Dark Past Darker Future

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Levy stares at him after hearing his confession. She can't believe what he has just told her and in the manner in which he revealed it. Levi is still rubbing her stomach and smiling at her. Levy tries to speak but her throat and mouth are completely dry and she can't get any words to come out. "Speechless are you? You don't even have to speak sister . . . allow me to do all the talking. I guess I should formerly introduce myself shouldn't I? I'm Levi McGarden your twin brother" Levi declares proudly. Levy starts shaking her head at his words "It's not true, I don't have a twin . . . I'm an only child" Levy says. "No my dear sister you are not . . . let me shed some light on this situation. You have no memory of me because father and mother erased me from your mind with medication. They didn't want you to know that I ever existed because I was a disappointment. I WASN'T THERE IDEAL CHILD; I WASN'T SMART; I WAS MISCHIEVIOUS; I DIDN'T WANT TO STUDY; I DIDN'T WANT TO FUCKING READ; I WASN'T THERE PRODIGY MY DEAR SISTER . . . IT WAS YOU SO THEY THREW ME OUT LIKE I WAS TRASH. THEY TOOK ME TO AN ORPHANAGE AND SIGNED AWAY ALL RIGHTS TO ME AND NEVER LOOKED BACK. THEY NEVER GAVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ME. THEY HAD THEIR HEIR TO THE MCGARDEN NAME AND IT WASN'T ME" Levi rants. "STOP LYING, MY MOTHER AND FATHER WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT IF THEY HAD ANOTHER CHILD" Levy screams at him. Levi looks directly in her eyes with the most evil look she has ever witnessed. "I SAID IM NOT LYING BITCH" Levi says coldly sending chills up Levy's spine. Levi digs in his pocket and takes out a picture and shows it to her. Levy looks at it and closes her eyes and turns her head. Levi grips her chin forcefully and turns her head to him; "look at it now or I snap your neck in the next five seconds" Levi whispers. Levy opens her eyes to see a picture she had seen many times in her family home . . . it was a picture of her on father back and her mother on the side of them . . . but in the picture she's looking at there is a boy holding her mother's hand with black hair. "That picture is hanging in the living room on the left side of the third window isn't it?" Levi says calmly. "Yes it is, it is true . . . you are my brother . . . Levi listen to me I had no idea of any of this . . . let me go please and we can try and have a relationship . . . your my brother Levi; I want you around please" Levy sobs hot tears streaming down her face. "It's too late for a relationship with me sis . . . I don't want to know you; I hate you and the only reason I am bothering to find you now is because I want the twins. You can't raise them . . . ONLY I CAN!" Levi yells and laughs hysterically.

"You want the twins, they aren't ready to be born Levi please don't do this . . . I'm not mom or dad and I hate what they did to you okay I hate it. Please don't take this out on the twins and me" Levy begs her estranged brother. "Sister I'm not doing this to hurt you okay . . . I'm saving them . . . I'm saving you from the burden of having to raise them. You should be thanking me sister" Levi smiles widely. Levi looks at him with a confused expression. "You are all over the place Levi, you can't take care of them . . . one minute you're screaming and the next you're calm and smiling but if you get help then you can be a part of their lives and mine" Levy tries to appeal to his emotions. "I am more fit than you will ever be or are sad excuse for parents . . . they're maggots that deserve to be stepped on a crushed until nothing is left but blood splatter . . . but enough of them . . . shall we begin" Levi says walking over to his desk. Levi pulls out a bottle of pills from his drawer and walks over to her. "Open wide sister these are pain killers for the procedure" Levi admits. Levy shakes her head no and she is clenching her teeth tightly. "Fine, it's your funeral" Levi sits the pills on the floor and closes his eyes and his hands begin to glow and light orange color. He touches her stomach with his hands and the twins immediately begin kicking and turning within their mother. "AGHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THEM" Levy hisses through her teeth. "I am speeding up the aging process, you learn all kind of things when you acquire all kinds of artifacts and treasures . . . this is my magic . . . Medicinal magic" Levi says. Levy is twisting in pain. Her stomach is stretching and moving. "Y . . . You're go . . . going to hurt . . . them" Levy struggles to speak. "No my dear sister . . . the only one in pain is you" Levi says sympathetically. His hand turn green and the pain lowers and it seems to soothe Levy. "I need to keep you alive so this is your relaxation healing period so your body doesn't give out on me" Levi smiles sweetly. Levy catches her breath and cries silently at the torture her kids are enduring. "Shall we begin again" Levi says with his hands aura changing from green back to orange. Levy closes her eyes to ready herself.

"I'll kill his ass and anyone else who hurts my family" Gajeel snorts walking quickly. He closes his eyes to compose himself but every time he does Levy is all he can see. Her smile, scrowl, her cooking, reading and a vision of his twins. "DAMMIT" Gajeel yells. His scream echoes through the town. He continues heading towards the studio crushing the ground as he goes. When he approaches it he enter Iron Shadow Dragon Mode and fades into the shadows and travels that way until he's on the side of the building. He peeks inside and he sees no one inside. "Maybe I should knock and storm in once he opens the door" Gajeel debates. He makes his decision and knocks on the door and waits for Levi to open. Levi hears a constant banging from upstairs and he stops what he's doing. "I'll be right back my dear sister" Levi says walking away to the staircase to the upstairs studio. Levy pants and tries to catch her breath. When she looks at her stomach it has grown in size. Her eyes flutter and she closes them. Levi makes it upstairs and sees a visitor at the door. He heads to the door and opens it, "How may I help you" Levi says. "Yeah you can, where the fuck is Levy" Gajeel says bluntly. "I don't know . . . I told you that earlier" Levi says trying to close the door but Gajeel blocks it with his foot. "I'm not leaving until you give her back . . . I know a liar when I see one" Gajeel growls. Levi starts to chuckle "You are very funny sir! A liar huh? I also can see things and I see that you're a worthless unintelligent piece of shit that will be leaving now" Levi says calmly. "Don't fuck with me" Gajeel yells turning his arm into an iron club and extending it. His iron club is racing at an incredible speed but it hits the floor before it reaches its target. When Gajeel looks at Levi his hands are glowing with a gray aura in the shape of a blade. His club had been cut clean through. "What the hell did you do" Gajeel asks stunned. "Scalpel Slicer, my medicinal magic and that's not all I can do" Levi says. "I'm not finished yet" Gajeel says powering up. The entire studio begins to shake and a pebble hits Levy and her eyes flutter open. "I have to get out of here . . . I have to make it back to Gajeel . . . but I'm not strong enough" Levy starts to cry. All of a sudden the shaking becomes violent and a bag of pills fall off of Levi's desk and hit the floor. "Experimental Magic Enhancer" Levy reads. "If I can reach those maybe I could free myself" Levy ponders to herself. She closes her eyes and focus all the strength she can muster together for her final move to save her and her children's lives. 



1. That reveal though :O? How do you feel?

2. Is it right that the parents treated Levi the way they did? Is it right that he takes it out on Levy? How do you feel towards Levi now?

3. Who do you think should raise the babies? Will Gajeel be able to stand up against Levi's medicinal magic?

4. What was your favorite part of this chapter?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sound off in the comments below~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now