Be Wary of the Curse

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*Important* Yahello everyone! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! 2k is such an accomplishment for me and I love you all for reading and supporting me! Sooooo as a thank you for all the support . . . Chapter 11 is getting a early bonus release. So without further ado . . . 

KM Anime Presents ..

 A Fairy Tail Fan fiction Titled

"True Love Never Dies"

Chapter 11: Be Wary of the Curse

Gajeel arrives at the hospital with Levy's parents trailing behind him in their car. Gajeel is sweating profusely because he ran the entire way there because he knows he faster than any car. "Help me" Gajeel begins yelling. "My girlfriend. . . she's bleeding and shes unconscious" Gajeel says. His yelling catches the nurses attention and she comes running towards them. She sees the blood on her dress and she immediately goes to the intercom "CODE RED; WOMAN BLEEDING AND UNCONSCIOUS" the woman screams. Two seconds later five nurses come storming out the back door with a stretcher and Gajeel lays her down. "Okay sir we are going to take her in the back and we will come get you when you can see her, you can't come back right now" the male nurse says. They take Levy in the back and Gajeel feels like his heart is being ripped out of his chest. "What the hell did you do to my daughter" Mr. McGarden says getting in Gajeel's face. "Exactly, Levy has never been sickly and now all of a sudden shes bleeding and passing out. . are you doing some kind of weird voodoo on my daughter; I know your type . . bad boy with metal all in his face .. what in the world is your angle" Mrs. McGarden shouts. "Listen Mr. and Mrs. McGarden you guys don't quite understand what's going on so if you could calm down and let me explain" Gajeel says trying to calm them down. "Why would we ever listen to someone like you" Mrs. McGarden shouts. "She's pregnant" Gajeel says solemnly. Her parents stand there looking utterly and completely dumbfounded. "What did you say? says Mr. McGarden. "I said she is fucking pregnant and you guys are being stuck up, rude, assholes to not only me but her; shes under a lot of stress just being a mage and even more being a Fairy Tail mage; I'll say this once and only once, If you add anymore stress onto her than what already on her I will personally beat your asses" Gajeel says walking away to the window to ask about her. "She is pregnant dear" Mrs. McGarden says to her husband! "I feel really bad, if I would've known I would of . . never acted the way I behaved . . What if shes not okay . . What if our grandchild's not okay?" Mrs. McGarden says beginning to cry. Mr. McGarden pulls his wife into his embrace and Gajeel begins walking back to them. "She said we can go back" Gajeel says; "Gajeel-san I would like to apologize on the behalf of me and my wife . . we had no idea what was going on . . she gave us no clue" Mr McGarden says. "It's okay all water on the bridge" Gajeel says. They begin to walk in the back, the nurse meets them at the door. "Right this way, I'm going to -warn you people, she is still very weak but she has come to . . the doctor will be in to let you know everything" the Nurse says. "Thank goodness" Mrs. McGarden says. The nurse leads them into her room and her eyes are open and she smiles faintly at Gajeel and her parents. "How you feeling beautiful" Gajeel says. "Like my stomach ate itself and I fainted on top of a stack of bricks" Levy says letting out a light chuckle. "Don't laugh honey the doctor said your still weak" Mr. McGarden proclaims. "Okay but Dad, Mom I need to tell you something" Levy says. "We cant wait to meet him or her" Mr. McGarden says. "You know" Levy shouts. "Yes honey and we are so sorry for any stress or animosity we might have caused" Mrs. McGarden says. Tears begin to roll from Levy eyes, it like a million pounds had been lifted off her shoulders. "Momm . . y, . . . Dad . . dy" Levy says choking on her own sob. They hug her and Gajeel comes in and they are latched in each other embrace and that moment is the moment Levy wishes would never stop.

 Shortly after their family moment they patiently wait for the doctor to come in and let them know exactly whats going on. Dr. Huang comes in "Levy McGarden?". "Yes sir" Levy says. "Okay so from the test that we ran we have discover that your pregnancy is At risk" Dr Huang says. "What exactly does that mean" Levy says. "It means that you have a high probability of miscarrying the twins if not careful" Dr.Huang proclaims. "Twins?" Mrs. McGarden says with her mouth wide open. "I was gonna tell you to but then I started crying" Levy says crying. "What do we have to do?" Gajeel speaks sternly but filled with concern. "Well first off work is definitely not recommended" Dr. Huang says. "She doesn't have to worry about that" Mr.McGarden says. "Okay also the stress needs to remain at a minimal because it's what caused this bleeding today" Dr.Huang instructs. "Got it Gajeel" says anything else. "I have also prescribed her more prenatal vitamin and a relaxation pill and I honestly recommend taking a vacation but as long as you guys follow these instruction you should be fine" Dr Huang says. "Thank You doctor I really appreciate everything you did for me and my children" Levy speaks softly. "You're welcome. . the nurse will be in with the discharge papers any second please take care of yourself" Dr. Huang proclaims before he leaves. "Honey why don't you and Gajeel come home with us to the estate and let mommy take care of you" Mrs. McGarden says. "Ummmmm I don't know Mom" Levy says. "Well I do know and I think its a great idea" Gajeel exclaims. "Really, you wanna go Levy" says shocked. "Hell yeah I'll go home and pack our stuff" Gajeel says. "We'll go too, I wanna bond with my future son" Mr. McGarden says. Levy couldn't believe the baby would bring this much unity between my parents and Gajeel like this it almost makes her cry again. "Okay. ." Levy says teary eyed. "Okay babe we will be right back, I mean right back . . don't move okay" Gajeel says. "Gajeel where the hell am I gonna go" Levy says chuckling a little. The parents and their future son are leaving and they run into Juvia and Gray in the hallway. "Juvia what are you doing here" Gajeel questions her. "Oh I went to see Levy-Chan to see if I could find a pregnancy book from her because Juvia wants to have Gray's child" Juvia proclaims. Juvia don't go telling everyone are business Gray says looking appalled obviously embarrassed. "Oh Gray-sama your so sexy when you tell Juvia not to tell our business" shes shrieks rubbing her body against his fondling his arm; "but anyway Juvia went to your home and the neighbors said you were here, Is everything okay" Juvia says worried. "Yes everything is fine now, Levy had a pregnancy scare but shes fine now . . shes in here room; you think you could keep her company for me" Gajeel says. "Of course" Juvia says holding Grays hand, she takes off running yanking him into Levy's room. "Levy are you okay, what happened?" Juvia shouts. "I'm fine, but the better question is what are you two doing here" Levy says. "That's a story for when your outta here" Juvia says. "I'm glad your okay Levy" Gray exclaims. "Thanks Gray" Levy sighs out of relief that her babies are okay. They begin talking to kill the time and then Gajeel and her parents walk in. "Levy I filled out your discharge papers lets go" Gajeel explained. Levy gets up and Gajeel picks her up and everyone begins walking out the hospital. "So Levy enjoy your vacation; we will see you when you get back home" Juvia declared. Levy and Gajeel get in the car with her parents and the driver shuts the door. "Bye Juvia, Bye Gray, Tell Lu-Chan I'll be back" Levy screams. Gray's demeanor has changed after seeing Levy, "Gray-sama what's wrong" Juvia asks. "I don't know I just don't think I'm cut out to be a parent; I barely remember mine and it seems everything I touch is cursed" Gray says sadly. Juvia hugs gray from the front; "shhhhhh my beloved you will be a great father and when it happens it will be natural to you" Juvia affirms. "Lets go home" Gray says.

 Gray and Juvia arrive at home and Juvia instant starts talking about having kids. "Gray sama if we have a boy his name will be Gray Jr. and if its a girl her name will be Grayla" Juvia says. "Yes babe" Gray says rolling his eyes. "Juvia also heard that if you warm you pen" . . . Juvia says but is interrupted. "Babe I don't wanna talk about kids anymore tonight I just wanna rest okay" Gray says. "Okay Gray sama" Juvia says shocked at his tone. Is everything really alright Juvia speculates. "Yes everything is fine" Gray declares before rolling over. "Well Gray-sama go to bed, Juvia is going to go down stairs and do some research" Juvia announced not giving up on her dream. "Good night babe" Grays says. Juvia goes out the room shutting the door and she heads down stairs. "Juvia ... JUVIAAAAAAAAAA do you live here" a mans voice yells. Juvia goes to the door and she can't see who it is but they obviously know her. "Who is it?" Juvia questions. "Please Juvia I have been looking for you, you are in grave danger. . you must be wary of the curse" the mans voice warns. Juvia opens the door and her mouth falls open . . . DAD????

 QOTC (Questions of the chapter) - Comment your answers

1. Are you happy Levy and the twins are okay? Did Levy parents need to apologize to Gajeel?

2. Will Gray and Juvia be great parents despite not having their own? What is this curse Juvia's father speaks of?

See you guys Wednesday for the next update! Also keep voting and commenting and share this book with anyone looking for a good read! Lets get to 3k ^.^

True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now