My Past

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Chapter 17: My past

"Grand-daughter, what did you just say?" Juvia says stunned. "I said what you think I said, you are my precious great great great grand-daughter and I have missed you so much" Queen Mizuchi replies. "There's no way Juvia is related to a old jealous bag lady like you" Gray growls. "Fiery, I think I like you" Queen Mizuchi chuckles. "Why should I believe that I'm related to you" Juvia declares. Queen Mizuchi sighs and continues her explanation, "because my dear Juvia we are family, look at me . . we resemble each other dear". Juvia looks at her and she does resemble her from her shape of her lips, to the signature hair color. "Come to me child, come give your dear old grandmother a hug" Queen Mizuchi exclaims. "Juvia don't do it" Erza shouts. "Juvia feels her body moving own, Juvia can't stop . . I have no control" Juvia states still walking towards Queen Mizuchi. Gray freezes Juvia feet preventing her from walking any further; "Thanks Gray-sama" Juvia expressed. Queen Mizuchi stares at them and lifts her finger and water begins shooting in the air all around them. "Oh shit" Gray says; "Please Queen Mizuchi we didn't come here to fight you" Erza lies trying to calm her down. "Then speak your reasons and be gone" Queen Mizuchi yells. "Why did you curse the Lockser women with a curse of infertility" Juvia speaks. "I cursed the Lockser women because they are all whores who can't keep their legs closed and they don't understand why that's wrong" Queen Mizuchi yells. "Juvia is not a whore, you call all of the Lockser women whores just because you couldn't satisfy your husband . . really?" Lucy shouts fiercely. The water forms into a spike and launches directly at Lucy with incredible speed. Natsu steps in and hits it with his fist engulfed in flames, "Watch where the fuck you throw your water" Natsu growls with a vein popping out in his head. "Well tell that insignificant girl to mind her business and be quiet when adults are talking" Queen Mizuchi laughs. "Why I outta" Natsu says cracking his knuckles; Erza pulls him back to avoid aggravating her further. "Natsu and Lucy we must remain calm and let Juvia get her answers but if fighting breaks out be ready" Erza commands. "No need to plan anything" Queen Mizuchi says; she throws water at everyone except Gray and Juvia. Every dodges the water but if follows them and it becomes like glue when they try to fight it and sticks to them. "What the fuck is this" Natsu shouts. "My Nori water, it seeks out my prey of choice and sticks to them once it makes contact to the target. Erza tries to requip and get weapons to cut it but she can't requip. No ones magic is working and they are all struggling to get the water off of them. "The water wont come off" Queen Mizuchi says, she flicks her finger and the water begins moving and pushes them back to the wall and sticks them there. "Let us go now" Erza demands "or I will. . ." Erza continues; Queen Mizuchi interjects "or you'll what . . . struggle harder, my water relaxes the body and shuts down all magical flow so you are powerless". "Let my friends go" Juvia screams. "No we have things to discuss and it's long overdue" Queen Mizuchi says. Gray starts running so he can jump off the platform and reach his friends but before he can Queen Mizuchi raises the water around them like a wall. "I wouldn't try to freeze that, the water is flowing continuously so the ice will be broken; please allow me to tell my story" Queen Mizuchi continues. Juvia begins to speak again "Fine but before you continue I have a few questions of my own; First off why do you think all the Lockser women are whores? and if I'm your grand-daughter that would mean your. ."  Queen Mizuchi interrupts cutting Juvia off "That's correct my dear my name is Mizuchi Lockser".

Juvia stands there in complete disbelief. Juvia can't believe that she has a grandmother, more family. "I don't believe it" Juvia declares shaking her head repeatedly at the thought of a water demon being her grandmother. "It's true and I'll tell you the story from the very beginning if you allow me" Queen Mizuchi asks. "Yes I will allow that much to my ancestor" Juvia says. "Juvia we don't have to listen to a thing she says" Gray protests. "DO NOT INTERRUPT I ALLOWED YOU TO STAY BECAUSE YOU SEEM TO BE MY GRAND-DAUGHTER'S SUITOR BUT IF YOU INTERRUPT AGAIN I WON'T HESITATE TO ELIMINATE YOU" Queen Mizuchi says. "My beloved please allow her to speak Juvia needs this closure so I can put an end to all of my anxiety and past regret" Juvia says. "Okay, but if threaten me again I'll eliminate you . . old hag" Gray says smiling confidently. "Anyway, it happened long ago, I cursed the Lockser women with the curse of infertility to give birth but die in the process because a woman cheated with my husband who was the village chief. The whore; I couldn't believe she would do that to me" Queen Mizuchi continues. "Who did that to you, and why curse your own family instead of her family" Juvia asks confused. "My own sister slept with my husband and she got pregnant, my slut of a sister got pregnant when I couldn't. I couldn't get pregnant. . . I just couldn't . . I tried and I tried and nothing was working. My sister gave my husband something I never could give him and then she stole him from me" Queen Mizuchi says. Juvia is looking at the Queen and she can't help but to feel bad for her as she pours her heart out. Queen Mizuchi continued "I cried and I cried and I didn't know what to do so I began practicing black magic; I was so angry I didn't know what to do. Finally after practicing so long I was finally able to summon the demon of life. I bargained with her to bring life to my womb and let me conceive a child of my husbands. The demon agreed to bring life to my womb but in return she made me half demon and then she required a sacrifice". Queen Mizuchi explained further having Gray and Juvia's undivided attention "The demon wanted a life for giving a life and she put it in my hands to decide so I did; I chose my sister who betrayed me. The demon took her life and the life of her unborn child and she allowed me to get pregnant. I was overjoyed that I could give my husband what he always wanted. . a child. When I went to him and told him of the miracle that I was expecting he banished me and told me he no longer loved me and that he loved my sister whom was dead. I was so filled with sadness and rage that I drowned him in his sleep, I vowed to never love again and I vowed that I would punish any of my ancestors who decided to have children since children ruined my life; this is my story" Queen Mizuchi says. "You are one fucked up bitch" Gray thinks to himself. "Grandmother I am so sorry" Juvia says with tears in her eyes. "Do not cry for me child I have dealt with it and I am supreme on this island" Queen Mizuchi says. "I still must ask, will you please lift the curse from the Lockser women Grandmother; I know your sister hurt you and your husband betrayed you but I have done nothing and this curse is killing our family, our name, our generation. . Please reconsider" Juvia declares. "I will not lift it, children complicate things and create rifts between couples; go be happy with your beloved . . forget children they are a curse" Queen Mizuchi yells. "I CAN'T!" Juvia screams with tears streaming from her eyes. "Aww my darling girl you will get over it, I know it hurts now but it won't always feel like this; You'll thank me later I promise" Queen Mizuchi says. Juvia is sobbing and she can't believe her own grandmother would deny her happiness. "I have the perfect idea, why don't you to stay here with me on the island and rule with me, we can be a family again; I can get you know you and you I" Queen Mizuchi declares excitedly. "We would never stay with someone so selfish" Gray growls. Gray closes his eyes and focuses all his magical energy until is ready to flow outwards. "Ice Devil's Rage" Gray screams opening his mouth and releasing cold air, ice, and snow from his mouth directly at Queen Mizuchi. It hits her and she flies into the wall; "No one has ever damaged me; what kind of magic do you possess boy" Queen Mizuchi says. "Ice Devil Slayer magic you old hag and I'm not letting you steal our happiness" Gray shouts confidently.

Queen Mizuchi dusts herself off and begins speaking again, "If this is what you want then game on" Queen Mizuchi growls. Her hair begins to stand up and she lifts her hands and water flies onto the platform and it begins to take form. "Go my water warriors, destroy my grand-daughter and her suitor" Queen Mizuchi says. Gray flicks his wrist and all the warriors freeze instantly. "You thought that would be enough to take us out pfft" Gray joked flashing his signature sexy smile. "You are a pesky one aren't you; then your opponent will be me" Queen Mizuchi yells charging at Gray. "Bring it on you old bitch; babe handle any water warrior she throws our way" Gray says. "Yes Gray-sama" Juvia declares nodding her head. Queen Mizuchi throws a wave of water at gray and he dodges with by flipping to the right. She begins a vicious assault of water blasts and then she takes multiple streams of waters and tries to drill in into Gray. Gray uses his instant freeze and it falls to the ground. They begin firing projectiles everywhere. Juvia is fighting off the water warriors but she can't handle them all. "Gray sama help me" Juvia screams overwhelmed. "Juviaaaaaaa" Gray says unable to reach her. "I think I heard Juvia scream" Lucy says still stuck to the wall and struggling to get out. "If only we would of known this was a part of her power; we underestimated her" Erza says. "METEOR" "a voice screams, a flash of light zooms past Erza, Lucy, and Natsu and they are freed. "It's not him. . JELLAL" Erza says shocked. "Hey, you missed me?" Jellal asks smiling widely. "A little bit" Erza says smiling. "Lets do something about this water" Jellal says. He begins focusing his magical powers into his hand and he produces the Flames of Rebuke. "Here Natsu" Jellal exclaims throwing the flame into the air. Natsu opens his mouth and it falls into there and he swallows it; "Oiiii I was hungry too, best flame I've ever eaten in a long time; I'm all fired up" Natsu says entering Dragon-mode. "Flame Dragons Roar" Natsu says. His flames soar and when they hit the water it evaporates instantly. "What the hell is going on with my water" Queen Mizuchi shouts. She is looking at the people she imprisoned that are now free and Natsu flashes her a huge grin. "If that is how you want to play this then I'll show you my true form" Queen Mizuchi declares angrily. Queen Mizuchi power spikes and she begins to transform; her mouth stretches and her teeth turn into fangs, her body gets longer and she is covered in light. The light blinds everyone and when the light begins to fade they are looking at a water serpent.  


1. Did you feel bad for Queen Mizuchi? If you did why? and if not why not? Was she justified in cursing her own family?

2. Who fangasmed when Jellal showed up? . . . . .  I did! Will Queen Mizuchi be defeated?

3. Overall how was this chapter? Are you excited for the next one?


True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now