Yes With All My Heart

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Chapter 20: Yes With All My Heart

Lucy's heart drops down into her stomach and she begins to feel sick to her stomach. "Natsu what the hell are you talking about" Lucy asks worried. Natsu looks at her with eyes full of sorrow and he begins stuttering "Luce I . . . I . . . rea." "Natsu just please fucking say whatever you're trying to say . . . its making me freak out" Lucy shouts startling Natsu. "Okay Luce I'm just going to go ahead and say it" Natsu says. "Is it bad" Lucy asks full of concern. Lucy heart is pounding a million beats a minute and her breathing is beginning to grow heavier as the conversation continues. "Yes it bad Luce; I'm so sorry please don't hate me" Natsu pleads. "Just say it please" Lucy exclaims cringing and readying herself for anything he might say. "Okay . . . We almost missed the epic firework show" Natsu declares smiling widely. Lucy lowers her head and doesn't speak. "Babe?" Natsu calls out. No reply comes from Lucy and Natsu begins getting scared. Natsu runs over to her and her eyes are closed, and he can't feel breath coming from her mouth or nose. "Lucyyyyyyyyyyyy" Natsu begins screaming beginning to panic. Natsu begins shaking her trying to get her to regain consciousness; "Please Luce talk to me" Natsu cries. "I ought to kill you" Lucy answers opening her eyes. "Oh shit; babe what the fuck you scared me" Natsu says startled. "Good, serves you right for fucking playing me with you asshole" Lucy says punching Natsu in the arm. "Ouchhhh Luce, I'm sorry . . . it was just a joke" Natsu whines poking out his bottom lip. "Don't you dare Natsu Dragneel; that was so mean" Lucy protests. "You don't wuv me no more" Natsu asks in a baby voice. "Nooooooo" Lucy says sticking her tongue out and turning her head to ignore him. Natsu pokes her in her side repeatedly; "Stoppppppppppppppp" Lucy turns around laughing. Natsu pokes out his lips and Lucy leans in a kisses him and they begins kissing passionately, their tongues exploring each other's mouths in synchronization. The first firework explodes in the sky and they stop kissing. "The show, come on" Natsu says pulling Lucy's hand and dragging her to the end of the balcony. "Ohhh so pretty; there are so close to the moon . . . Natsu it's gorgeous" Lucy says leaning her head on Natsu's shoulder. "Babe watch the finale let me go grab something I'll be right back" Natsu says walking behind Lucy. Lucy begins looking at the finale and it's gorgeous but it begins to form words. "Wow, its spelling something . . T . . U . . R . . N . . A . . R . . O . . U . . N . . D . . Turn Around . . What the hell" Lucy says turning around. When Lucy turns around she is looking at Natsu and he is on one knee with holding a box with an exquisite ring inside. On the ground there the words "Will you marry me" are spelled out in fire. "Oh my God . . ." Lucy says tearing up. This was a fairytale come true, she couldn't believe that he was actually doing this. "How much long do you want me to stay on the floor; so will ya" Natsu asks chuckling. "Yes I will marry you" Lucy says bursting out in tears. Natsu runs to her and scoops her up in his embrace and kisses her. Erza and Juvia runs busting through the balcony door balling their eyes out. "That was so sweet Juvia can't control her emotions" Juvia cries. "Natsu you did so well, I'm so proud of you . . . I'm so happy" Erza declares proudly. "Sheesh" Gray walks in rubbing his head. Jellal walks in behind him "Lucy you don't know how hard to keep them from telling you, we had our work cut out for us" Jellal laughs. "You guys know and didn't tell me" Lucy asks still crying. They all nod innocently. "Luce it's okay, you can stop crying now" Natsu says. "I want too but my hormones won't let me" Lucy says sobbing still. Natsu kisses her on her forehead; "Well this enough excitement for tonight, we are going to head off to bed" Natsu declares. Everyone exchanges their goodbyes and everyone heads to their own rooms. Natsu is carrying Lucy to their room and he looks at Lucy and she's sleep; "I love you Lucy Dragneel".

Lucy awakens from her sleep and she's in the bed alone and the love of her life and fiancé Natsu Dragneel is nowhere to be found. It's been a week since he proposed to her. "I can't believe that we are engaged to be married" Lucy says to herself. Who in the world would have thought they would have ended up together? "It amazing that the immature kid she met 7 years ago is now the love of her life and has matured so much" Lucy says. "Babe . . . Come here" Natsu calls after stepping out of the shower. Water is dripping down his toned body. "I'm coming babe" Lucy called; she goes over to him and kisses him on his neck and he picks her up and throws here on the bed and starts lifting her dress up. "Oh my God, this is my man, my future husband, and lastly he's all mine" Lucy thinks to herself. "Natsu this feels so good" Lucy moans. Natsu is biting and sucking on her neck. There's a knock at the door and Natsu gets up and goes to answer the door; "be right back babe, don't move okay" Natsu demands. "Don't move okay" Lucy mocks in a deep voice. Natsu opens the door and comes back to the room with an assortment of chocolate strawberries and some champagne. "Are these for me?" Lucy says blushing. "Yes they are" Natsu says. Lucy looks at the strawberries and they are beautifully decorated with white and chocolate and caramel drizzle. "Let me show you how appreciative I am" Lucy declares seductively. Lucy pushes Natsu on the bed; "Babe what are you doing" Natsu asks. "I'm going to show you how appreciative I can be, now shut up and let me rock your world" Lucy whispers. Lucy goes over to her suitcase and takes out a blind fold and walks over to Natsu and ties it on so he can't see. "Take off your shirt" Lucy says. Natsu does as he's told; he lays back on the pillow waiting for his future wife. Everything goes deathly silent and Lucy drops undresses complete and she gets on the bed and straddles Natsu. Natsu feels her bare ass on his chest; Lucy runs a chocolate strawberry across his lip and he bites it leaving chocolate on his lip. Lucy kisses him and sucks the chocolate off his bottom lip. His muscle tense up and his erection is bulging in his pants. Natsu lets a deep moan escapes from his throat. "You like that baby" Lucy asks seductively. "Mmmhmmm" Natsu replies. "Open your mouth" Lucy says; Natsu opens his mouth and Lucy pours champagne in his mouth. He gulps it down "More" Natsu demands; Later babe I promise Lucy replies. She get off of him and begins to trail fingers from his head down his face; she gets to his neck and runs her fingers down his chest then six pack until she reaches his pants. She yanks his pants off and his erection spring up. "Standing tall for me huh" Lucy says. Natsu chuckles; Lucy comes close to it and blows on it! Natsu squirms under the feeling of her breathe; she then begins planting kisses from the bottom of his erection to the head. "Fuck Luceeee" Natsu moans gritting his teeth together. Lucy grabs his erection and begins rotating her fingers in a circular motions. "Ughhhhhhhhhh babe" Natsu says. Natsu's dick become rock hard and she begins stroking it up and down! "Faster babe" Natsu begs as it begins to throb in her hand. Lucy begins going faster and his dick is twitching repeatedly in between her fingers as she she strokes. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck ya babe faster" Natsu says thrusting his hips up and down. "Lucyyyy, Flame brain open up" Gray shouts from outside their room. "Dammit Gray's here I gotta go see what he wants" Lucy says. "Nooooo fuck him, ignore him" Natsu exclaims. "Natsu Dragneel" Lucy scolds; "Lucy Dragneel come over here and finish what you started" Natsu demands. "Two seconds" Lucy says grabbing a robe from the closet and tiptoeing out the room. Lucy opens the door and Gray begins speaking "I'm sorry to interrupt but would you happen to have any vials of Wendy's healing potions". "No I don't Erza has the rest; why what is wrong?" Lucy asks full of concern. "Oh nothing serious, Juvia had some bad food at the dinner . . . I'm going to go ask Erza . . . I'll see you tomorrow" Gray says walking away. "Okay then tell Juvia I hope she feels better" Lucy says shutting the door. "Mmmmkay; now where is Erza and Jellal's room" Gray says scratching his head

Jellal is brushing his teeth and Erza is lying in bed. "Babe, so how was bonding with your son" Erza asks. "It was awesome, he is such a good kid, and I know you're going to love him Erza" Jellal declares proudly. "He definitely gets the intelligence from you" Erza says rolling her eyes. "Be nice" Jellal replies; "YEAH YEAH" Erza exclaims. "If you must know I haven't seen Meldy; she had some appointment to be on so dropped him off to me and left" Jellal admits. "What the hell? Who did you leave him with?" Erza yells in shock. "He's with Wendy, he loves her, and Charle and Happy they spoil him rotten" Jellal laughs. "Oh what relief, I thought you left him with Cana or Elfman" Erza declares having a vision of Cana giving him booze and Elfman teaching him to be a man; she shivers even thinking about it. "ERZAAAAAA, JELLAL" Gray shouts knocking. "Coming" Erza shouts running to answer the door. Erza opens the door and sees Gray looking annoyed; "You know how many fucking rooms this place has Gray says coming in Erza and Jellal's room and flopping on the couch". Erza laughs "Yes it is so beautiful here and indeed it is huge; not that I mind you visiting but did you need something" Erza wonders. "Oh yeah, Juvia is really nauseous and she wants to know if you still have any potions from Wendy" Gray replies. "Oh yeah, I do here" Erza says getting them from her cart. "Thanks; see you guys tomorrow" Gray says getting up and leaving. "Send her our love" Jellal says. Erza shuts the door and flops on the couch "I wish we could stay here forever but the threat of Acnologia is still looming over our heads, we must return to the guild soon, we've been here over a week" Erza says. "You're right but another week couldn't hurt" Jellal says. His communication lacrima starts ringing; Jellal runs into the room to answer it.

"Hey Wendy what's up" Jellal says

"Hey Jellal I was just checking in; How are things?" Wendy asks.

"Everything is good, the demons defeated, everyone is safe; How Jellal?" Jellal replies.

"That's great, miss you guys can't wait to see you" Wendy proclaims

"Miss you guys too, we are leaving tomorrow" Jellal says

"Yes please, shirking responsibilities isn't good Masters" Mirajane sings

Erza walks in the room hearing her guild mates; "We left it in capable hands" Erza answers

"We will see you all soon" Jellal says hanging up

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm going to miss this relaxation" Erza sighs flopping on the couch. "We can always come back Juvia's a queen" Jellal declares flopping on the couch. They lay there drifting off to sleep before their long trip back to reality.


1. The engagement? How fucking cute was that?

2. Who thinks Mrs. Dragneel needs to get the hell back to finishing what she started with Mr. Dragneel [;?

3. Whose happy Erza got them potion and her cart? Are you sad that they are leaving the island?

4. How was the chapter this week?


True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now