Tired.. Horny Same Thing

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A Fairy Tail Fanfiction Titled

"True Love Never Dies"

Chapter 7: Tired.. Horny Same Thing

"Everyone be seated now!" Erza shouts excitedly. "Everyone from the guild is taking place in Erza's wedding; everyone is here" Lucy exclaims. Lucy, Juvia, Levy and their boys all sit together. "Okay first things first! Freed did you get the colors I asked you" Erza asks nicely. "Yes" Freed says getting up and he shows everyone in the venue the color Erza decided to go with as her wedding color. "What is this; this isn't teal that's cyan" Erza says flipping out. "Freed you must go and change this now this is not how I imagined the wedding at all; GO NOW" Erza says. Freed takes off running to the color palette store to go stop the order in that color so he doesn't lose his head. Natsu and Gray start laughing "is something funny" Erza says popping up behind them. "No ma'am" the boys say in unison. "Good I won't let this one slip up mess things up" Erza says getting back to business. "Okay next on the agenda is the food; Can I get everything opinions on food" Erza says getting excited. "Fire" Natsu says, "Iron" Gajeel shouts, Lucy and Levy hit their boyfriends in the back of the head. "Thank you" Erza says. Natsu and Gajeel sulk at being hit. Lucy speaks up "why don't you have a Cesar salad with dressing served for an appetizer, a grill chicken breast with some kind of marinade with asparagus .. steamed and spicy risotto". "Mirajane can you make that happen"Erza asks with stars in her eyes. "Of course" Mirajane says. "Yes; menu is completed" Erza says ever so confidently. "Where is Jellal" Juvia asks. "Oh hes in the back making sure the venue is perfect" Erza says proudly. "Oh no we have no musician" Erza says disappointed. "Gate of the Lyre Key I summon thee" Lucy says. Her celestial spirit Lyra comes and she demonstrates her skills and everyone's amazed. "I could of played the Guitar a hell of alot better than that" Gajeel whispers to Levy, she pats him on the shoulder laughing. "Lucy you have been such a help to me and that leads me to next thing on my agenda; Baby can you come here please I'm about to reveal my Maid of honor and I need you to reveal the best man" Erza says. Jellal comes in and sits next to Erza. "Okay well lets get to it; My maid of honor is Lucy" Erza says "and my best man is Natsu" Jellal says. "Oh my God us I can't believe it" Lucy exclaims. Everyone starts applauding and Lucy is almost moved to tears. "Well I have my reasons and they are because Lucy you treated me as not a warrior but a friend first and you thus inspired more to treat me that way and I can't thank you enough" Erza says." Jellal speaks up "Natsu I chose you because you brought me out of one of the darkest times of my life and I wouldn't be at this stage of my life if not for you." "We would be honored if you guys would accept" Erza says. "Of course we will" Lucy and Natsu say in Unison Lucy has a tear rolling down her face. "Wonderful; Now lets go check out the venue" Erza says. They walk in and all the girls begin to sigh in amazement. Lucy can no longer contain her words . "This must of costed a fortune" Lucy says. The venue is elegantly decorated. Chandelier with Teal diamonds, Teal crystal cups and silverware, Silver and Teal Walls and Rugs padded with a beautiful sequence, each chair is like a throne and the flowers are absolute stunning. "Nothing is too much for my fiance and love of my life"Jellal says. "Awww that's so sweet and dreamy"Mirajane, Lucy, and Juvia and Levy say. All boys sneer at Jellal actions. Cana is looking around and see 10 cases of exquisite wine "This is my type of wedding" Cana says. Everyone starts laughing. Lucy remembers that Jellal was apart of the magic council and also one of the 10 wizard saints so of course he could afford this. "Well now that you all have seen this whose ready for this wedding" Erza shouts. The guild starts cheering. "Well that concludes this meeting so you should all be receiving your invitations in the mail" Erza says. The guild waves off Erza and Jellal; the minster has arrived and they are about to practice their vows.

Gray, Natsu, Gajeel and their loves are walking together and Juvia asks "so where are guys headed". "Well I'm headed into town I have to find my teal accessories" Lucy says. Levy chimes in "I have no teal either Gajeel Levy pouts. Gajeel rolls eyes and reaches in his pocket and pulls out his bag of jewels and hands it to Levy. "Natsu" Lucy whines and Natsu repeats the same actions as Gajeel and Lucy smiles. "Are you coming with Juvia" Lucy says. "No I'm going to head on home that was a long rehearsal Juvia is tired" Juvia says. Lucy winks at Juvia " Tired .. Horny same thing". "Lucy" Juvia says as she blushes and Gray gets flushed too. "Well we will leave you too that" Levy says laughing. "I wanna be tired too" Natsu says, "Me too Salamander me too" Gajeel says. The best friends take off with their men yanking them by their hands headed to town. "Well Gray what are you about to do" Juvia says. "Hopefully you" Gray says with a very sexy smile. "Well I might be able to arrange that" Juvia says. "Well shall we?" Gray says as he swoops Juvia up in his arms and begins walking to her home. When they arrive he lays her on the bed and crawls on the bed and he rips her clothes off of her. "Gray" Juvia screams laughing. "I'll buy you another one" Gray says. He starts kissing her neck and rips off her bra and starts massaging her nipples in a circular motion. "Gray" she moans. "Say my name again" Gray says. "Grayyyyyyyyy" Juvia moans louder. He starts repeating the same motion except with his tongue and then gently bites her nipple. He feels her convulse and that gives him all the confidence he needs to drive it home. "Stand" Gray says sternly. She does as told and Gray comes from behind and takes off his underwear since that's all he was wearing; he had stripped without even noticing. He pushes Juvia up against the wall and tell her to push her hands against the wall and bend over. She does it and he comes close to her ear and asks her "Are you ready". She nods and he traces his tongue up her back and then he grabs a handful of her hair and tugs on it pulling her head back slightly and he begins pounding repeatedly making her moan in pure ecstasy. Gray is breathing heavily saying words in between each entrance "You ... Are ... Mine" Gray stops momentarily and Juvia turns around and runs to him and jumps on him saddling him and they fall to the ground and Gray begins his merciless pounding and Juvia is riding him with passion. "I can't hold back anymore" Gray says releasing. At the mention of his words she convulses uncontrollably losing herself in it as well. He kisses her on the lips and carries her to the bed and lays her down and he gets in the bed besides her and they drift off to sleep. When Gray awaken he goes to slip on his underwear and check the mail. When he gets it he sees that there is a letter from the Lamia Scale. "What the hell is that about" Gray says scowling.

Gray opens the letter and finds out that it is an apology letter from Lamia Scale for Lyons actions and the Guild master states that Lyon hearing has taken place and he has been banned from all Legal Guilds. "Well thats what the bastard gets" Gray says. "What bastard" Juvia says speaking sleepily. "Oh no don't worry about it" Gray says crumbling up the letter. "Natsu, Gajeel and I are are heading out on a mission today we've been requested" Gray says. "Oh okay well behave yourself and please don't fight Natsu" Juvia says smiling. "No promises" Gray says kissing her. He gets up and takes his showers and he leaves. She hears a knock at the door about 15 minutes later after Gray has left. Juvia goes to the door thinking that maybe Gray and there's a very odd plant sitting on Juvia's porch , "I wonder who left this" Juvia says and she picks it up and closes her door. Juvia hops in the shower and when she gets out she hears another knock at the door and its the girls. When they come in they greet Juvia and Levy jumps back immediately. "Juvia what is wrong with you why would you have Saplinshin plant those let a venom once they grow that can kill someone" Levy exclaims picking the plant up and she turns her arm iron and throws it further then the eye can see. "Juvia didn't buy this someone left it on my porch; who would do that?" Juvia exclaims shocked.

This is a special release! The chapter was released early because I reached my goal of 500 views. Thank you all so very much for the overwhelming support I have received these last couple of days it means the world too me! My next personal goal is 1k views! Keep the comments and votes coming it makes me write more and shout me out to anyone looking for a good read and I'd greatly appreciate it!


Love you Wattpadians till next time :*

True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now