I Wish You Were Here

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Chapter 18: I wish you were here

"What the hell, she transformed into a freaky worm" Natsu says confused. "She looks so creepy" Lucy shrieks. "Stay on your toes" Jellal shouts. Queen Mizuchi opens her mouth and water pours out like a flowing river and water warriors begin to take form but this time they are incredibly large and have weapons. "You guys handle those water warriors and I'll finish this bitch" Gray says. "Right" Erza says charging at the water warriors. Erza requips her Lightning Empress Armor and starts firing her lightning electrocuting the warriors and they begin collapsing but they regenerate right after every attack. The warriors begin crowding around Erza making sure she can't move, "Erzaaaaaaaa. . . Grand Chariot" Jellal screams. The constellation forms in the sky and light begins raining down destroying the warriors. "Are you okay babe" Jellal says full of concern. "I had them ; watch your back babe" Erza shouts requiping to Flame Empress and slicing a water warrior. "Thanks" Jellal says focusing back in on the battle. "I summon thee Scorpio; Star Dress Form Scorpio!" Lucy shouts; "What do you need master" Scorpio says. "Attack those water warriors with me" Lucy commands; "you got it master" Scorpio says. "Double Sand Shot" Lucy and Scorpio shout releasing a two miniature cyclones of sand that combine into a large cyclone. The sand hits a group of warriors and they are absorbed into the sand. "Flame Dragons Fist" Natsu says continuously punching water warriors. Everyone is fighting so diligently to allow Juvia and Gray to finish off Queen Mizuchi. "Be careful Juvia she is pissed now" Gray warns. "Right Gray-sama" Juvia replies focuses all her attention on her ancestor. "See the Lockser women are a bunch of unappreciative whores, I offer you power, wealth, fame, and family and yet you still refuse me; because of your insolence you will pay with your life and the life of your friends" Queen Mizuchi says. "Ohh shut up" Gray proclaims. Queen Mizuchi starting firing water balls from her mouth and Gray and Juvia begin evading them. Flipping to the left and the right but the balls continue firing and incredible speeds. "Water Wall" Juvia says blocking the projectiles; Gray flicks his wrist and the wall freezes. "Is that all you got you piece of worm shit" Gray antagonizes. Queen Mizuchi begins circling her body and soon a water tornado forms. Its spinning so fast that it cuts Gray's cheek. "Okay now you're getting serious" Gray laughs. Gray flicks his wrist but it doesn't freeze, it continues spinning right at them. They dodge but it follows them, "Gray-samaaaaa" Juvia screams and it hits Gray knocking him to the floor with multiple cuts. "Enough" Juvia screams, she begins spinning and she forms her own water tornado and it spins into the other one and when they clash they dissipate. "Don't you ever touch him again" Juvia commands furiously. Queen Mizuchi shoots water out of her mouth in a powerful stream of water and its razor sharp. It hits Juvia in her leg and she falls to the floor yelping from the impact. "Now prepare to die insolent girl" Queen Mizuchi says firing a huge water blast at her. A figure appears in front of her and it falls when it makes contact with the water blast. When Juvia looks upon the body lying in front of her it is the body of her father. "DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Juvia screams a blood curdling scream. Everyone looks and sees Juvia's father lying on the floor; "Daddy why were you here" Juvia says sobbing. "I told you I'm always watching you" Mr. Lockser says gasping for air. "Daddy please don't leave me Juvia needs you, I can't be alone . . please don't leave me alone" Juvia cries barely able to catch her breath. "I love you Juvia, I always have and I know your mother would be proud of you" Mr Lockser says closing his eyes. "Juvia knows you do dad, tell mom I love her and I would of loved to have met her" Juvia cries. Mr. Lockser takes his final breathe and lays still. Juvia lowers her head and the entire building begins to rumble. Juvia lift her face with tears and her eyes have a white triangle in them. "You took a life so now you lose yours" Juvia replies in a two toned voice. 

"So you've unlocked the little demon blood that you possess, that man was never there for you why get so upset about him" Queen Mizuchi laughs. "Juvia are you okay Gray" asks concerned. "I'm fine Gray-sama lets end her" Juvia replies. Juvia walks over to Gray and puts water on his leg and his wound heals. "Wow; now that feels much better" Gray declares cracking his knuckles. Juvia and Gray hold hands "Unison Raid" they shout together. Their magical power spikes and the water all floats to the sky above them even the water warriors dissipate. "Woahhhhh" Lucy says stunned at the amount of magic surging. Natsu looks at the water and whistles at the sheer amount floating above their heads. "Ice Devil's Zeroth Supreme Destructive Bow" Juvia and Gray say in unison. A giant bow begins to form. It is beautifully carved and engraved with different symbols. The arrow forms and it is sharp and even and engraved with the same signals. The entire shrine feels like its below zero degrees. "Wait Juvia I'm sorry I can I will lift the curse please don't kill me" Queen Mizuchi says. "You don't deserve to live, you are an evil person and I will put and end to you and send you to the place you deserve to be in . . Hell" Juvia shouts. "I'm your grandmother I'm your family, I made you" Queen Mizuchi screams. "Goodbye Grandmother" Juvia declares. "Heed my warning child, the child you bring into the world will bring you nothing but misery and stress, your relationship won't make it. . foolish girl I . ." Queen Mizuchi says interrupted. The arrow shoots and when it hits her she turns into snow and it begins to fall in the dungeon. Juvia faints and Gray catches her before she hits the floor. "Juviaaaaaaaaa" Lucy screams running towards one of her best friends. "Juvia wake up . ." Gray says hugging her tightly. Juvia opens her eyes and she is sitting on a grass hill by herself. "Where am I" Juvia asks out loud. "Now that Juvia has lost her father and killed her grandmother I am truly alone now" Juvia says talking to herself. "No you're not . . . Mommy here" a woman's voice says. Juvia looks to her right and their is a beautiful young woman standing on the hill next to her. The woman looks exactly like Juvia and all her mannerisms are the same. "Mommy is so happy to see Juvia after all this time, you're so beautiful" Juvia's mother says. "Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ." Juvia says running into her mother's arms sobbing. "There there honey Mommy's got you" Juvia mother says soothing her daughter. "Is Juvia dreaming" Juvia asks. "Yes sadly you are, but until you wake up tell me everything" Juvia mother demands politely smiling. Juvia begins to explain her childhood and then her dark guild experience. She then tells her mother about her beloved Gray and her desire to be a mother. "That's great honey Mommy also desired to be a mother so you picked that up from Mommy" Juvia's mother says. "Juvia thinks she also picked up the third person thing from you as well" Juvia chuckles. "Sorry" Juvia's mother replies also chuckling. Juvia's mother begins speaking about how she use to stalk Juvia's father and how her childhood was. They both laugh at how similar they really are to each other! "Mom I wish you were still here" Juvia says. "I know baby but I'm here in your heart and that's all that matters; but that isn't the only reason I've come to you; the Lockser family always has girls for some reason and they are always very powerful so beware but don't worry about it the curse has been lift be happy. . now wake up Juvia . . wake up Juvia" Gray says. Juvia opens her eyes and she is looking at her beloved. "Gray-sama" Juvia answers. "Lets get out of here" Gray says.

They are walking through town-square and the sun is shining brighter then ever before on this island. "Wow the sun is so pretty right now" Lucy declares. "I know, this island really is beautiful" Erza says holding Jellal's hand. "Can we eat now" Natsu whines holding his stomach. "Ughh you and your food" Lucy says then her stomach growls. Everyone begins laughing, "Hey I got a reason I'm eating for two" Lucy says. "Well what's good around her babe" Gray asks. "Oooooh there was this one restaurant but it kind of expe. ." Juvia says interrupted. "You are Juvia Lockser" a man says coming up to her. "Yes I am" Juvia replies. "Come with me" the man says. They go with the man and he leads them to a crowd of people. The people are all talking and whispering. "Silence" the man says. "The queen's tyranny has ended and we have been set free, we are freeeee" the man shouts. "Because of this woman Juvia Lockser" the man says igniting a roar of cheers and thanks. "Oh no, Juvia had help" Juvia says turning red. The man continues "And because of your bravery and your lineage to this island we have made the decision to make you are new queen . . All Hail Queen Juvia Lockser".


1. Will this child cause problems for Gruvia? How do you feel about Juvia's inner demon blood?

2. How did you feel about Juvia and her mothers interaction?



True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now