Unexpected Guest

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All the girls sit down at the table with their mouth ajar at the announcement Juvia just sprung on them. "What the hell did you just say" Lucy shrieks. "Juvia said she's pregnant" Juvia says turning red. "Oh My GOD when did this happen" Erza says. "I don't know yet but I was throwing up so I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive" Juvia proclaims squeaking a little. "So the entire time you knew" Lucy questions Juvia. "Yes Juvia knew" Juvia admits. "Oh my goodness finally; Juvia I'm so happy for you, all your hard work paid off" Levy screams. "Juvia knows; Juvia is so relieved and happy she can give her beloved the family he always wanted" Juvia says. "Why the hell haven't you told him yet Juvia" Lucy asks. "Because Juvia took a test but the test aren't always correct . . . Juvia doesn't want to get his hopes up and then it not be true" Juvia explains. "Juvia you are, I can feel it" Lucy says. "Thanks Luce" Juvia proclaims. "If you want to be sure, in a week I have to go to see my OB GYN to get my pills for my temperature control . . . come with me and get a blood test done" Lucy shouts. "Oh that would be great Juvia is so excited now" Juvia continues. The girls continue their chat and laughter until the night falls and Jellal comes home with Jellal Jr. "Hey babe we're home" Jellal says. "Hey babe" Erza says kissing Jellal and Jellal Jr on the forehead. "We got him for the night, Meldy is still not back" Jellal sighs rolling his eyes. "She is so irresponsible, it sickening sometimes . . . come here cutie" Erza says extending her arms to Jellal Jr. He shakes his head no and grips Jellal's neck tighter. Jellal shrugs his shoulders and smiles; "I'm going to go put him to bed, I'll see you later" Jellal says leaning in to kiss Erza's lips. He passes the couch and greets and says good night to the women and he heads to his room. Erza walks back to the couch and flops down; "He hates me" Erza sighs. "No he doesn't he just doesn't know you well but he will learn to love you" Lucy says. "Hopefully" Erza replies sadly. "With the shit mother he has, you are definitely the better option" Levy says laughing. "I guess that is true" Erza chuckles. "Talking about being a mother I have a question for you Juvia" Levy says. "What is it Levy" Juvia says. "Well Gajeel and I were talking and we'd like you and Gray to be the God-parents to the twins" Levy says. Juvia's mouth drops and she can't believe Levy just said that. "Levyyy . . . Juvia would be honored to be their God-parents" Juvia says almost in tears. "Yay I'm so happy you said yes, Gajeel will be happy to" Levy says. They begin chatting about Lucy's engagement and the doorbell rings. "I'll get it" Juvia says. Juvia goes to the door and Gajeel is at the door; Juvia instantly hugs him and begins sobbing. "Thank you Thank you for entrusting your children to Juvia" Juvia sobs. "Okay Okay woman enough you're welcome" Gajeel rolls his eyes. Everyone laughs when Gajeel walks in with Juvia hugging him still. "Juvia loves you bro, say it back" Juvia sings. "No . . . you always do this to me" Gajeel mumbles. "Kiss Juvia's cheek then go ahead" Juvia insists pointing to her cheek and closing her eyes. Gajeel blushes and kisses her cheek quickly and all the women start gushing and commenting on how cute it was. "Whatever, are you ready to go shrimp" Gajeel asks impatiently obviously wanting to leave. "Yeah" Levy says getting up. "Bye everyone I'll see you guys tomorrow" The girls exchange their good bye and Levy and Gajeel begin their walk home.

They arrive home and Levy goes directly in the kitchen to get dinner started. "Babe what do you want for dinner tonight" Levy yells from the kitchen. "Ummm we got any steak in there?" Gajeel asks flopping on the couch. "Yes we have some" Levy says grabbing the steak out. "Scrap metal too?" Gajeel continues naming things. "Yes babe, I'm making broccoli too . . . it's good for the baby and you" Levy explains. "Hell no, I ain't eating it" Gajeel fusses. "You're eating it Gajeel" Levy insists. "No I'm not Gajeel" says sternly. "Fine, you cook then" Levy says walking out the kitchen and flopping on the couch. "C'mon shrimp . . . you know I can't cook" Gajeel whines. "Then you'll eat what I cook right? Including the broccoli?" "Levy asks. Fine, I'll eat the damn broccoli" Gajeel mumbles. "Excuse me, what was that" Levy teases. "I'll eat the broccoli" Gajeel says loud enough so Levy is happy. "Great" Levy kisses Gajeel on the cheek and heads to the kitchen. Levy is dancing around the kitchen and singing, and prancing about. The timer on the oven rings and Levy opens the oven door and the aroma from the steak fills the house. Levy fixes Gajeel's plate and her plate and she calls for him to come get his plate. He runs to the kitchen and grabs his food and sits at the table. The plate burns his fingers and when he looks at the plate the steak is smoking with a BBQ sauce drizzled and peppered metal scraps and even the broccoli looks good! "Baby this looks great" Gajeel says digging in. "Damn you could have waited for us" Levy scolds him walking to the table with her plate. "Sorry" Gajeel says chewing. "Don't talk with food in your mouth, what kind of manners are you showing the twins" Levy continues. "I'm showing them excellent manner" Gajeel says burping. "You're so gross" Levy states disgusted. Gajeel laughs and continues shoveling food in his mouth. They finally finish their dinner and Levy goes to the kitchen to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen before bed. Gajeel flops back on the couch and he's nice and full; he flips on the television and grabs the remote. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Levy screams. Gajeel runs in the kitchen confused and worried. "What's wrong shrimp" Gajeel yells worriedly. "The twins are moving and kicking" Levy declares full of excitement. "Really, does it hurt" Gajeel asks. "No it's a little unnerving and it feels weird . . . look feel" Levy says. She grabs Gajeel's hand and lays it on her stomach; He stays silent and focuses all of his senses on her stomach. "Oh shit I felt it" Gajeel laughs completely entertained. "I told you, keep your hand there" Levy proclaims. Gajeel feels more kicks and after feeling his children's movements it all becomes real to him. "I love you Levy" Gajeel says. "Aw baby I love you too" Levy says. He kisses her passionately making his tongue enter her mouth and he explores every inch of her mouth. Levy moans inside of his mouth, and she pulls away; "What about the bet" Levy says. "Fuck it" Gajeel says. Levy jumps on it straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck. He cups her ass with his hands and carries her to their room.

Gajeel and Levy are still kissing and their tongues are intertwined, and searching each other's mouths. They stop kissing and Levy is breathing heavily and looking at Gajeel with longing in her eyes. He puts her down and lift up her dress and she just has on her lace bra and panties. "You are so beautiful" Gajeel says staring at her. "Shut up and fuck me" Levy says seductively. Gajeel takes his shirt and pants off and walks up to her and pushes her on the bed. He climbs on top of her and begins kissing and sucking on her neck. She arches her back at the feeling on his tongues running up and down her neck. "AHHHHH Gajeel" Levy moans softly. He begins trailing his nose down her neck and when he reaches her bra he rips it off and begins circling her nipples with his thumb and forefinger. They harden at his touch and they lengthen. "Mmmmmmmm Gajeel" Levy moans throwing her head back. Her insides are heating up every time he touches her. He grabs her breast and he sucks on them gently swirling his tongue around the nipple. He bites her nipple and tugs it and she screams. He takes his free hand and slides her panties down and cups her sex. He begins massaging her clitoris while still sucking on her breast. "Gajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel" Levy screams feeling waves of pleasure throughout her entire body. Gajeel begins thrusting his two fingers inside of her repeatedly each thrust going deeper and faster. "Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" Levy screams at the top of her lungs. The pressure is building up and she can barely control it and she start to feel her body convulse and he suddenly stops leaving her at the edge of her climax. Gajeel stands up and his growing erection is showing through his boxers. He pulls them down and his erection springs forward and Levy can't help but stare. He pulls her legs and pulls her to the edge of the bed. He eases into her slowly filling her and she moans at the sweet pain. He repeats the same motion going faster and harder. He begins pounding and she is screaming his name as loud as she can. "Faster Gajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel" Levy screams. He begins thrusting as fast as he can; her walls begin clenching and tightening and she feels his erection pulsating inside of her and she convulses releasing everything that was built up. "Levyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Gajeel says clenching his teeth; he releases gripping her legs pouring everything he had into her. He eases out of her and she winces; he lays on the side of her smiling and breathing heavily. She's breathing heavily and she suddenly starts laughing. "Why are you laughing hmmm" Gajeel says smiling. "Because I won" Levy says catching her breath. "I think we both won" Gajeel laughs while leaning in to kiss Levy's lips. A sound of knocking resonates through the house; "Is someone knocking on the door" Levy asks. "I think, I'll go check" Gajeel says. Gajeel gets the sheet and wraps it around his waist and goes downstairs. When he opens the door and woman falls through the door. "Gajeel you have to help me" a woman says. Gajeel gets a good look at her face and shouts "SUEEEEEEEEEEEE?"


1. Do you think Juvia is right not to tell Gray right now? How cute is God Mommy Juvia to the twins?

2. What do you think about Jellal Jr. and Erza interaction?

3. That Lemon tho! That is all! Gajeel is the bae <3 *Okay that is all*

4. Who the hell is Sue? How was the chapter this week?


True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now