What Kind of Foolishness

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Chapter 24: What Kind of Foolishness

"What the fuck did you just say" Levy says shocked. Lucy, Levy, and Gajeel stand there in shock of what Sue just said. "I figure since I'm under the protection of Gajeel and I'll be in Fiore for a little while why not make Fairy Tail my home" Sue declares. "Over my dead body, you tried to kill Levy last night because of your sickening vendetta; and now you want us to believe that you are all buddy buddy with us" Levy proclaims. "Yep, that's exactly what I want you to believe" Sue laughs. "Well sorry to disappoint hunny be no! I don't trust you as far as I could throw you" Lucy replies. Levy laughs at her crazy best friend but she is in complete agreeance. "Now wait a minute bunny girl, I'm no better than Sue . . . I was once a member of Phantom Lord as well and I also attacked Fairy Tail . . . your fiancé" Gajeel explains. "Gajeel but you're good now" Levy explains. "So is Sue, she deserves a chance" Gajeel continues. Levy sighs deeply full of irritation but she knows deep down that Gajeel is speaking the truth and he's right. "Fine, we can go and talk to masters and see if they agree to it" Levy chuckles. "No worry . . . old men love me" Sue declares proudly. Lucy and Levy bust out in hysterical laughter and Sue stares at them confused. "He also loves when you wear skimpy little outfits . . . that will really better your chances" Lucy says holding in her laughter. "Don't worry about me . . . I'll let the little perv see what I have and I'll be in for sure" Sue replies chuckling. Gajeel looks at the girls and they smile and shrug their shoulders. "When will I get to meet them" Sue asks. "We can actually head over there now, if you want" Levy answers. "Great, the sooner the better . . . I wanna get this shit over with" Sue sighs. "Well let's eat my honey's wonderful breakfast then we can go" Levy says sitting down. The girls all sit down and Gajeel brings over the plates of food and it is all scrap metal. "The fuck" Sue says staring at the food. "Seasoned metal Gajeel really" Lucy sighs dumbfounded at the fact that he cooks metal. "What?" Gajeel asks completely confused. "No one can eat this but you IDIOT" Lucy screams. Levy laughs and raises her hand; "I can eat it too because of the pregnancy and it honestly looks so good" Levy admits. "Weird" Lucy laughs. "Coming from the girl who eats fire" Levy shouts. "It's spicy" Lucy says seductively. Well my appetites gone now . . . thanks Gajeel" Sue says completely disgusted. "More for me and my babe?" Gajeel says sitting down and digging in. Levy starts making her plate too and tasting the scrap metal "Delicious babe" Levy exclaims leaning in to kiss him. "Oh Lu, help yourself to some of our fire in the kitchen" Levy reminds. "Oh okay" Lucy says walking into the kitchen to eat. Sue flops on the couch and stares at the weird people around her; "This is fucking nuts . . . What the hell did I get myself into" Sue mumbles to herself.

Everyone finishes eating and grabs their bags, "Let's head to the master's home" Lucy declares. They leave the house and begin walking. "So Sue did the pills really work" Gajeel asks. "They really did, they increased the person's magical ability two-fold" Sue confessed. "That is so crazy" Gajeel admits. "I'm sure those are incredibly dangerous . . . enhancing your magical ability through medication and not training can be life threatening" Levy interrupts. "That is very true, when we were frozen for those seven years and Ultear opened our second origin it was so painful" Lucy claims. "Oh yeah I remember you telling me about that" Levy proclaims. By the time they finish their conversation they are standing in front of Erza and Jellal's home. "Okay this is the master's home please be respectful and address him as big daddy" Lucy says. "He's really a little perv isn't he . . . whatever you say . . . as long as I get in the stupid guild" Sue says. "Go ahead, knock on the door" Gajeel says joining in on the prank. Sue walks up to the door and begins knocking. "Knock harder . . . he's old and hard of hearing" Levy shouts. Sue begins knocking on the door. "HOLD THE FUCK ON" a voice growls through the door. When the door opens Sue is lifting up her dress and he has her head turned and her eyes closed. "Hello Big Daddy" Sue says seductively. "What the hell did you call me" Erza yells. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry ma'am . . . is the master in?" Sue says. "You're looking at her" Erza declares with impatience in her voice. "Oh I am so sorry" Sue says. "What can I help you with" Erza asks. Sue begins stuttering and Levy, Lucy, and Gajeel step out. "Oh c'mon Erza give the girl a break" Levy laughs. "Oh my goodness why didn't you guys just come in . . . I've had Jellal all day" Erza answers exhausted. "Sorry boo, we had to mess with her" Lucy laughs. Gajeel is laughing so hard he can hardly catch his breath. "You guys are assholes" Sue says. Everyone laughs harder at her frustration and embarrassment and she blushes a furious shade of red. 'Well come on, I'm making lunch" Erza commands. They all walk in and hear Jellal Jr screaming at the top of his lungs. Gajeel and Sue plug their ears and Lucy begins talking "What's wrong with him" Levy says full of concern. "I honestly don't know, Jellal left last night for a council meeting and when he woke looking for him and when I told him that he wasn't here he started crying and hasn't stop" Erza replies almost crying herself. "Aww C'mere Papi" Lucy says going over to him and picking him. Erza stares at Lucy in amazement. "What kind of foolishness . . . he wouldn't let me touch him" Erza proclaims. "I got the momma's touch" Lucy chuckles still soothing Jellal. He stops crying finally and lays his head on Lucy's shoulder. "You hungry Papi" Lucy asks and a hungry Jellal nods his head; "let's go eat kay'" Lucy walks into the kitchen with the blue haired cutie. "Thank you so much Lucy . . . I was going to lose it" Erza admits. "That's what best friends are for . . . To keep us off the edge of mental insanity" Lucy laughs and continues making the plate. "Um Miss Master I have a request to ask you" Sue asks. "What is it" Erza responds quickly. "I would like to join Fairy Tail" Sue declares proudly. ". . . . . . And you are? How do you know my best friends? What's your background?" Erza questions her. Sue begins to explain her background with Phantom Lord leaving out the vendetta and Levy's attack and her reasons for being in Fiore. Sue finishes her story and she awaits her answer from Erza. "Denied, I will not allow you to join Fairy Tail" Erza replies.

"WAIT . . . WHY" Sue asks completely shocked. Lucy and Levy burst out in laughter as her denial. "You mean one reason that stands out among all the others" Erza scolds. The laughter increases and the girls are almost crying. "I would have to be one of the most foolish people in Fiore to even consider you for Fairy Tail" Erza says. Sue stands up and begins yelling "What the fuck, I am not that bad". Number one lower your voice . . . my step son is here; Number two, you are an ex-enemy of our guild, you are also on the run from a guild who wants you dead which brings unnecessary danger to our guild and I'm not willing to take that chance . . . I'm sorry". "This is total bullshit" Sue screams. "Get out, I told you my step son is here and you still want to behave so foolishly . . . Leave now before I throw you out" Erza growls sending a chill down everyone's spines. Sue gets up quietly and grabs her bag and leaves out the house quickly. "Erza . . ." Gajeel says. "Gajeel no she's a danger, what about our pregnant women . . . Levy, Lucy and . . . Never mind . . ." Erza replies almost letting Juvia's name slip. "Come on, she's in danger . . . How can you turn her away" Gajeel pleads. "I just can't risk my friend's safety for a girl who once was a part of a guild that attacked us" Erza says sternly. "I was in Phantom Lord too Erza" Gajeel reminds her. "I know, but now you're a comrade" Erza says. "So why can't she become one" Gajeel says. Levy and Lucy are staring at them listening to the back and forth conversation but Levy can't hold back. "Gajeel why are you going so far for her, she's an old guild mate" Levy asks. "Because, Sue was one of the first people I met when I was younger and she helped me out and showed me around Fiore; she's like family!" Gajeel answers back. "Tell you what, she can be under our protection and if I see that she is honest about joining us then I will consider it" Erza declares. "Thank you Erza; Levy can I go get her and let her know the news?" Gajeel asks. "Yes go ahead, but please remember babe you got a family right here and we are never leaving you okay?" Levy says rubbing her belly. "I know; I love you shrimp and mini shrimps" Gajeel says coming over and kissing Levy on the forehead. Gajeel runs out the house and begins calling Sue's name. When he finds her she's up the road and she's sitting down on the grass and she's crying. "Sue everything is okay now, you're like on probation but you're as good as in!" Gajeel declares. "Ohhhhhhh Gajeel" Sue shrieks running up to him still sobbing. Gajeel hugs her and consoles her. "You so warm" Sue looks up at Gajeel and stands on her tippy toes and plants a kiss on his lips. Gajeel releases her at once; "What the hell are you doing" Gajeel yells. "Gajeel you use to love me, she's not even your type . . . let me remind you why you use to love me" Sue says. Sue talks off her shirt and shakes her hair loose "Let's keep it quiet okay"


1. What made you laugh this chapter?

2. Jellal Jr just isn't feeling his step-mommy! What would you do if you were Erza?

3. Do you feel like Erza was fair? Why? Why not?

4. WTF? Sue x Gajeel? SuJeel? HALP??? How was the chapter this week?


True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now