A Little Vacation

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Chapter 19 - A Little Vacation

The crowd erupts at the man declaration; they are cheering and chanting. "All hail the new queen" the crowd repeats over and over. "I Feebus the royal ambassador, will facilitate her rise to power; now silence even one . . . our new queen will now address us" Feebus declares. He walks over to Juvia and pulls her hand and drags her to the front of the stage and walks in back of her to give her all the spotlight. "Ummmmmm . . . Hello everyone Juvia is very happy her and her friends were able to rid you of Queen Mizuchi but I cannot be your queen, Juvia doesn't know how to rule so Juvia is very sorry but I can't be your queen" Juvia admits. Feebus runs in front of Juvia and begins talking "Our queen is obviously very tired from a strenuous battle and she needs much rest, I will make an official statement for her later; please go back to your normal duties" Feebus instructs. The crowd begins to leave and Feebus lets out a sigh of relief, "Queen Juvia and friends please come me" Feebus asks. "Okay" Juvia replies; they begin walking with Feebus and Lucy leans in and whispers to Juvia "Tis such an honor to be in your presence your majesty". "Knock it off" Juvia says laughing with Lucy. "This is really an honor Juvia" Erza declares proudly. Juvia blushes of embarrassment; "Here we are this is your carriage; we will be riding to the Royal palace . . . it hasn't been used ever so I hope it's to your liking" Feebus says. Gray helps Juvia up and everyone else climbs in; the carriage has four of the most beautiful horses pulling it. "I use to have horses like this when I was growing up" Lucy exclaims remembering happier times. "You better keep your pants on now block head your royalty now" Natsu laughs. Gray has his elbow propped up on the arm rest and he has his hand on his head and his eyes closed. "You hear me, quit ignoring me" Natsu yells. "Shut up before I have you beheaded" Gray says smiling dragging his thumb across his neck. "You wanna go" Natsu shouts. "Natsu" Lucy says in stern tone. "You better be" Natsu says laying his head on Lucy's lap. She runs her fingers through his hair and everyone begins laughing. The carriage stop and Feebus hops out of the carriage. "Everyone we are here please follow me to the conference room" Feebus says; everyone gets out and they walk to the doors of the palace and there are attendants. "Welcome" the attendants says in unison opening the doors. Juvia walks inside with everyone behind her and she is astounded on how beautiful it is and enormous. Jewels, chandeliers, spiral stairs, huge windows, butlers, maids . . . it was beautiful. "This is where you all will be residing, come" Feebus says motioning with his hand. We follow him and we reach the conference room and we all take a seat and Feebus begins talking "Well thank you all for coming, as a direct descendant of Queen Mizuchi it is mandate that you become our new queen . . . you and whomever you choose will live with you and you will reign supreme. There a variety of duties you will need to perform but with the proper training I know you be up for the job". "Ummm wait just a sec, Juvia can't be a queen . . . I must return to Fiore and Fairy Tail with my beloved and my friends" Juvia explains. "No problem they can reside her with you and of course you beloved will reign as King" Feebus continues. Juvia starts to get a headache because Feebus is not understanding that she doesn't want to reign. "I am in quite the predicament, without a queen to rule this country it will surely fall to ruin; we need a ruler please don't let us perish" Feebus says. Juvia headache has become much worse because of this situation; Juvia doesn't feel like she is fit to be a queen but she cannot let her homeland fall to ruin. Everyone is looking at her waiting for her answer, she looks to Gray and he smiles and nods his head giving Juvia confirmation on what she should do. "Juvia accepts, I will become the queen of this country" Juvia declares. Her friends all smile at her bravery and they are all proud of her. "Well Queen Juvia and King Gray please follow the maid to your quarters so you may get dressed for the coronation" Feebus commands proudly. "See Natsu I told you it was smart to bring your suit" Lucy brags." As long as they have food I don't care" Natsu proclaims. "The coronation is set up already; are you sure about this Gray-sama" Juvia says. "Hell yeah, let's go become royalty" Gray says.

Everyone has been showed to their private changing quarters; "Juvia can't believe this is happening! She lost her father, her grandmother, and now this is the queen of a country . . . all in the same day" Juvia says to Gray. "Let's give this a week babe and if you don't like it then we will figure something out and make our way back to Fiore" Gray replies. "Okay Gray-Sama" Juvia says dropping a tear; "don't cry my queen" Gray says coming up to Juvia and hugging her. "You look beautiful" Gray whispers to her. They stay latched onto each other until there's a knock on the door, it startles them; "Who is it" Gray hollers. "I'm sorry to bother you King Gray but the coronation begins in twenty minutes, I was sent to retrieve you both" a maid answers back. "Okay just a second" Gray says. He looks at Juvia and extends his hand to Juvia and she grabs it tightly and they walk to the door. Let's do this Gray says; he looks at Juvia's face and he sees the worry in her face. "It's going to be fine" Gray promises. When Juvia hears those words she feels as a weight has been lifted off her. He was truly her king. . . They arrive to the coronation area and the countries elite are all sitting down and Juvia gets even more nervous. Lucy and Erza are standing on the left and Natsu and Jellal on the right in beautiful yukatas and Feebus is in the middle of them. Juvia is feeling a million and one butterflies in the pit of her stomach. When Gray and Juvia walk down the middle of the two columns of aisles all eyes are on them. "The new queen is flawless" a man says; "look at her suitor he is so handsome" another woman says. "Love rival" Juvia says in her mind continuing to walk. They are now on the stage with Feebus and everyone else and they are facing the audience. "Hello all esteemed guests, through sheer perseverance we made it through and have prospered as a society. The reign of Queen Mizuchi has ended and a new era is beginning, the royal lineage has not ended there. There is another Lockser that will take her spot and will reign supreme!" Feebus expresses to the guests. Feebus turns to Gray and I and begins speaking again "Juvia Lockser do you accept do you accept your birth right as the next queen?" Feebus says. "I do" Juvia says proudly. "Gray as Juvia's suitor do you vow to do everything in your power to support her in ruling this country and become the next king?" Feebus asks. "I do" Gray declares with equal enthusiasm. "Lucy, Erza, Jellal, and Natsu for standing as witnesses to this beautiful ceremony of the new age you are now asked by the people of Itsukushima to be Governors of this country . . . Do you accept?" They are look at each other and nod "Yes we do" they all say in unison. Wonderful, well with the power invested in me as Royal Ambassador I present to you all Queen Juvia Lockser and king Gray Fullbuster.

The place erupts in applause and Gray and Juvia wave to the crowd; "the royal feast will take place in the dining hall please stay seated and the king and queen and governors exit the room" Feebus announces. Juvia, Gray and their friends exit and are led to the dining hall and it equally huge. The attendants pull out their chairs and they are seated. "Woahhh so fancy" Lucy says bumping shoulders with Juvia. Juvia blushes; "so how does it feel to be a ruler of a country" Erza asks playfully. "Juvia feel the same way I felt ten minutes ago" Juvia laughs. "Gray where's your shirt" Lucy asks. "Dammit" Gray says flustered; "Attendant" Juvia calls out. "Yes my queen" the attendant replies; "Please fetch the king a shirt" Juvia commands. "Yes my queen" the attendant says running. "Okay Juvia has to say that was very cool" Juvia admits. The guest begin flooding in one at a time and they all come in and shake Juvia and Gray's hands. Dinner is served and it is elegant to say the least; beautifully prepared and plated. "Luce" Natsu whispers to her; "Huhh" Lucy says. "Can I steal you away for a second" Natsu asks politely. "You may" Lucy says chuckling a little; please excuse us Lucy says standing up taking Natsu's hand. Natsu leads Lucy out the back of the palace onto the private beach. "Natsu what is this about" Lucy asks. "I'm sorry Lucy . . . but you need to know" Natsu says in a sad tone.


1. How did you feel about Gray's overall support of Juvia this chapter

2. The coronation? How did it make you feel?

3. Natsu has a secret? What the hell is it? 

4. How was the chapter overall?


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