The Return

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The sunlight creeps through Lucy and Natsu's room window and Lucy is already up packing their things. "Lucy what are you doing up so early" Natsu sits up yawning. "Erza called this morning on the communication lacrima . . . we are going home" Lucy replies sadly. What . . . Why . . . ? Natsu asks confused; "Because Erza and Jellal are the new masters and I need to go home and pick up my pills from Dr. Hoshitori" Lucy says. Lucy zips on the suitcase and lays over it and lets out an enormous sigh of exhaustion. Natsu gets out the bed and extends his hand to her; Come on babe, we can always come back . . . Juvia and Gray do rule this place" Natsu reminds. "You're right" Lucy taking his hand. They finish packing and Natsu grabs the suitcases; let's go see how Gray and Juvia are doing. A knock on the bathroom could barely be heard through all the sickness going on inside. "Gray-sama I'm fine . . . just the stomach flu . . . We are going home today so Wendy will be able to make me fresh potions or just perform healing magic . . . Just pack us up . . Arghhhhhh" Juvia says throwing up again. "Alright babe" Gray replies worried. He goes to pack up everything and he hears a knock at the door so he goes to open it. "Good Morning" Lucy sings coming in with Natsu on her side. "Good morning Lucy, Flame Brain" Gray sings in the same tone mocking Lucy. "You wanna go Ice Stripper" Natsu yells. "Natsuuuuuu" Lucy cuts her eyes at him, he sulks at stops instigating the fight; "where is Juvia" Lucy asks. "She been sick since yesterday and those potions that Erza gave me aren't helping her at all" Gray admits. Lucy hears the sounds of her vomiting and coughing and she goes to the door. "Are you okay my love" Lucy asks; "Yes I'll be out in a minute" Juvia says clearing her throat. Juvia gets up and opens the door and comes out with her hair frizzy and looking completely sick. See Juvia's okay no need to worry, Gray-sama where are the rest of the healing potions" Juvia says. "In the kitchen" Gray hollers still packing them up. "Is it really okay that you guys are leaving, you are the rulers you know" Natsu ask. "Well what is going to happen is we will rule from afar, Feebus will run things while we are away; He will run all policies through us and we will check in when we can" Gray explains. "Will Feebus be able to handle it alone" Lucy questions the idea. Juvia comes out the kitchen with more color in her cheeks and she looks a lot better; "Feebus will be fine . . . we called Mest and he is having the magic council come here in our absences to help Feebus" Juvia replies. "Oh that was smart" Lucy says. "Juvia is gonna miss this place but the chef is so fired, whatever I ate was so bad" Juvia complains. "I know right" Lucy says. "Oh my God, we are going to be so late . . . Erza and Jellal are waiting at the port" Lucy yells. "Oh shit" Gray says shoving things in the bag as fast as he can. "You're gonna get us killed" Natsu shouts grabbing extra stuff. They pack up as soon as they can and exit the room. They see Feebus on their way out of the palace. "Bye everyone, see you all soon" Feebus yells waving furiously. Bye Feebus, thank you for everything Juvia says waving back. They make it to the docks and Erza and Jellal are there loading their things up already. "You guys are late; I thought I was going to have to come back to the palace and come get you" Erza scolds. The gang shivers at the thought of Erza kicking their doors down and dragging them out by their hair. "Well let's get a move on, this adventure was fun and productive but it's time to get back home and get to work" Jellal adds. Everyone loads their luggage on and Lucy, Natsu, and Juvia take a stomach healing potion and they set to Fiore. "Fairy tail we will be home soon" Erza declares.

It has been almost two days and they can see the port of Fiore. "I'm so excited to be back home" Lucy squeals. "Juvia also can't wait to get some rest, I need to check in with Feebus and let him know that Juvia is home" Juvia says. "We just left" Gray sighs. "A queen's work is never done" Juvia says making everyone on the boat laughing. "Who's that standing at the port" Lucy says standing on her tippy toes to see the figure. As the boat draws near the port becomes clearer and Lucy can see her best friend and Gajeel standing at the port waving. "Levyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Lucy screams in a high pitch tone. "Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Levy says waving at an incredible speed. When the port pulls into Lucy waddles as fast as she can off the boat and almost tackles Levy. "Oh my goodness I have missed you so much" Lucy says with her cheek pressed against Levy's. "Awwwwww Lu I missed you too" Levy chuckles feeling loved; Erza and Juvia come off next running to Levy and hugging her. "What are you guys doing here, like what the hell has been going on" Levy says. "Long story we can tell you all about it over virgin margaritas" Lucy says. "Alcohol in mine" please Erza laughs. The boys are all grabbing the bags and Erza's cart off the boat. "Ayyy screws for brains come help us out" Natsu shouts. "Yeah Yeah whatever" Gajeel sighs. "He missed them so much, he's such a faker" Levy whispers to the girls; they all laugh and begin chatting. The boys get luggage off finally and the boat takes off. "Lucy, we are going to take all the stuff with us to the guild and have Mest teleport it to the houses later kay' . . . we wanna go start trouble at the guild and fight . . . can I go?" Natsu begs. Yes Natsu go Lucy replies chuckling. All the rest of the boys look at their loves and the girls all nod. "Yesssssss lets go fuck with Elfman" Gray laughs; "Yeahhhhh, then let's go get Jellal from Wendy" Jellal adds. "Yeah we can teach him about being a man" Natsu says digging out a wedgie. "No way, don't corrupt him and make him gross . . . Bring him to us" Lucy says. "If we're so gross then why do you girls love us" Jellal replies playfully. "Ummmmm . . . bad judgment" Erza laughs. "Juvia knows she wants me for my ass and assets" Gray says igniting laughter between the boys. Juvia rolls her eyes at Gray blushing a little. "Well if you guys think you such hot shit let's have a little bet shall we" Levy continues. "What kind of bet shrimp" Gajeel replies. "No sex" Levy says. The men's mouths falls; "Excuse me" Jellal says. "Let's find out who really wants who" Levy declares. "You're on" Gajeel walks to Levy shaking her hand. "Do you guys wanna get in on it" Levy looks to the girls. "No way" the girls say in unison. Gajeel looks towards the boys and they all shake their heads no. "What the fuck no one's gonna do it" Gajeel rages. "Well you can just forfeit and let me win" Levy says cutely. Gajeel lifts her chin and looks in her eyes and leans his head in to kiss her and his lips almost reach hers "NOPE" Gajeel yells. "C'mon we gotta go, have fun girls" Jellal says. The boys head to the guild leaving the girls to do whatever they want; "Let's go to my place and relax" Erza says. On the way there the girls tell Levy all about the events she had missed upon leaving. Lucy was engaged and was having a boy, Jellal Jr. was actually Jellal's son, Juvia was cursed with infidelity by her own ancestor. "Oh shit, I missed a lot" Levy says shocked. "Yes you did, it was crazy but we made it as usual" Lucy proclaims. "Oh my goodness, my couple of weeks have been so crazy too" Levy says starting with the twins.

"What happened to the twin . . . What about them?" Lucy shrieks. "Oh nothing bad, they've been kicking my ass is all . . . Oh and I know their sexes" Levy declares proudly. Everyone mouth drop and they stare at Levy. "OH MY GOD, WAS GAJEEL HAPPY? ARE YOU HAPPY, WHAT ARE THEY . . . TELL US NOW ARE" Juvia screams. "Nope I want it to be a surprise" Levy chuckles waddling faster making the girls chase her. "What the hell Levy don't tease us" Lucy scolds. "I know right, no fair" Erza laughs. "I'm six months, you can be patient for another three months" Levy laughs. "You guys better be so cute so it will be worth the wait" Lucy says rubbing Levy's round belly. "Speaking of kids, Lu are you excited for your lil man . . . do you have a name" Levy gushes. I do but Natsu and I aren't revealing it until the baby shower Lucy declares smiling widely. "And you talk about me being fair, so cruel Lu" Levy chuckles. They arrive to the home and the girls bow and extend their hands to the door and speak in unison "Your Majesty". "Hilarious" Juvia says rolling her eyes. They go in the house and sit down and Erza goes in the kitchen to start preparing the margaritas. "So how does it feel to the queen of a small country" Levy asks. "It feels strange to be honest, being pampered, and being viewed as royalty" Juvia replies. "Well the food must of been phenomenal" Levy says obviously hungry. "You must be hungry, you are eating for three . . . but the food was amazing but Juvia got sick of something" Lucy says. "Really Juvia, you poor baby . . . was it that bad" Levy questions. "It was, she was nonstop vomiting" Lucy continues. The girls are continuing conversation when Erza comes in with four margaritas. "Two virgins, and two regulars" Erza says sipping hers. Lucy and Levy grab theirs and begin slurping theirs down. "Juvia aren't you gonna drink it . . . I made it so good" Erza says. "Juvia cannot . . ." Juvia says looking down. "Why, are you still feeling sick . . . We could go see Wendy and she will fix you right up" Lucy asks concerned. Juvia looks at the girls, closes her eyes and breathes in deeply; when she opens her eyes she says three words that make everyone's mouths drop . . .

"Juvia is pregnant"


1. Are you happy the gang is home? Who was excited to see Levy and Gajeel?

2. Who gonna win the bet? Levy? or Gajeel?

3. Who the fuck is happy for JUVIA!? GRUVIA BABIES!!!!!!!!!!

4. How was the chapter this week?


True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now