A Means to an End

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"MOVE MOVE MOVE . . . Get the MRM, 100 milligrams of Xerodium, and the defibriliator; HURRY" the doctor screams. Gajeel stands there watching them move paralyzed in fear at the noise of the heart monitor. The nurses pass him up but he doesn't move . . . he doesn't know how to do so. "CLEAR" the Doctors says using the defibrillator. Her body jolts but the flat-line sound is still present and ringing in Gajeel's ear. "Shes dead . . . she . . . shes . . . DEAD" Gajeel screams out heartbroken. The scream of anguish sends chills down everyone's spine. The babies begin to cry after hearing their father's scream and the nurse tries to calm them down. "PLEASE REMOVE THEM FROM THE ROOM . . . WE WILL DO EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO SAVE YOUR WIFE . . . PLEASE BELIEVE IN US" the doctors yells back to me. The moves grabs my arm and the other nurses push the twins in their clear bassinets and they take us out the room and the nurse takes them in the opposite direction of the other nurse and I and she looks at me with passion in her eyes. "You need to know what is really going on" the nurse states boldly.

Gajeel stares at with blurred vision from the tears swelling in his eyes but he doesn't let them fall. The nurse takes his hand and she is looking directly into his eyes. "Listen to me Mr. Redfox I'm going to tell you the truth okay . . . you let me know when you are ready okay?" the nurse proclaims in soothing tone. "I'm ready" Gajeel says with a shaky voice. "You're wife is going to die if we don't do something quick . . . Whatever she was sliced with had some kind of poison infused in it and it is some of the most toxic stuff we at this hospital have ever seen. It was meant to kill her . . . its a miracle we were able to say the twins but this is nearly impossible for us" the nurse explains with sympathy. "So is she going to die" Gajeel asks. "We have called in a mage doctor because we are limited when it comes to mages so please allow the specialist to come and check her out. We will prolong her life until she gets here" the nurse continues. Gajeel nods unable to speak anymore. "You're friends are in the waiting room so please let them know the children have been born and that we are doing our best for Mrs. McGarden" the nurse states. "Mrs. Redfox . . . as soon as she gets out of here; I won't miss the opportunity again" Gajeel declares. She smiles at him and goes back into the room where Levy is.

Gajeel enters the room and everyone stands up silent waiting for the news. "The twins are here but Levy flat-lined and they are doing everything in their power to save her" Gajeel says. Lucy begins to cry and Natsu pulls her into a hug. "Juvia doesn't understand" Juvia says tearing up and Gray pulls her into his embrace. "They are checking the twins out now . . . getting them all cleaned up and I should be able to see them soon" Gajeel continues. Gajeel sits down and everyone follows suit and sits as well waiting for the nurse. After five minutes Gajeel is standing again and he is pacing back and forth. There's a knock at the door and it opens and Porlyusica enters the room. Everyone is stunned to see her and Gajeel goes directly to her grabbing her collar and looking directly in her eyes. She looks back at him and she can see the hurt in his eyes. She takes her hands and removes them from her collar and fixes her clothes back. "I'll do everything in my power to save her you brat . . . sit back and be with your children" Porlyusica says to him. She walks back out the room; and everyone stands bombarding Gajeel with questions of why she is here. "Whatever Levi cut her with was some of the most vile poison this hospital has ever seen and because they aren't mages there is a limit to what they can do" Gajeel explains. After saying Levi's name he begins to recall the entire tragedy and his anger flares up in him. "I'm going to step out for a minute please watch out for the nurse regarding the babies" Gajeel says walking towards the exit of the waiting room. "We will Metalhead" Natsu says giving him a thumbs up. Gajeel smiles and walks out the door and his entire demeanor changes in a split second. "Levi if she dies so do you" Gajeel growls begins walking toward Levi's room.

Gajeel makes it to the floor Levi is being kept on and and he arrives at Levi's section and it is completely empty. No security, no hospital staff, no anything. He walks over to the roster and it has all the patient's rooms listed. Gajeel scans the list until he finds Levi's name and he begins walking in the direction of the Levi's room. He stops at the door conflicted on what he wants to say and do. "Does this sick bastard have any remorse . . . Levy did nothing to him but be related to him. I could kill him for what he's done to you Levy. He deserves a painful death . . . a merciless death for doing this to you . . . to me . . . to our family. He will pay Levy . . . I'll make sure of that" Gajeel states to Levy hoping it reaches her. Gajeel reaches for the handle and tries to open it but the door is locked. He tries harder and still nothing. Levy's smiling face appears in his mind and the look she is giving him is the face of reconciliation and forgiveness. It screams you know this isn't right and vengeance isn't the answer. Gajeel releases the handle and walks out the section headed back for his kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now