Where The Hell Is She?

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Chapter 27: Where the hell is she?

Erza, Lucy, and Juvia arrive at the street where they go their separate way. "Bye girls, I'll call you later" Lucy says cheerfully. "Bye Lucy, tell Natsu I said Hi" Juvia yells waving off her friends. Erza begins walking to the council meeting. When she arrives in front of the building she enters and goes through the security check. "Right this way Ms. Scarlet; they are waiting on you" the female Attendant says. She leads Erza to the door and opens it and Jellal is sitting down by her chair. Erza comes in quietly and sits in her seat and nods to each of the members of them. "Nice of you to show your face Ms. Scarlet, tardiness is not polite" Gran Doma says. "My apologies, I got held up with Guild business" Erza replies promptly. "Let us begin" Jellal speaks up and smiles at his fiancé. Erza smirks at him and then put her full focus on the speak Gran Doma. "Well I called you all to discuss the threat of the world's most formidable enemy . . . the Acnologia" Gran Doma speaks. "Acnologia is not the most formidable threat . . . the Dark Wizard Zeref is" Sage Shama interrupts. "The Black Wizard Zeref hasn't made any moves in the last year and his worshippers are remaining stagnant so at this point his is not relevant" Gran Doma corrects. "So what about Acnologia and why did you request the presence of our Guild's masters" Erza questions. "Well the reason I requested Fairy Tail's presence is because your guild has encountered the Acnologia before and you may be of aide to our plight!" Gran Doma explains. "We were completely annihilated by the monster and frozen in time for seven years to prevent our deaths; how insensitive can you be?" Erza shouts. "We need Fairy Tail's help, this threat is bigger than your guild . . . he causes a threat to Fiore, better yet . . . the world" Gran Doma yells back. I will not endanger my guild for a non-existent threat, the Acnologia has not been seen recently. When the threat becomes imminent Fairy Tail will step in but until then I will not be a part of this; Jellal we are leaving" Erza says. Jellal gets up and extends his hand to Erza. Erza takes his hand and they walk to the door to exit. "Will you walk out even if your family are the ones in danger" Gran Doma asks. "The Acnologia goes for anyone who stand in his way" Jellal says. "You will be back, our resources say that the Acnologia is gunning for your guild" Gran Doma admits. "Well when that happens we will deal with it like every other foe" Erza says grabbing Jellal's hand and walking out of the council room.

The couple arrive home after the exhausting meeting and they sit on the couch and begin reflecting on the meeting. "I don't know Jellal, maybe Gran Doma's words held some truth to them" Erza worries. "I'll tell you like you told him, we will deal with it when the time comes if it ever comes" Jellal replies. "Thank you Jellal, I guess we should be heading out to pick up Jellal Jr." Erza declares standing up. "I already called Wendy, he going to spend the night there tonight and we'll go get him in the morning" Jellal answers. "This opens up another topic of conversation I've been meaning to have with you" Erza admits. "Uh Oh, Queen Titania am I in trouble" Jellal teases. "Not yet but the night is still young" Erza flirts. "Well why don't I get dinner started and then we can cause trouble because I'm starving" Jellal laughs. "Sounds like a plan" Erza says sitting back on the couch and opening an armor magazine. Jellal goes into the kitchen and starts to whip dinner up. After an hour he calls Erza to the dining room to eat. After they finish eating they clear the table and head to the living room. "Babe the dinner was fantastic; Thank you" Jellal says smiling at his beautiful fiancé. "Thank you my love" Erza declares proudly kissing her fiancé on the forehead walking out of the dining room. Jellal's eyes are glued on to his wife and how she moves. Every step she takes is beautiful and intricate. He can't keep his eyes off her body. "Babe . . . Babe . . . Did you hear me" Erza is almost shouting. Jellal snapping out of his trance looks her; "What?" Jellal asks. "I asked if you could help me out of this dress the zipper is stuck and I don't want to rip it" Erza explains. "Okay I'm coming" Jellal groans getting out of his chair to help. When he makes it over to her she stands up and turns her back to him and he takes the zipper and begins to maneuver it. Her aroma hits his nose and it's truly intoxicating. He can smell lavender and vanilla radiating off her body and her hair is curled beautifully. Jellal continues unzip her dress and he reach her backside and it looks so amazing in the dress that Jellal can't help but stare. Erza take her dress off her shoulders and its hanging out her waist. Jellal cheeks begin to heat and he plants a kiss on her neck. "What are you doing" Erza chuckles a little. She leans her head to the side so he can continue kissing her neck. "I want you now" Jellal says in between the kisses. "Then take me" Erza whispers seductively. That was all Jellal needed to continue with his assault on her body. He backs her up into a wall and pulls down her dress and underwear. "Ohhhh Jellal" Erza moans. He slaps her bare bottom making her scream out in pleasure. The sting of the slap sending waves through Erza's body. He undoes her bra and he grips her breast from behind and his erection grows. He massages her nipples pulling and tugging on them; "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Erza screams. Jellal stops and takes his hands goes under Erza ass and eases his finger into her. She moans his name and he eases another finger into her. Her body is building and she's quivering with anticipation. He begins thrusting into her furiously and she moves her hips to the motion of his fingers. "JELLAL PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Erza shouts. He slows down the pace antagonizing and teasing her. "JELLAL PLEASE FUCK ME NOW" Erza says breathing heavily. "As you wish, on your knees and bend over" Jellal commands forcefully. Erza does as she's told and bends over. Jellal drops to his knees and positions himself behind her and slams into her filling her. He doesn't move; her body is clenching around his erection. He eases out and she winces in pain. "MORE JELLAL . . . UGHHHHHH" Erza yells. He begins slamming into her and she's screaming at the top of her lungs for more. He going faster and faster each and every time. "Jellal I'm . . . CUMMING" Erza says trying to catch her breath. "He rides out her erection; her muscles clenching and contracting causing him to release also. "ERZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Jellal shouts finishing and coming down from his climax. "I love you Erza" Jellal whispers; "And I you" Erza says.

Erza rolls over and looks at Jellal and then the clock. "Wow 3:27am" Erza yawns getting out of the bed and heading to the bathroom. On her way down the hall Erza hearing banging out the door and muffled shouting. Erza quickly requips her sword and heads to the door. When she gets to the door she recognizes the voice and opens to door. Gajeel falls to the floor and gets up immediately and he has a panicked look on his face. "Gajeel what the hell are you doing here at three o'clock in the morning; you know we have Jellal Jr here" Erza scolds. "Erza she's gone; where the hell is she?" Gajeel yells. "WHAT! Who is gone? Start from the beginning Gajeel" Erza replies panicking! Gajeel composes himself and tries to speak clearly so that Erza can understand him. "When we got home from the mission I went out to the outskirts of town to clear my head before going home and talking to Levy. When I finally gathered all my thoughts together I went home. When I got there Levy was nowhere to be found; the house was a mess, her books were all on the shelves, no food, no anything. So I waited just in case she was out but once midnight hit I knew something was wrong" Gajeel explains in detail. Gajeel we will search the whole entire continent for her . . . even the world if we have too; I'll wake Jellal, alert the council, and call everyone so we can find her together. "Erza if something happened to her and the twins I . . . I" Gajeel's voice quivers. "STOP IT! YOU STOP TALKING LIKE THAT RIGHT NOW! THEY ARE FINE AND WE ARE GOING TO FIND THEM! YOU GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF NOW" Erza shouts making him snap out of his worried trance. Erza goes up the stairs and wakes Jellal and begins to make phone calls to everyone and prompting them to come to her house as soon as possible! Once everyone arrives they begin talking about where everyone will search. "I think we should all head to the pregnancy yoga studio that's the last place we seen her" Juvia declares. Lucy is consoling Gajeel trying to hold it together her own self. Everyone agrees and they leave! When they arrive to the pregnancy yoga studio it is closed. "I see a number . . . let's try to call it and ask the instructor if she stayed any longer or if he knows anything" Gray says. Lucy takes out her communication lacrima and dials the number and someone picks up the phone!

"Hello" Lucy says.

"Levi speaking, how may I help you" Levi replies.

"Hi again, this is Lucy! I took your class earlier today and I was with my friend Levy! She had blue hair I don't know if you remember her" Lucy asks.

"Oh yes she stayed for another session" Levi declares.

"I was wondering if she said where she was going afterwards when the session was over" Lucy inquires.

"No she didn't, I'm so sorry I can't be of more help" Levi says.

"Oh its fine, she's probably still out but thanks for your help Levi" Lucy proclaims cheerfully.

"I hope you find Ms. McGarden soon" Levi says and hangs up.

Levy awakens to the sound of someone cussing. He hands are bound and she is hanging from the wall. Her feet are cold and not touching the ground. She recalls what Levi has done to her and begins to scream, "HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! I TRAPPED HELP". Levi comes in the room and begins laughing. "No one is out at this time at night. No one can hear you and no one is coming for you" Levi replies to cry for help with malice in his voice. Levy fights back tears but they begin streaming down her face. Levi walks over to Levy and stares directly into her eyes. "Shhhhhhhhh I'm here and I'm going to take care of you I promise" Levi says. He licks her cheek wiping her tears away; "Now let's have some fun"



1. Does Fairy Tail stand a chance against the Acnologia? Why or why not?

2. Will Jellal and Erza be able to use Lumen Histoire knowing it will kill the master?

3. Will Gajeel make it in time to save his shrimp . . . his Levy? Will Lucy see through Levi's lies?

4. How was this chapter? *Jerza Lemon nosebleed* *prays to the animu Gods for someone to draw this and it be adapted into a OVA*

True Love Never Dies (Doragonkuronikuru: Book #1) [NaLu, Gruvia, GaLe, Jerza Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now