Tragic History

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"What the fuck . . . Sue what are you doing here" Gajeel shouts. "Oh Gajeel" Sue sobs running into Gajeel's arms. "I . . . I had to get away" Sue sobs louder. Gajeel grips her by the shoulders and shakes her a little. She looks up at him and Gajeel begins to speak "Tell me what going on". Sue lets go of Gajeel and they go to the couch and they sit down and Sue begins to explain. "Well ever since Phantom Lord disbanded because of that stupid fucking Fairy Tail guild, they ruined everything for me" Sue declares with anger. Gajeel remains silent as she continues her story. "Anyway after it disbanded I got hooked into a Treasure Hunting Guild and they found this rare tree root" Sue continues. "Okay and then what" Gajeel says eager to find out the rest. "Well the guild started cutting down all the trees on the island and began harvesting the root . . . I already felt iffy about doing this but when we made it home it became so much worse" Sue sighs. "Well what the happened when you guys got home" Gajeel asks impatient. "Well the guild decided it would be a good idea to sell the root for a profit but what I didn't know was that they were going to concentrate it and make it into a drug" Sue admits. "What the fuck, that is illegal and dangerous" Gajeel shouts. "Shhhhhh don't you think I know that, anyway they had all the guild members pushing the drugs out to the public for them . . . the stuff became increasingly popular among mages . . . business was booming to say the least" Sue explains further. "Then why are you here? Everything sounds good in the world of Sue" Gajeel questions. "Well everything was fine until our guild master starting going crazy with power and greed; he increased the load we were supposed to carry and if we didn't sell it all we were punished . . . I wanted out but when I told the master he threatened my life so I left and I've been on the run ever since. "Damn Sue you're still a badass rebel" Gajeel laughs. "Yeah I guess, but I need somewhere to crash until I get on my feet and get out of Fiore all together" Sue declares. "Well, let me find out from my girlfriend, Levy can you come down here I want to introduce you to someone . . . I don't think you've ever met her." Gajeel shouts. "Okay I'm coming down give me a minute" Levy sighs obviously not wanting to move. "Oh, Gajeel you found someone who would put up with your shit" Sue chuckles. "Shut up Gajeel" says playfully. Levy makes it down the stairs finally and the first thing Sue eyes see is Levy round belly. "Hi I'm Levy" Levy greets her; "I'm Sue" Sue smiles faintly. "Well Sue is here for vacation, and she needs a place to stay" Gajeel lies. "Oh that's fine, we have enough room . . . would you like any water Sue" Levy turns her back to her and walks to the kitchen. Before Levy knows it she is surrounded with mirrors and she can't move. "Die Fairy Tail" Sue proclaims maliciously.

"What the Fuck Sue that's my love of my life and she's carrying my children" Gajeel yells running to the mirrors. "She's Fairy Tail . . . her guild ruined my life and it's my job to put an end to all of them" Sue screams dropping a tear from her eye. "Even me" Gajeel says rolling up his sleeve. Sue sits there and it's like her world split into two halves. "Traitor . . ." Sue mumbles. "What did you say" asks; "I said you are a FUCKING LOW LIFE TRAITOR; HOW COULD YOU . . . THEY DISMANTLED US AND KILLED MASTER JOSE" Sue screams at the top of her lungs. A surge of power spikes from inside the mirrors. "Oh shit" Gajeel says taking cover. The glass explodes everywhere and a metal arm stretches from where the glass was and grabs Sue by the throat and slams her into the wall. "Gajeel you got about seven seconds to tell me who this little bitch is before I ring her scrawny neck" Levy insists with anger in her voice. "Baby let me explain okay, calm down okay" Gajeel pleads. "Don't tell me to calm down Gajeel you're little friend just came into my home and assaulted me . . . you're lucky you aren't up against the wall too" Levy says coldly. Gajeel swallows and feels sweat building up "Okay this is Sue she is an old friend from Phantom Lord" Gajeel cringes throwing his hands up. "PHANTOM LORD! ARE YOU SERIOUS GAJEEL? YOU INVITED A MEMBER OF YOUR OLD GUILD EVIL ASS GUILD TO OUR HOME WHERE WE ARE ABOUT TO RAISE OUR CHILDREN . . . TELL ME YOU'RE NOT THAT MUCH OF AN IDIOT" Levy is screaming. "Babe NO NO NO this wasn't me! She found me" Gajeel replies shifting the blame. Sue starts coughing and gasping for air; "AND YOU . . . DO YOU SEE THAT I FUCKING PREGNANT. . . YOU GO AROUND ATTACKING PREGNANT WOMEN . . . YOU ARE A DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING . . . WHAT THE HELLS YOUR PROBLEM ANYWAY" Levy continues. Levy releases her arm from Sue's neck and she falls on the floor catching her breath. "Now I can see why she can deal with you" Sue coughs. Gajeel smiles a little but remains silent; "ANSWER MY QUESTION OR I'LL TRY OUT ONE OF THE NEW THINGS I CAN DO BECAUSE OF THIS PREGNANCY" Levy continues. "Okay Okay Dragon woman" Sue declares with an attitude. "Watch it" Gajeel says getting protective. "Well look at you two, anyway like he said I'm from Sue from the deceased guild Phantom Lord and I hate Fairy Tail for what you all did to my guild, master and life" Sue explains. "Can I kick her ass" Levy says cracking her knuckles. "Go for it" Sue stands up. "Both of you stop this shit" Gajeel shouts startling them both. "Mmmmmm forceful . . . don't start something you can't finish" Levy flirts throwing Gajeel off. "I love when she randomly get horny . . . pregnancy perks" Gajeel thinks to himself. "Oh I can finish what I start" Gajeel replies seductively. "After this kay'" Levy laughs. "Okay well I'll make this quick then; I'm on the run my guild of murderous greedy bastards . . . now if you excuse me" Sue says leaving out the door. "Wait . . . You can stay for the night and we will get you set up somewhere in the morning" Levy exclaims stopping Sue. "Really? Sue shouts excitedly. "Sure, but you attack me or any other Fairy Tail member and I'll shove all your mirrors down your throat" Levy smiles sweetly. Sue almost chokes on spit "Yes ma'am". "The couch is right there . . . oh yeah be sure to sweep up that glass" Levy says grabbing Gajeel's hand and walking towards the stairs. "Thanks babe" Gajeel says. "Come show me how appreciative you are" Levy says grabbing Gajeel's butt. They walk up the stairs and close the door and round two begins.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who the hell are you" Lucy screams. Levy hears her best friends scream and goes the down stairs as fast as 5 month pregnant woman can. "Lu what wrong" Levy says panicking. "Who is she, and why is she on your couch?" Lucy asks. "Ohh this is Sue, she's from Phantom Lord . . . Gajeel's old guild . . . the one that tried to attack us" Levy says. "It wasn't my idea and must you all be so loud in the morning" Sue says rolling over. Lucy yanks Levy's hand and drags her outside the house. "What the hell, why are you letting another female you don't know stay in your home" Lucy whisper shouts. "She's leaving today, and she's in a bit of trouble . . . you know how I hate to turn away a stray" Levy laughs. "Let's be serious for a moment; do you know anything about this girl or if her story is valid . . . maybe she has some sort of vendetta against us for her guild being broke up" Lucy shrieks. "Well she did attack me yesterday because of her hate of Fairy Tail" Levy says. "What?" Lucy says starting to tear up. "LU, WHY THE HECK ARE YOU CRYING?" Levy asks shocked. "I'm happy you and the twins are safe and my hormones" Lucy says giggling. "You are tripping" Levy laughs. "So other than that what did she tell you about the situation she's in?" Lucy says. "Well Gajeel broke it down for me after I kicked her ass; basically she's on the run from her treasure hunting guild because she refused to sell their drugs" Levy says stretching her arms over her head. "Oh so a three out of ten on Fairy Tail's scale of danger" Lucy laughs. Levy bursts out in laughter as well and they begin reminiscing on the crazy adventures they've been on and the crazy ones that will ensue. They go back in the house because of the hot weather and Gajeel is in the kitchen. Gajeel kitchen? "Did hell freeze? I missed it . . . Dammit" Lucy says sitting down at the table. "Is that jealously in your voice? What's wrong salamander doesn't cook for you" Gajeel teases. "I'll burn your ass, don't forget that" Lucy says lifting her hand and it's engulfed in flames. "New trick, cute" Gajeel laughs; "wanna test it out" Lucy says winking. "Knock it off you two" Levy declares. "Are all you fairies pregnant" Sue says walking into the kitchen. Neither of them acknowledge her or her words. "Smell great Gajeel" Sue says. "Thanks" Gajeel says; "Oh yeah since we're old friends and everything and I'm kind of staying with you for now I've decided that I'm going to join Fairy Tail" Sue says smiling widely.


1. Who is a fan of sue? Why or Why not?

2. Do you feel it's right for Sue to hate Fairy Tail?

3. Would you let Sue join if you where the Master? Why? Why not?

4. How was the chapter this week?


True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now