situation. 

"Lyon are you okay" Juvia asks. 

"I'm fine; Gray doesn't scare me; but I'm going to make sure he never takes his rage out on you ever again. I'll be there from here on out if you want me too" Lyon says.

"I-I do" Juvia replies shyly. 

"I vow to be there to protect from all danger even from Gray; so in the morning we are down to the Fairy Tail guild and I'm going to ask the master to accept me into Fairy Tail" Lyon proclaims.


As planned Juvia and Lyon awaken in the morning after their infamous night. They get dressed and they head to the Guild. Juvia's stomach is in complete knots; she has never felt this nervous in her life. Lyon sees the worry on her face and she grabs her hand in a attempt to calm her down. She smiles faintly at him but the worry doesn't leave her brain. 

True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now